Now I understand why fob Somali women bleach

How does this apply to the average Somali guy?

The problem with you as well as a lot of people on this site is that you all spend a ridiculous amount of your time browsing the internet and all the hateful content you come across becomes attached to your subconsciousness and after some time you forget the internet and the real world are two completely distinct places

All these fictional men you argue about don't exist in the real world and if they do they're a very loud minority

I never claimed that this applies to regular somali men. I don’t believe these sentiments are mainstream or that even all fobs think like this.

It’s not robots behind these accounts, it’s real people typing these things. It is real people who use the internet and have to come across their vile comments and posts denigrating somali women. There’s nothing wrong with discussing fobs internet behavior.

Many somali people are unemployed and they spend ALOT of time online. This will obviously affect them.

Social media is alot more powerful than you think and some of this will spill over into real life.
I really wish all these hideous colourists married Cadaan women, most of the time they are unattractive inside and out. They are lucky I don't want to post their pictures on here to prove this point.

The sad thing is, they find it hard to even attract Ajnabi women, and that's why they are being so bitter online. Such as the disgusting @mohammdov who is going to marry a 17 year old girl, because the miskeenad has to tolerate this animal, so that he may be able to pay her bills.

Enjoy Somalia's poverty, losers, because one day, future generations of Somali girls/women, will not be so willing to entertain bottom-barrel, foolxumo like yourselves. Only the top echelon of Somali men will get women.
I really wish all these hideous colourists married Cadaan women, most of the time they are unattractive inside and out. They are lucky I don't want to post their pictures on here to prove this point.

The sad thing is, they find it hard to even attract Ajnabi women, and that's why they are being so bitter online. Such as the disgusting @mohammdov who is going to marry a 17 year old girl, because the miskeenad has to tolerate this animal, so that he may be able to pay her bills.

Enjoy Somalia's poverty, losers, because one day, future generations of Somali girls/women, will not be so willing to entertain bottom-barrel, foolxumo like yourselves. Only the top echelon of Somali men will get women.
Cadan women aren’t checking for Somali men.. especially fobs. Their negrophilic sexual desires for the most part only include west/ central & descendants of slavery in the Americas.


I really wish all these hideous colourists married Cadaan women, most of the time they are unattractive inside and out. They are lucky I don't want to post their pictures on here to prove this point.

The sad thing is, they find it hard to even attract Ajnabi women, and that's why they are being so bitter online. Such as the disgusting @mohammdov who is going to marry a 17 year old girl, because the miskeenad has to tolerate this animal, so that he may be able to pay her bills.

Enjoy Somalia's poverty, losers, because one day, future generations of Somali girls/women, will not be so willing to entertain bottom-barrel, foolxumo like yourselves. Only the top echelon of Somali men will get women.
I'm not taking it seriously here and most of what I'm saying is just trolling. You don't know me in real life. If you knew me there, you wouldn't be talking like that. Even if you despise me because I am a fob, this is where I was born and I did not choose this. As for my marriage, I do not know what your problem with it I treat her the best way I can
And if you think I'm a misogynist I was almost killed once because I wanted to save my neighbor's wife, who was beating her always
If I hated women, I would let him beat her and listen to her scream all night long.
I hope you understand.
Cadan women aren’t checking for Somali men.. especially fobs. Their negrophilic sexual desires for the most part only include west/ central & descendants of slavery in the Americas.

They check for attractive Somali men, who are usually not the type to leave colourist comments online. I've realised long ago, that well-adjusted and eligible Somali men, move in silence. And the nasty ones, are the loudest and overly represented online, it's a shame.
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They check for attractive Somali men, who are usually not the type to leave colourist comments online. I've realised long ago, that well-adjusted and normal Somali men, move in silence. And the nasty ones, are the loudest and overly represented online, it's a shame.
Seriously, I’ve yet to see these type of guys irl, why make a whole thread about it?

@Laiss kulaha cadaan girls are not checking for us. Believe me when I tell you every type of girl is checking for us.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
You’re a 17 year old and a raging incel already… the state of young boys is actually concerning.
πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ age really can't buy common sense huh?
Incase you haven't guessed, I'm a practising Muslim, don't bring kuffar ideologies into the mix nayaa


When I say all men I mean this It's like this everywhere, Arabs, the rest of Africa, South Asia, everyone wants a white woman because European women are the epitome of beauty in this time
The reason is because the West controls the world.
You are making it seem like it is a Somali men problem when it is a global problem.
That's why women in these places whiten themselves so they impress men.
Arabs, the rest of Africa, South Asia, everyone wants white men. Nobody wants a Somali man. You should consider skin bleaching


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
So you are saying Somali men are responsible for Somali women bleaching
I'm saying if we're going to look at something and ppl with feministic tendencies want to blame the men, if we are indeed equal, shouldn't the women also be at blame? Or at least shouldn't men be susceptible and therfore be dealt with in an as understanding way as OP wants to treat women.

Feminist leaning ppl want to have their cake and eat it.

Aaaaand, btw many men today end up offing themselves due to this type of societal conditioning, the issue of being singled out for something, and being told they can have nothing whilst somebody else doing the same thing and getting away with it.