Nobel Prize Laureates (Jew vs Muslim)

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Again, another

Sigh* I can do a better job than you at this. There's a Muslim Turk who received a Nobel Prize last year. But my thread wasn't asking that I'm asking you to provide an explanation for why the successes of Jews in science are so numerous and those of the Muslims so few in the modern world.
They are not a few nacalaa ku yaal. Just because they did not win the "noble" prize for their contributions, it doesn't mean they've not made any.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.

Sura Al Baqarah

We are living in a time where European judeo-Christian world is running the world, every nation had their time. The victor writes the history, his story.

And He taught Adam the names – all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.” (Qur’an 2:31)
They are not a few nacalaa ku yaal. Just because they did not win the "noble" prize for their contributions, it doesn't mean they've not made any.

Saaxib, you're throwing out nacalas left, right and centre tonight. What's wrong did one of your daily lamb shawarmas give you the shits?
And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.

Sura Al Baqarah

We are living in a time where European judeo-Christian world is running the world, every nation had their time. The victor writes the history, his story.

And He taught Adam the names – all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.” (Qur’an 2:31)

To summarise you're saying the Ummah' is being tested in this day and age?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
To summarise you're saying the Ummah' is being tested in this day and age?
Masha Allah brother, you should revert to Islam waa billahi towfiq, I yearn to embrace you as my Muslim brother & eat with you from the same plate in sha Allah.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group in the world. The average IQ's of most Muslim nations are quite low. IQ is primarily determined by genetics.
I know you're trying to sound knowledgeable and all with your biblical Hebrew terms and all but(t) IQ doesn't measure intelligence. These claims you're making don't really do your IQ level any justice. The way IQ works is that it basically measures your overall concurrent academic skills and the way/or how you apply what you've garnered (some psychological shit)


As for this thread, I don't get it at all. I don't see the point you guys are trying to make.

China has a population of 1,376 billion yet has 9 Nobel laureates
India has a population of 1,311 billion yet has 10 Nobel laureates

Explain these since you some you caags in this thread seem to have found the correlation between religion and IQ

822 men and 48 women have been awarded with Nobel Prizes as of 2015
Now if I go by the logic of some of you guys in this thread, I could say women are inferior to men, no?

Nobel peace prize is won by the individual it isn't a ReligiOlympics or whatever you guys are trying to make it seem like

Like everything else in this world you won't really take your Nobel peace prize with you to your grave
Nor will it be one of three questions you'll be asked in your grave


Two simple reaaons, firstly the muslim world has been stagnant since 1600's when it comes to acquring knowlwdge, for various factors. Secondly the nobel laurates are heavily politicized.
I know you're trying to sound knowledgeable and all with your biblical Hebrew terms and all but(t) IQ doesn't measure intelligence. These claims you're making don't really do your IQ level any justice. The way IQ works is that it basically measures your overall concurrent academic skills and the way/or how you apply what you've garnered (some psychological shit)


As for this thread, I don't get it at all. I don't see the point you guys are trying to make.

China has a population of 1,376 billion yet has 9 Nobel laureates
India has a population of 1,311 billion yet has 10 Nobel laureates

Explain these since you some you caags in this thread seem to have found the correlation between religion and IQ

822 men and 48 women have been awarded with Nobel Prizes as of 2015
Now if I go by the logic of some of you guys in this thread, I could say women are inferior to men, no?

Nobel peace prize is won by the individual it isn't a ReligiOlympics or whatever you guys are trying to make it seem like

Like everything else in this world you won't really take your Nobel peace prize with you to your grave
Nor will it be one of three questions you'll be asked in your grave

Saaxib, I'm not saying religion is the sole factor but it is a factor nevertheless. There's also corruption, political instability which has dogged the M.E. alot more than Western Europe. From what I gather however you wish to absolve Islam from contributing to the stagnation we see up to this day.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Saaxib, I'm not saying religion is the sole factor but it is a factor nevertheless. There's also corruption, political instability which has dogged the M.E. alot more than Western Europe. From what I gather however you wish to absolve Islam from contributing to the stagnation we see up to this day.
Come off that, we both know that religion isn't a factor at all and that you just want to +1 the Theists with a vague statement. I will however wholeheartedly agree with you on the notion that corruption and political instability plays a huge role. You're right on that no doubt.

And in case you didn't know, it is obligatory upon Muslims (both males/and females) to seek knowledge.
Come off that, we both know that religion isn't a factor at all and that you just want to +1 the Theists with a vague statement. I will however wholeheartedly agree with you on the notion that corruption and political instability plays a huge role. You're right on that no doubt.

And in case you didn't know, it is obligatory upon Muslims (both males/and females) to seek knowledge.

When it says seek knowledge I wonder if Muhammad meant Alchemy or knowledge in the deen. Common sense tells me it's the latter and are you seriously suggesting Islam has no role to play whatsoever in the Muslim world's stagnation and current situation? And I do believe it does by the way so speak for your own feet saaxib, not mine.
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