Nobel Prize Laureates (Jew vs Muslim)

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Some Hadith? You just cropped my reply using a Muslim Innovation. So please be quiet.

The Muslim world during it's Golden Age served an important role primarily in the transmission of earlier Greek and Indian works. Even Algorithms were based on earlier works. But don't you realise this Golden Age occurred nearly 1000 years ago and nothing much has come from that part of the world since (with the exception of Israel)


Suicidal men adore me.
The Muslim world during it's Golden Age served an important role primarily in the transmission of earlier Greek and Indian works. Even Algorithms were based on earlier works. But don't you realise this Golden Age occurred nearly 1000 years ago and nothing much has come from that part of the world since (with the exception of Israel)

I could go back 1000 years and showcases Somalis innovates sail boats for that time period but that does not justify why we haven't created anything meaningful since. Truth is Secularism and the separation from church and keeping religion personal is what has driven western countries to be at the forefront for innovation.

Without the renaissance they would more than likely be in the same boat as we.
The Muslim world during it's Golden Age served an important role primarily in the transmission of earlier Greek and Indian works. Even Algorithms were based on earlier works. But don't you realise this Golden Age occurred nearly 1000 years ago and nothing much has come from that part of the world since (with the exception of Israel)

Let me tell you something, you little bastard. The petrol in your car came from Iraq. Oil has come from that part of the World, and more of it is exploited from Muslim countries.


The Muslim world during it's Golden Age served an important role primarily in the transmission of earlier Greek and Indian works. Even Algorithms were based on earlier works. But don't you realise this Golden Age occurred nearly 1000 years ago and nothing much has come from that part of the world since (with the exception of Israel)
Warr naga aamus man. Do you actually think Muslims have not invented countless of things? Modern surgery, sociology and many other things? And contributed to Physics, Computer science, Astronomy, Mathematics? I can go on and on.
On top of that, we made the works of the ancient Greeks and Indians accessible to our contemporaries. Indians literally could not translate their ancient works themselves, they needed us to do that. It was Al-Fa'rabi and others who made the works of the Greeks understandable through his commentaries. Arabic was the language of learning at the time.

Wallahi you're literally pathetic. Not only are you bad mouthing us, you're discrediting us for the contributions we've made (that still has great influence in the modern world). Give credit where it's due, nacalaa ku yaal bakhti yho.
Let me tell you something, you little bastard. The petrol in your car came from Iraq. Oil has come from that part of the World, and more of it is exploited from Muslim countries.

And tell me who created the technology and infrastructure to extract that oil in the first place?

Warr naga aamus man. Do you actually think Muslims have not invented countless of things? Modern surgery, sociology and many other things? And contributed to Physics, Computer science, Astronomy, Mathematics? I can go on and on.
On top of that, we made the works of the ancient Greeks and Indians accessible to our contemporaries. Indians literally could not translate their ancient works themselves, they needed us to do that. It was Al-Fa'rabi and others who made the works of the Greeks understandable through his commentaries. Arabic was the language of learning at the time.

Wallahi you're literally pathetic. Not only are you bad mouthing us, you're discrediting us for the contributions we've made (that still has great influence in the modern world). Give credit where it's due, nacalaa ku yaal bakhti yho.

Saaxib I'll easily admit that the Muslim world was responsible for transmitting vital information that has influenced the world we live in today. However knowledge is built on from previous knowledge and the West has been responsible for most of the brick laying for the past 10 centuries. Doesn't it speak volumes that you have to go back centuries to see regular scientific achievements in the Muslim world whereas I can point to scientific progress being made in The West as we speak.


the West has been responsible for most of the brick laying for the past 10 centuries.
Kkkkkkkkk. The "West" were in Dark Ages pre 1400s. And even then it was only a few centuries later (Post 1600s, around Isaac Newton's time) that things really started to pick up.
Muslims are nonexistent in banking and finance, medicine and science , sports and entertainment and media. Also education nd higher learning.

I actually had a Muslim doctor before but I quickly changed it to a Jewish man and my health care experience has been much better. The Muslim doctor was unable to treat my teenage acne for years but the Jewish one did in just a few months. If you want quality, you go to a Jewish doctor, not a Karachi educated one.

I would only ask Muslims for their expertise in the Arab language and use them as spies. Thats it.
Even CNN recognise the contributions of Muslims.

This nigga is hella pathetic wallahi.
We are still inventing, contributing and educating, we have been doing so for over 12 centuries.

All these "Muslim inventions" date back to the middle ages what do you mean "over 12 centuries" can't you just admit there's now a problem, and that problem won't resolve itself by reminiscing over past achievements.

PS: 10 centuries was an exaggeration it was more like 5/6 centuries still doesn't detract from the main argument.


All these "Muslim inventions" date back to the middle ages what do you mean "over 12 centuries" can't you just admit there's now a problem, and that problem won't resolve itself by reminiscing over past achievements.

PS: 10 centuries was an exaggeration it was more like 5/6 centuries still doesn't detract from the main argument.
We've been contributing since 8th century sxb, until today.
Here's one of the big names that I can think of from the top of my head.

I know you get scared when you see their biographies. We had uncountable number of polymaths.


It's as though half of what I say flies over your maskax. The man died in 896 that's 1120 years ago for fucks sake.
I don't know why I didn't think of this very famous one, Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi born in 780. Some information about him (regarding his contributions)

Al-Khwārizmī's The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing presented the first systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations in Arabic. He is often considered one of the fathers of algebra.[5][6] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and astrology
I don't know why I didn't think of this very famous one, Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi born in 780. Some information about him (regarding his contributions)

Al-Khwārizmī's The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing presented the first systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations in Arabic. He is often considered one of the fathers of algebra.[5][6] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and astrology

Again, another
I don't know why I didn't think of this very famous one, Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi born in 780. Some information about him (regarding his contributions)

Al-Khwārizmī's The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing presented the first systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations in Arabic. He is often considered one of the fathers of algebra.[5][6] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and astrology

Sigh* I can do a better job than you at this. There's a Muslim Turk who received a Nobel Prize last year. But my thread wasn't asking that I'm asking you to provide an explanation for why the successes of Jews in science are so numerous and those of the Muslims so few in the modern world.
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