Official Puntland Election Day thread

Which 5 parties be the biggest in the local elections

  • Total voters

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
If Kaah wins, does that mean President Deni could be on the verge of getting another 5 year term?

Yes, he will have a great chance in getting re-elected. Because the parliament will consist of MPs hailing from the 5 biggest parties at this local elections. The MPs will choose the president, but they’re not selected by elders but by the 5 biggest parties. He can form alliance with two parties and gain majority. making a name for themselves i see btw im proud of puntland and somaliland those two are going places and i hope the rest will see them as an example and push forward!

what’s your clan?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

Somalia’s Oil-Rich Puntland Region to Hold Landmark Elections​

Somalia’s oil-rich Puntland region will on Thursday hold its first democratic local elections since 1967, a significant turnaround for the semi-autonomous state that’s long been known as a haven for international piracy and hideout for the Islamic State in the Horn of Africa.

The election will pit President Saed Abdullahi Deni’s KAAH party against challengers from six other parties. Puntland’s electoral body said that more than 400,000 people have registered to cast ballots.

The Horn of African nation has been mired in conflict for more than three decades, and democratic elections have been repeatedly delayed by political wrangling and security challenges. Puntland is believed to be rich in oil and gas, but to date there has been little commercial extraction with most of the region’s reserves remaining untapped amid long-running violence.

International groups supporting the elections, including the African Union and United Nations, said in a joint statement that the election “has the potential to inform and inspire the expansion of democracy across Somalia, at all levels of government.”
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Puntites have made it clear they are not a paper state and have thanked the President of the Republic of Puntland for this opportunity of selecting their local representatives. Mashallah guulesyta


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

Somalia's Puntland Holds 'Historic' Local Polls​

May 25, 2023

Somalia's semi-autonomous state of Puntland was holding landmark local elections on Thursday, although security incidents have led voting to be suspended in some areas. The polls in the oil-rich region are the first one-person one-vote elections to be held in the fragile Horn of Africa nation in more than half a century.

Somalia is struggling to emerge from decades of conflict and chaos, but is battling a bloody Islamist insurgency and natural disasters including a punishing drought that drove it to the brink of famine.
The country's international partners have hailed the Puntland district council elections as "historic".

"The partners believe that Puntland's experience with direct elections has the potential to inform and inspire the expansion of democracy across Somalia, at all levels of government," they said in a statement ahead of the vote.

Polling has however been postponed in three out of the region's 33 districts, including the state capital Garowe, the Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission said in a statement Wednesday, referring to unspecified security incidents.

"Our focus is on ensuring safety and resolving differences through dialogue," it said, adding that new dates for voting in the affected districts would be announced soon.

An analysis published by the UN's humanitarian agency OCHA this month said the transition to the new electoral system in Puntland had been "volatile and fraught with obstacles".

Puntland, an arid region in northeastern Somalia, declared autonomy in 1998 and relations with the central government in Mogadishu have often been tense.

Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who was elected by lawmakers a year ago, announced in March that the next national elections would be by universal suffrage.

Currently, voting follows a complex indirect model where state legislatures and clan delegates pick lawmakers for the national parliament, who in turn choose the president.

The Puntland local elections are being held ahead of a regional parliamentary poll due in January 2024.

Seven parties are running on Thursday, but some opposition politicians have already expressed concerns over the process and accused state president Said Abdullahi Deni of manipulating the election procedure.

Deni's term is due to end in January and the opposition has warned he may be seeking to change Puntland's constitution to enable him to extend his mandate.

A Puntland opposition forum that met in mid-May said it "protests any attempt to open a review process for the constitution at this stage of the transition period when the mandate is close to expiring for both parliament and the government".

"This can be an attempt to seek unlawful mandate extension," the forum said in a statement.

More than 387,000 voters have been registered for the Puntland elections and will be choosing from among 3,775 candidates, 28 percent of them women, the TPEC said.



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

Somalia Holds Local Elections​

Voting is underway in 30 districts in Somalia’s north-eastern semi-autonomous state of Puntland where local council elections are being held under universal suffrage.

The Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission, TPEC said 319,507 registered voters collected voter cards and are expected to participate.

However, there are security concerns due to a dispute between Puntland regional state President Sa’id Abdullahi Deni and his political opponents who accuse him of plans to extend his term in office.

Opposition-allied armed officers reportedly seized ballot boxes supposed to be moved from the regional capital Garowe to some polling stations.

Meanwhile, the electoral commission consequently postponed the process in three districts, including the regional capital where deadly clashes occurred on May 15. The other two districts are Dangorayo and Godobijiran.

Despite the political disputes, the process is underway peacefully and voters expressed excitement to be participating in the process.

This is the first one-person one-vote local election to be held in Somalia since 1969. The first phase of the exercise was held in 2021 in only three districts.

These Nigerians need to learn it’s Puntland, not Somalia.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

Somalie: élections locales « historiques » dans la région du Puntland​

Des élections locales au suffrage direct se sont ouvertes jeudi matin dans l’Etat semi-autonome somali du Puntland, scrutin qualifié d’« historique » dans ce pays de la Corne de l’Afrique qui n’a plus voté selon le principe d’« une personne, une voix » depuis plus de 50 ans.

Any Djiboutians that can translate? @Sophisticate you speak Dugsi French, no?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

Somalie: élections locales "historiques" dans la région du Puntland​

(Belga) Des élections locales au suffrage direct se sont ouvertes jeudi matin dans l'Etat semi-autonome somali du Puntland, scrutin qualifié d'"historique" dans ce pays de la Corne de l'Afrique qui n'a plus voté selon le principe d'"une personne, une voix" depuis plus de 50 ans.​

Belga Agence
Publié le 25-05-2023 à 11h04 à Mogadiscio (Somalie)

La commission électorale transitoire de cette région du nord-est de la Somalie a toutefois reporté le vote dans trois districts sur 33, dont la capitale Garowe, invoquant des problèmes sécuritaires, sans donner plus de précisions. Plus de 387.000 électeurs se sont inscrits pour choisir parmi 3.775 candidats, dont 28% de femmes, aux conseils de district, a-t-elle détaillé, aucune élection ne s'est tenue en Somalie selon le principe d'"une personne, une voix" depuis 1969 et la prise de pouvoir du dictateur Siad Barre. Pays instable de la Corne de l'Afrique, la Somalie fait face depuis 2007 à une sanglante insurrection menée par les islamistes radicaux shebab. Elle vit aussi au rythme d'aléas climatiques extrêmes récurrents, dont une sécheresse historique débutée fin 2020 et des inondations ces dernières semaines qui ont déplacé des centaines de milliers de personnes. Ce scrutin local au Puntland se tient en amont d'élections législatives et régionales prévues en janvier 2024. Région aride du nord-est de la Somalie riche en pétrole et qui abrite le port important de Bosaso, le Puntland a déclaré son autonomie en 1998 et nourrit des relations tendues avec le gouvernement central de Mogadiscio. Sept partis sont en lice pour ces élections aux conseils de district, mais certains membres de l'opposition ont déjà exprimé leurs inquiétudes quant au scrutin et accusé le président de l'État, Said Abdullahi Deni, de manipuler le processus électoral. (Belga)


Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Never seen nomads this civilized, truly puntland is the only democratic region of horn of Africa

Even curyaan is rightfully choosing his parti :salute:without facing any moryaanimo


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