Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations


this time? what did I do before?
it’s funny how a thread that was made to raise awareness about femicide triggered you that much to fantasize about killing Somalis with your kuffar Mexican countrymen in our own land. You’re against nationalism but get upset when Mexico gets brought up. Look at the hypocrisy of this salafi revert thinking he can police what we say on a Somali forum.
He apologised in that same thread for what he said, and did so again in this thread with a voice recording. If he had any enmity for Somalis, it would have been known and I least of all, would have dragged him like I have done before with others. He has been here for some 6 years and has always made a point to keep out of Somali affairs, and for this reason pretty much gets along with everyone.
Two people disscussing their difference of ideologies (Omar del Sur and roses4me) is hardly him coming after "Somali women". If you are going to come for Omar, I suggest you also address this woman who constantly denigrates Somali men with her constant talk of "Down low" Somali men and her blatant hatred for them.

Yes, I dislike down- low men (which means khaniisyo who trick women ), who wouldn't?

:gucciwhat: Xagee ku cuncunisa??

Another Cabad adoon has arrived to defend his Mexican master. You coons can't even put your hate for women aside, to defend Somalia from insults.

Omar del Sur

it’s funny how a thread that was made to raise awareness about femicide triggered you that much to fantasize about killing Somalis with your kuffar Mexican countrymen in our own land. You’re against nationalism but get upset when Mexico gets brought up. Look at the hypocrisy of this salafi revert thinking he can police what we say on a Somali forum.

where have I actually said I'm against nationalism? I think nationalism can be ok or not depending on the form it takes. "Indian nationalism" for example was Indians wanting to be free from Brits. I have no issue with that. nationalism in many third world countries is about fighting western colonial powers. and that vice femicide thing, like I mentioned, it's globalist George Soros NGO type Western propaganda to push their agenda in the region.


edit: also btw I specifically talked about my relationship with Mexico in the voicenote and discussed this


He apologised in that same thread for what he said, and did so again in this thread with a voice recording. If he had any enmity for Somalis, it would have been known and I least of all, would have dragged him like I have done before with others. He has been here for some 6 years and has always made a point to keep out of Somali affairs, and for this reason pretty much gets along with everyone.

Two people disscussing their difference of ideologies (Omar del Sur and roses4me) is hardly him coming after "Somali women". If you are going to come for Omar, I suggest you also address this woman who constantly denigrates Somali men with her constant talk of "Down low" Somali men and her blatant hatred for them.
He’s made a habit of making a slick remarks then deleting posts right away when called out but this time the mask has finally slipped. He’s not someone you want to put on a cape for

Omar del Sur

Yes, I dislike down- low men (which means khaniisyo who trick women ), who wouldn't?

:gucciwhat: Xagee ku cuncunisa??

Another Cabad adoon has arrived to defend his Mexican master. You coons can't even put your hate for women aside, to defend Somalia from insults.

I could have never been born and you would still be attacking people like @TekNiKo for not following your feminist views. you were already attacking him.

and I remember I saw you attack @Internet Nomad- and for what? just cuz the guy expressed he'd like to marry a virgin. you are a very aggressive feminist and you are hostile towards lots of men not just me

Omar del Sur

He’s made a habit of making a slick remarks then deleting posts right away when called out but this time the mask has finally slipped. He’s not someone you want to put on a cape for

what slick remarks and then deleting? wallahi I don't know any example of what you're talking about. give an example.
The irony of you claiming you don’t take part in somali politics and put your Muslim identity first only to then celebrate the murder of Somali mujahidin by Cuban kufar in an attempt to highlight Latin superiority.:mjlol:The jokes write themselves.
I could have never been born and you would still be attacking people like @TekNiKo for not following your feminist views. you were already attacking him.

and I remember I saw you attack @Internet Nomad- and for what? just cuz the guy expressed he'd like to marry a virgin. you are a very aggressive feminist and you are hostile towards lots of men not just me

What does my hostility against misogynists have to do, with your nasty comments against Somalia?

You are trying so hard to reframe this conversation, but it's not working.

Omar del Sur

it’s funny how a thread that was made to raise awareness about femicide triggered you that much to fantasize about killing Somalis with your kuffar Mexican countrymen in our own land.

wait- that is totally inaccurate. I fantasized about attacking the somali feminist movement via social media. I talked about this on the vm.

Omar del Sur

The irony of you claiming you don’t take part in somali politics and put your Muslim identity first only to then celebrate the murder of Somali mujahidin by Cuban kufar in an attempt to highlight Latin superiority.:mjlol:The jokes write themselves.

that is not true, I mentioned it to highlight that we have the ability to project power. but it was an insensitive remark and that is why I've apologized for it.
that is not true, I mentioned it to highlight that we have the ability to project power. but it was an insensitive remark and that is why I've apologized for it.

You bragged about Cuba's involvement in the war against Somalia, and even claimed you have terrorists in your country, that make AlShabab seem weak, all because a few women on here, expressed outrage about Mexican women being murdered.

You are not normal, go relay what you've said to a few Mexicans and they'll have you committed.

Omar del Sur

Sure, that's why you mentioned Cuba and Ogaden right? Because of us Somali women on this forum, who expressed concern about women being murdered in Mexico?


women being murdered in Mexico- one woman for nine men! yes I think it's bad that there is this push to focus only on female victims of murder when nine tenths of the victims are men. the issue is not one which is gender specific and I think it's wrong and divisive to try to make it a source of divide between men and women.
Yes, I dislike down- low men (which means khaniisyo who trick women ), who wouldn't?

:gucciwhat: Xagee ku cuncunisa??

Another Cabad adoon has arrived to defend his Mexican master. You coons can't even put your hate for women aside, to defend Somalia from insults.
Of course, you will instantly default to "I hate Somali women" even though I have defended my sisters from incells, red pill and so on. As always, where Somali mens own words are concerned, you are the judge, jury and executioner. This is pretty much why no one here gets along with you because your hatred of Somali men.

I feel dirtied just from interacting with you. I know better than waste my time with a hopless person.
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women being murdered in Mexico- one woman for nine men! yes I think it's bad that there is this push to focus only on female victims of murder when nine tenths of the victims are men. the issue is not one which is gender specific and I think it's wrong and divisive to try to make it a source of divide between men and women.

I don't know, should I respond to this post, or will it result in you calling the Cartel on us?
Of course, you will instantly default to "I hate Somali women" even though I have defended my sisters from incells, red pill and so on. As always, where Somali mens own words are concerned, you are the judge, jury and executioner. This is pretty much why no one here gets along with you because your hatred of Somali men.

I feel dirtied just from interacting with you. I know better than waste my time with a hopless cause.

I don't know who the hell you are first of all, or what on earth you are talking about. Just twerk for Diego, and naga aamus.


that is not true, I mentioned it to highlight that we have the ability to project power. but it was an insensitive remark and that is why I've apologized for it.
You should leave SSpot, your kind isn’t wanted here. Go to a forum for Latino reverts like yourself and not be among people you have secret dislike for.

