Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

Omar del Sur

Diplomacy has nothing to do with your original post (which insulted Somalia), which is the basis for everyone's disgust with you.

First you tried to pretend that I am targeting you, and now you're trying to reframe your post, by acting as though it was always meant to be civil.

You are really terrible at defending yourself, please represent yourself if you are ever arrested.

well I agree I as an ordinary person can't use "diplomacy". but we as ordinary people can use social media.

You're right, he got the post deleted somehow. Alhamdulilah I took a screenshot.

It was on page 3 everyone, when he made that comment, and Kane also quoted and address his bullshit, in case you are trying to catch up.

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 17.26.52.png
Honestly goes a long way, here is what happened in chronological order.

1. A female poster created a thread about Mexican/Latino femicide rates.

2. Omar disagreed and said it’s feminist propaganda pushed by Western imperialism.

3. Omar then proceeded to say that femicide isn’t real since more men die. However, femicide doesn’t = Female homicide. Femicide only looks at women that have died via sexual abuse, DV cases and honor killing ect. A woman that has died via a shoot out isn’t a victim of femicide.

4. Omar then said I was a feminist for explaining this to him. The thing is, dead women don’t lie. The stats are there for everyone to see. Mexico along with Jamaica and even the US have higher rates of femicide. Admitting this is the truth and no amount of accusations of β€˜feminism’ or believing the white man will change this since even America the land of the imperial West has high rates of femicide. So what now? My views are a lot more sophisticated than the global South being bad and West being good. I’m a lot more intelligent than that.

5. Mexico and the rest of Latin America also have high rates of trafficking due to the Cartel. What’s a fact is that the cartel work obviously in the drug trade but also the flesh trade and they kidnap women to supplement this which results in higher rates of femicide. This is a fact. Are we going to deny reality? What do you want @Omar del Sur? (BTW, America currently has an even higher rate at the moment, hence when I illustrate these facts I’m being honest and do not see the β€˜West’ as some sort of beacon. Femicide and trafficking of women is indeed an issue there.

6. Then Omar instead of facing up to these facts which also happen in a whole host of countries, started to talk about Cubans smoking the Ogadens.

7. The link between I stating facts about Latin America, feminism and Cubans smoking or hurting Somalis in the Ogaden is indeed a mystery.

8. Your point about Ogaden cannot be one only aimed at so called feminists since the Ogaden war is one fought by men who knew nothing about feminism and impacted all, women, children, feminist the non feminist, you name it. Hence I ask, where is the link?

This is the truth based on chronological order and what actually transpired.

I think Omar, you should put your hands up and sincerely apologize instead of hiding behind β€˜feminists’ which is me you’re talking about simply because I dared to state a fact that’s backed by statistics issued by the Mexican government itself. You cannot drag Somalis or the Ogadens into a dispute about facts and your hurt feelings. This is unacceptable and childish.

This is truth and Allah is our witness.
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β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I could have never been born and you would still be attacking people like @TekNiKo for not following your feminist views. you were already attacking him.

and I remember I saw you attack @Internet Nomad- and for what? just cuz the guy expressed he'd like to marry a virgin. you are a very aggressive feminist and you are hostile towards lots of men not just me
Brother the moment you exposed them for rejecting clear Saheeh hadiths such as angels cursing wives who refuse to fulfil their husbands need it was over. Rejecting a saheeh hadith is no different than rejecting Ayatul Quran. Wallahi thank you so much, I will never argue with these kufr again.

Omar del Sur

I was already wanting to retire.


I was actually posting very little and then that femicide thread came up and caught my attention.

@π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’ @Mutombo

you both want me gone, yes? and I want to be retired.

so let's come to an arrangement that suits all of us. I go into retirement and you two leave me alone and quit attacking me. bcuz I genuinely wish to retire- and you two can have what you want, I just want that you agree that we go separate ways in peace. you can't be doing things like making threads about me and then wanting me to leave. if you make threads about me or things like that, then it will invite me to respond. let's go for an arrangement that makes all of us happy and brings an amicable resolution.


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
women being murdered in Mexico- one woman for nine men! yes I think it's bad that there is this push to focus only on female victims of murder when nine tenths of the victims are men. the issue is not one which is gender specific and I think it's wrong and divisive to try to make it a source of divide between men and women.
Just seen a video of an innocent dude getting dragged out his car by cartel and shot up on reddit. It's obvious cartel kill whoever. They'll skin you alive for the smallest thi gs. Especially random guys who try snake them to feds.
Splitting up female and male victims of cartel murder is stupid.

There was an earlier point she made justifying the use of Femcide by saying these women were killed by men they knew in the family. How many young men were killed by their own cousins and family in the civil war? This is just another stupid argument pushed by western people. They do not care about the reality, it seems like everything now has some new terminology pushed through the news cycle to create divide where there shouldn't be.
I was already wanting to retire.

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I was actually posting very little and then that femicide thread came up and caught my attention.

@π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’ @Mutombo

you both want me gone, yes? and I want to be retired.

so let's come to an arrangement that suits all of us. I go into retirement and you two leave me alone and quit attacking me. bcuz I genuinely wish to retire- and you two can have what you want, I just want that you agree that we go separate ways in peace. you can't be doing things like making threads about me and then wanting me to leave. if you make threads about me or things like that, then it will invite me to respond. let's go for an arrangement that makes all of us happy and brings an amicable resolution.

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Brother the moment you exposed them for rejecting clear Saheeh hadiths such as angels cursing wives who refuse to fulfil their husbands need it was over. Rejecting a saheeh hadith is no different than rejecting Ayatul Quran. Wallahi thank you so much, I will never argue with these kufr again.
That’s not what happened btw. He is mad because someone pointed out that Mexico has higher femicide rates then other nations then he started to talk about Ogadens being killed by Cubans. I don’t know what that has to do with feminists.

Tekniko honesty is free and so is shame.

If you believe in Allah and the last day, you’d be honest from time to time.
That’s not what happened btw. He is mad because someone pointed out that Mexico has higher femicide rates then other nations then he started to talk about Ogadens being killed by Cubans. I don’t know what that has to do with feminists.

Tekniko honesty is free and so is shame.

If you believe in Allah and the last day, you’d be honest from time to time.

If Tekniiko aka TheSomaliTMZ,, feared Allah, he wouldn't make so many slanderous and gossip based topics. The audacity of this slanderer/gossiper to try to act like he's more religious than any living human being.
Just seen a video of an innocent dude getting dragged out his car by cartel and shot up on reddit. It's obvious cartel kill whoever. They'll skin you alive for the smallest thi gs. Especially random guys who try snake them to feds.
Splitting up female and male victims of cartel murder is stupid.

There was an earlier point she made justifying the use of Femcide by saying these women were killed by men they knew in the family. How many young men were killed by their own cousins and family in the civil war?
It’s a mere 11% for men and a whopping 50% for women in America alone. The figure is probably higher world wide.

Also, when we look at the 11% for men it’s also all men and hardly any women killing them. To say this isn’t true when the data is that high is wallahi either the highest of dishonesty or lies.
is just another stupid argument pushed by western people. They do not care about the reality, it seems like everything now has some new terminology pushed through the news cycle to create divide where there shouldn't be.
Perfect example of silliness.

1. Im going to explain this to you in simple language and I’ve mentioned this countless of times.

2. A woman being dragged up and killed by the cartel is NOT femicide. It’s female homicide, the same as male homicide.

3. Femicide is when women are killed via DV, sexual abuse, trafficking and honor based murder.Please learn to differentiate the two. This is something I’ve explained time and time again.

4. No one splits up female homicide and male homicide. That’s illogical.No one would say a Somali woman killed by Al Shaydan via being blown up isn’t the same as a man being blown up. That is basic female homicide.

5. being killed by a partner or killed via sexual abuse or being a woman is called femicide. Young man, the biggest frustration with regards to this forum is the inability of you boys to read and actually engage honestly.

If you can’t accept these basic differences, you either low IQ or being willfully ignorant.

Men are rarely burned alive, r-worded and violently murdered by their own wives and love interests or by women who were interested by them but felt rejected.
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Stop the fighting for the sake of Allah. He was wrong about the Ogaden comment, but he has apologized. I think it would be better for both parties to ignore each other

Additionally, discussing femicide in any part of the world doesn’t necessarily imply any hidden agenda.
Stop the fighting for the sake of Allah. He was wrong about the Ogaden comment, but he has apologized. I think it would be better for both parties to ignore each other

Additionally, discussing femicide in any part of the world doesn’t necessarily imply any hidden agenda.

We discuss many topics on here, but he wanted to act sensitive about his precious nation. Anyway, he said he'll leave, Alhamdulilah.

All that's left are his weeping adoons. They'll be in his private inbox soon enough saying;


