Now I understand why fob Somali women bleach

Ehh. Colorism is a huge issue for somalis in Africa. Bleaching is very normalized. I think the only black group tht hasnt normalized bleaching are African Americans. They dont advertise it or do it. The caribeans bleach, africa, and asia bleach. When it comes to skin color, somalis dont like their natural brown/dark skin. It starts at home.


Coping through the 1st world
Somalis needs to stop looking up to Arabs and Indian programs.

This is where the bleaching obsession came from. They’re mostly consuming these contents.
And those demographics have an obsession when it comes to light skins. Just look at their culture.

If Somalis only consumes Africans contents/Somalis contents bleaching would highly decrease. And lack of education plays a key major role as well.
Somalis have no idea bleaching can lead to skin cancer and other illnesses.


You hate women since you don’t want them educated or working. You ‘saved’ your neighbor from being beat, but without an education or money of her own, how will she leave him especially if her family is poor? Have you ever stopped for one moment to think why she stays to get beat? Why would a Somali woman who knows it’s wrong for a man to beat her stay? it’s ceeb in Somali culture for a man to beat a woman, so why is she staying?
Have you ever used your brain cells to actually think? 9/10 times it due to finances and their worry about who will feed their kids

Since you don’t believe in so called ‘educated women’ Are you going to pay for her bills and all the women trapped with no security to fall back on? Nope hardly doubt it.

The thing is you simply have a dehumanized approach to women. Hence why your so called ‘saving’ is laughable. You don’t have enough common sense or understanding that a woman under such a condition with no savings or job or education to fall back on will continue to get beat. Domestic violence and economic abuse go hand in hand.

The biggest way a woman can defend herself from abuse and exploitation is by having some sort of education and finances so that they can have the confidence to walk way. If you truly cared about ‘saving women’ you’d be encouraging that.
We live in two different worlds, your thoughts are Western and my thoughts are Eastern, where I was born.
As for my neighbor's wife No most people will say they are family In some Somali regions and among some tribes, it is a cultural thing for a man to beat his wife. You may look at Somali culture from a positive side

And when we where my teenagers friends us to to harass women in the market, I did not go with them because I respect women and I have never assaulted or harassed a woman, and I have never even insulted a woman.

I just have my own thoughts that I think are how women can be kept from becoming a commodity like Western women. and protect families
We live in two different worlds, your thoughts are Western and my thoughts are Eastern, where I was born.
As for my neighbor's wife No most people will say they are family In some Somali regions and among some tribes, it is a cultural thing for a man to beat his wife. You may look at Somali culture from a positive side
Where I am from in Somalia, beating ones wife is ceeb. I have women in my fam who were beat but everyone got involved and thought it was weird and disgusting.
And when we where my teenagers friends us to to harass women in the market, I did not go with them because I respect women and I have never assaulted or harassed a woman, and I have never even insulted a woman.

I just have my own thoughts that I think are how women can be kept from becoming a commodity like Western women. and protect families
You’re not using your brain. How does a woman in that situation leave without money or education especially when many women’s fathers are poor. This is a very easy thought process that has nothing to do with Eastern or Western. Simple common sense. Please answer.

A woman being beat and or forced to marry a man old enough to be her father or being harassed on the street without any form of law and order is indeed little better than commodity as well. In fact that is literally a form of commodification funnily enough! How ironic!

Most Muslim women here who are educated and make good money, are able to help their families, build homes and are free from having to marry any old fool just to have a roof over their heads or stay with a man that beats them. Looking at these two options, if you’re being honest: who is the real commodity? We both know the answer walal.
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You’re not using your brain. How does a woman in that situation leave without money or education especially when many women’s fathers are poor. This is a very small thought process that has nothing to do with Eastern or Western. Simple common sense. Please answer.
When a woman works 12 hours who will take care for kids ? How will children be if there is no mother to watch them? Especially in our environment where drugs are legal.
This is why the worst people come out of homes where the mother worked or was divorced.
I think there are statistics in the West, but here I can assure you of that.
When a woman works 12 hours who will take care for kids ? How will children be if there is no mother to watch them? Especially in our environment where drugs are legal.
Do kids not go to school once they reach 4? My mother was a house wife and I started nursery at 3? Also in the UK you get paid maternity leave for like a yr?

Funnily enough, everything you’re saying has got nothing to do with stay at home mums and everything to do with poverty and area in which one is raising their kids.

In the UK, most Faraxs in the 90s and early 2000s had stay at home mums who stayed home all day and cooked and cleaned and still they went into gangs. The vast majority of the older generation of Somali mothers didn’t not work at all and even the ones who weren’t divorced still had sons in gangs because of the area and bad schools hooyo and abo were sending the kids.

But ask yourself, why isn’t it the case for the working upper middle class Cadaan mum who lives in a richer and cleaner area? Such a woman’s children end up with the lawyers and the doctors.
This is why the worst people come out of homes where the mother worked or was divorced.
I think there are statistics in the West, but here I can assure you of that.
Nope, that’s not true at all. You’re supposedly educated right? Look up at the statistics. The worst are the ones being raised in crime ridden poverty ridden areas. Upper middle class professional couples have a very low chance of kids being in that situation. They can afford to take their kids to good schools and a good area.

But the low income Somali abo with his barely literate housewife who is at home but raising the kids in the ghetto will struggle because the environment and the lack of funds is a huge issue.

Also, FYI in the West, lower income less educated women are much more likely to be divorced. Thats what the statistics shows btw. Also because these women aren’t educated they can’t get higher paid jobs hence they go into even more poverty and have to move to bad areas.
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Do kids not go to school once they reach 4? My mother was a house wife and I started nursery at 3? Also in the UK you get paid maternity leave for like a yr?

Funnily enough, everything you’re saying has got nothing to do with stay at home mums and everything to do with poverty and area in which one is raising their kids.

In the UK, most Faraxs in the 90s and early 2000s had stay at home mums who stayed home all day and cooked and cleaned and still they went into gangs.

But ask yourself, why isn’t it the case for the working upper middle class Cadaan mum who lives in a richer and cleaner area?

Nope, that’s not true at all. You’re supposedly educated right? Look up at the statistics. The worst are the ones being raised in crime ridden poverty ridden areas. Upper middle class professional couples have a very low chance of kids being in that situation. They can afford to take their kids to good schools and a good area.

But the low income Somali abo with his barely literate housewife who is at home but raising the kids in the ghetto will struggle because the environment and the lack of funds is a huge issue.

Also, FYI in the West, lower income less educated women are much more likely to be divorced. Thats what the statistics shows btw.
We work here from morning till 8 at night and we only have Friday off when will the mother see her child there are no workers rights like you have

I remember a woman who had children for one of my relatives. She used to work like this and leave her children at home. When one of them was coming back from school, he was hit by a car. He had minor injuries. We took him home after that and told his mother to stay with him But she didn't stay, she went to work as if her child wasn't in bed either.
There was another woman who worked all day and left her children with the maid. The neighbors heard the children crying all day long because the maid did not feed them.
They were both divorced and their ex-husband was sent money
and many other stories
And I say to women, if you marry a man with a low income, this is your problem
You should have chosen better from the beginning.
We work here from morning till 8 at night
There are many jobs back home in which that isn’t the case like teaching, NGOs ect.
and we only have Friday off when will the mother see her child there are no workers rights like you
My point is this. If a woman is uneducated and her husband dies, she will be forced to work in the streets everyday selling tomatoes and she will hardly see her kids and the likelihood of her kids getting into trouble will be higher.

Education actually prevents that. If your wife is educated, if anything was to happen to you, she can apply for higher paying office job in which she works less hours and can get a maid to help her without her having to toil out everyday like a man.

What you’re not understanding is that being very educated reduces your work load compared to doing a dead end job that Somali women back home end up doing due to lack of education and money.

If you’re smart man you will encourage education and women having their own businesses so that what I described doesn’t become a possibility. Professional jobs have lesser timings, more incentives like health care insurance, maternity leave, sick leave ect.
I remember a woman who had children for one of my relatives. She used to work like this and leave her children at home. When one of them was coming back from school, he was hit by a car. He had minor injuries. We took him home after that and told his mother to stay with him But she didn't stay, she went to work as if her child wasn't in bed either.
Silly point. My mother was a house wife and all of us used to walk to school and come back from school. If we were to get hit by a car whilst my mother was home what could she have done? Do you not believe in Qadr?

Also, where I am from there is sick leave and women can stay home with their kids and take time off from work if they are sick or their kids are sick.
There was another woman who worked all day and left her children with the maid. The neighbors heard the children crying all day long because the maid did not feed them.
They were both divorced and their ex-husband was sent money
and many other stories
And I say to women, if you marry a man with a low income, this is your problem
You should have chosen better from the beginning.
Those women who work all day aren’t educated, they have to because of lack of education and working in low paying jobs. Youve proven my point and that could easily happen to any women in your family if any of you men die.

Use your brain and educate your women if not that could be YOUR womenfolk.

Also, this ain’t about a woman choosing wrong. Her husband could die, he could be an abuser, he could loose his job and the list continues. And even if a woman did choose wrong, what’s the solution? In life people make mistakes all the time, it’s important that people find solutions.

The fact that you don’t understand Qadr when it comes to women shows you’re a misogynist. Why do you think women can predict if a man ends up being bad towards her or he ends up loosing his job or he ends up dying?

The thing is, humans can always end up in certain situations but the most important thing is having the ability to get themselves out of that situation. Like the case of your neighbor that gets beat, do you even care about her getting out of that situation? Nope you don’t.
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