NYC approves 31 gender identities

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Yes, of course. Your buddy is so tolerant he famtasises about bombing Muslims all over the world. He is a hypocrite. We all have our intolerances and you can't really talk miss "all whites are devils" :drakewtf:
he is a hypocrite and a troll at times. but you asked why he didn't tell his parents and he told you they wouldn't be tolerant of him. thats not his fault, its theirs. doesn't make him a bad person for lying to them. he's being selfless by protecting his parents and their ignorance to homosexuality.


In the south? :reallymaury:
They're far less tolerant in the South, but even far Right-wingers don't typically go out and actually harm gays. Most they do is make signs and chant, "God hates fags!" and cheerlead when people like the Orlando club shooter do shit.
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