Not gonna lie....

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Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Nah, that's too extreme. I eat other diary products, and have almond and soy milk. I'm a veggie, mostly, but I eat seafood. Rarely, I'll eat white-meat like turkey.

Lol, you read my mind. For some reason, I thought he was UK Somali.
Well, what's important is that you get your daily caloric intake and enough nutrients, being vegan or not doesn't really matter and although it would be better for the enviroment if we all stop eating meat but for that to happen it needs to be more of a social and political movement than modern veganism otherwise it's just a pretentious diet.

Also my nigga @ghost was always one of us, he's just there to report on current events in the demilitarized zone otherwise known as Qudhunham.
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Well, what's important is that you get your daily caloric intake and enough nutrients, being vegan or not doesn't really matter and although it would be better for the enviroment if we all stop eating meat but for that to happen it needs to be more of a social and political movement than modern veganism otherwise it's just a pretentious diet.

Also my nigga @ghost was always one of us, he's just there to report on current events in the demilitarized zone otherwise known as Qudhunham.

You'll have to excuse my 'Murican geographical blinders...I don't know where or wth that is :zhqjlmx:
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