Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

You like to throw sly digs and then hide your hands. Who on earth are you addressing in your post, if not me? Then who? Is it @Angelina ?

You claimed that we disliked him, and thus would never have forgiven him for his apology. When his apology was only directed at men, and it was regarding the Somali comment. He never apologised to us women at any point. Furthermore, there are plenty of misogynists on here, who I have never asked to leave the forum or anything similar.

Say it with your chest ama iska aamus, because I will not let people like you get away with passive aggressive bullshit.
You’re seriously unhinged. You don’t control anyone here but yourself. Is this online persona this important to you?? I don’t need to explain myself to you. Your manipulative words may work on some but I see through your word salad. Like I said there’s a reason I choose to not engage with you.
You’re seriously unhinged. You don’t control anyone here but yourself. Is this online persona this important to you?? I don’t need to explain myself to you.

Do you have trouble remembering your own post, lady? I even broke it down for you in case you struggle to comprehend your own writing. What online persona? I am on here posting just like you. Some of you clearly think highly of me, and are projecting your own insecurities onto me. Abayo, you want me to sign something for you? "You a fan, you a fan, you a fan"
Do you have trouble remembering your own post, lady? I even broke it down for you in case you struggle to comprehend your own writing. What online persona? I am on here posting just like you. Some of you clearly think highly of me, and are projecting your own insecurities onto me. Abayo, you want me to sign something for you? "You a fan, you a fan, you a fan"
Not him complaining about your β€œword salad”, istg some people are borderline dyslexic
Do you have trouble remembering your own post, lady? I even broke it down for you in case you struggle to comprehend your own writing. What online persona? I am on here posting just like you. Some of you clearly think highly of me, and are projecting your own insecurities onto me. Abayo, you want me to sign something for you? "You a fan, you a fan, you a fan"
I don’t think highly of you whatsoever. I don’t even know you. You’re very immature so there’s nothing for me to be impressed with. Your favorite pastime on here is to insult people. Feel free to block me if I bother you so much.
I don’t think highly of you whatsoever. I don’t even know you. You’re very immature so there’s nothing for me to be impressed with. Your favorite pastime on here is to insult people. Feel free to block me if I bother you so much.

I thought you said you were done 'engaging' with me, yet here you are again, in my mentions. On the bright side, you've learned how to use the quote function, instead of sending indirect shots.

I love seeing the growth, keep it up.
Not him complaining about your β€œword salad”, istg some people are borderline dyslexic

That user is a woman, but I don't blame you for making that mistake.

Some of the women on here like to coddle and mule for problematic men, it gives:

I thought you said you were done 'engaging' with me, yet here you are again, in my mentions. On the bright side, you've learned how to use the quote function, instead of sending indirect shots.

I love seeing the growth, keep it up.
I’ll keep replying as long as I choose. It’s as if you get a hit of dopamine or something talking down to people.

You’re the one who started a conversation with me in the first place and who continuously tries to antagonize.
I’ll keep replying as long as I choose. It’s as if you get a hit of dopamine or something talking down to people.

You’re the one who started a conversation with me in the first place and who continuously tries to antagonize.

You're the one that came running in like Pick-Meisha to coddle the Mexican who repeatedly threatened Somali women, and you even sent indirect shots at Somali women to try to make us seem unreasonable in the face of his constant disrespect.

Orad wax isku fal.

You're the one that came running in like Pick-Meisha to coddle the Mexican who repeatedly threatened Somali women, and you even sent indirect shots at Somali women to try to make us seem unreasonable. Naa, orad wax isku fal.
You chose to take only negative from my comment and that says a lot about you. I didn’t defend anyone not that I have to explain myself to you. You keep talking in circles. You’re the defender of somali women only when it suits your agenda. I didn’t say anything about any women or men user here. Is this a sign of mental illness?

Calling me a pick doesn’t make any sense. Who do I need validation from here. Must not have any deep articulate thing you can say except call me a pick me.
You chose to take only negative from my comment and that says a lot about you. I didn’t defend anyone not that I have to explain myself to you. You keep talking in circles.

Somali men in this thread were disgusted with the way he spoke to us women, but you, the alleged woman, came running in with a cape, to absolve him, and painted us women as the irrational parties. Not only are you a pick-me, you are a pick-me for a disrespectful, misogynist, Ajnabi. Like I said before, orad wax isku fal.

Not even 24 hours passed, and the red carpet, and the warm forgiveness was extended to this man, quick and in a hurry. You couldn't even let him sit in time-out for a few days. Some of you really have no sense of pride.
@Omar del Sur brother you have explained yourself/clarified and apologized. All the sincere Muslims who love Islam/Muslims have accepted it.

There is no need to go back and forth and be bothered by either outright kafirs on here or feminists or those who traffic in hate. Those who are filled with hate and are constantly peddling hate and division on here on almost every topic are not worth your time. Kafirs/liberals are not worth your time.

Their sickness is deep and beyond you. Nothing to waste energy on.
Somali men in this thread were disgusted with the way he spoke to us women, but you, the alleged woman, came running in with a cape, to absolve him, and painted us women as the irrational parties. Not only are you a pick-me, you are a pick-me for a disrespectful, misogynist, Ajnabi. Like I said before, orad wax isku fal.

Not even 24 hours passed, and the red carpet, and the warm forgiveness was extended to this man, quick and in a hurry. You couldn't even let him sit in time-out for a few days. Some of you really have no sense of pride.
So yes this is a sign of mental instability on your part. I will excuse your lack of comprehension skills since you may not understand what absolve means or read my comment enough to see I never called anyone irrational. I won’t stoop to your level since you clearly lack something mentally. I will say ilaahay haku caafiyo sincerely.
So yes this is a sign of mental instability on your part. I will excuse your lack of comprehension skills since you may not understand what absolve means or read my comment enough to see I never called anyone irrational. I won’t stoop to your level since you clearly lack something mentally. I will say ilaahay haku caafiyo sincerely.

You're disingenuous and a coward who can't own what she said and did, pray for yourself.
There is no need to go back and forth and be bothered by either outright kafirs on here or feminists or those who traffic in hate. Those who are filled with hate and are constantly peddling hate and division on here on almost every topic are not worth your time. Kafirs/liberals are not worth your time.

Their sickness is deep and beyond you. Nothing to waste energy on.
Are you making takfir against me? I will hold that against you on a day you can’t hide behind the internet.
He should have never involved himself with that femicide post or made comments on the history of greater Somalia. It obviously made him upset and he reacted emotionally. His original comments were extremely insensitive and hurtful to all of us who feel pain that our fellow Somalis are being oppressed. Some of us even have family that is and was affected.

Same people who did the most back and forth with him didn’t like him for other reasons. Even if he apologized a million times it wouldn’t be sufficient for them. Hopefully he learns from this.

@Omar del Sur I enjoyed reading some of your posts. May Allah guide us all to be better muslimeen.

MashaAllah sister, as usual you left a balanced and Islamic response.

This is how we are taught Muslims should deal with other Muslims.


@Omar del Sur brother you have explained yourself/clarified and apologized. All the sincere Muslims who love Islam/Muslims have accepted it.

There is no need to go back and forth and be bothered by either outright kafirs on here or feminists or those who traffic in hate. Those who are filled with hate and are constantly peddling hate and division on here on almost every topic are not worth your time. Kafirs/liberals are not worth your time.

Their sickness is deep and beyond you. Nothing to waste energy on.
Speak for yourself warya, if you want to bend over backwards for a Mexican that bragged about kuffar Cubans attacking Somali Muslims then that’s on you. But the the dhaga hadal calling us liberals and kuffars because we’re checking an ajnabi disrespecting us in our OWN space for years at that is what I would expect from spineless garaac.
Why do you care if im known or unknown. It just shows im not as chronically online as you are. Furthermore he said sorry and on top of that his content is 99% islamic. No need to go for someone who asked for forgiveness. Also why is his ethnicity so inportant?

Another sensible response. When a Muslim makes a mistakes and explains they were wrong and profusely apologies, a Muslim is to forgive them.