ONLF Chairman: We will never compromise on our homeland,history,honor and Somali identity.

So Godey is settled by Hawiye lol Murursade have to be the biggest clan with no land.
1 town on the river means nithing. You can add it to your dhul. Fact remains the river and the fertile highlands are goof Irir (Hawiye + Dir) + their Gardheere kin.


Right their ridiculous @Aseer Stop saying we need a failed interim federalist government, fedralism dosent work with somalis.

Calling me langaab with a fake map, lol. Just forget about qabil boundaries for a moment. Just a few minutes ago, you were talking like some sort of ethiopian ajnabi dividing up galbeed like some ethiopian nationalist.

See how you didnt respond to the intial post until my quarrel with LibaaxJoore, you wanted the perfect opportunity to spread your anti somaliweyn vision for galbeed. Absolutely disgusting, I would never stoop down to your level. I agree with @Aiman12

You're people are being oromized by oromos, of course you dont care. You come up like a hungry dog whenever galbeed, ogaden and somaliweyn is mentioned. It makes me suspect you are some sort of half oromo karanle.

Wallahi I would rather be langaab with the fake map you gave as long as somalia was united under somaliweyn. But no, niggas like you are out here splitting us up like a opportunistic ethiopian foreigner. Never have I seen someone coon as much as you. All of this is has got to be cuqdad from you, no other reason

Warya @Libaax-Joore look at this hypocrite. ⬆️ One minute he states galbeed is 90% Ogaden next minute he chats about nationalism. f*ck outta here man.
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Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
1 town on the river means nithing. You can add it to your dhul. Fact remains the river and the fertile highlands are goof Irir (Hawiye + Darood) + their Gardheere kin.

View attachment 343336

Warya @Libaax-Joore look at this hypocrite. ⬆️ One minute he states galbeed is 90% Ogaden next minute he chats about nationalism. f*ck outta here man.
@Aseer Look this is what I mean about that map being unreliable, every guy comes up with his own version to fit their sick agenda.
Just look at Bahgari area.

Edit: I cant upload the photos it crashed on me twice, but the information on that clan map goes deep. Heres the wikipedia commons u can litteraly see a mx came in and BSed with the sources. Undetected aswell, shows the true power of wikipedia to misinform.

Cannot I not state facts? I literally called for more of a melting pot all over somalia it would solve a whole lot of problems,

Im not a hypocrite at all, if youve seen my postings im a nationalist + islamic over primitive qabil. Just ask me if you have a problem with me telling you that galbeed is 90% ogaden, its the reason why its referred to as ogaden. But nowadays I use the more uniting term 'galbeed' even though i am OG. U just want to have primitive battles over some qabil while we both are in foreign countries. Im here advocating for the prosperity of somalis, Im trying to promote Somaliweyn but you. You support splitting up galbeed by qabil, just like what the british did 80 years ago but even more fkd up since you claim to be somali
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1 town on the river means nithing. You can add it to your dhul. Fact remains the river and the fertile highlands are goof Irir (Hawiye + Darood) + their Gardheere kin.

View attachment 343336

Warya @Libaax-Joore look at this hypocrite. ⬆️ One minute he states galbeed is 90% Ogaden next minute he chats about nationalism. f*ck outta here man.
Then you should cross the border and take it from the Liyu. From Feerfeer to the Oromia border you will find Ogaden.

Qalaafes whole admin is Bah Geri and they regularly conflict around Lababaar

Hell Ogadens are present in Mustaxil fighting for control between Liyu and ONLF. Where were the Hawiye?
@Aseer Look this is what I mean about that map being unreliable, every guy comes up with his own version to fit their sick agenda.
Just look at Bahgari area.

Cannot I not state facts? I literally called for more of a melting pot all over somalia it would solve a whole lot of problems,

Im not a hypocrite at all, if youve seen my postings im a nationalist + islamic over primitive qabil. Just ask me if you have a problem with me telling you that galbeed is 90% ogaden, its the reason why its referred to as ogaden. But nowadays I use the more uniting term 'galbeed' even though i am OG. U just want to have primitive battles over some qabil while we both are in foreign countries. Im here advocating for the prosperity of somalis, Im trying to promote Somaliweyn but you. You support splitting up galbeed by qabil, just like what the british did 80 years ago but even more fkd up since you claim to be somali
Don’t make me ever catch you say K5 is 90% Ogaden you hypocrite. Somali unity kulaha kkk

Then you should cross the border and take it from the Liyu. From Feerfeer to the Oromia border you will find Ogaden.

Qalaafes whole admin is Bah Geri and they regularly conflict around Lababaar

Hell Ogadens are present in Mustaxil fighting for control between Liyu and ONLF. Where were the Hawiye?
All these governmental positions are given out by the Jigjiga administration your uncle cagjar runs.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Don’t make me ever catch you say K5 is 90% Ogaden you hypocrite. Somali unity kulaha kkk

All these governmental positions are given out by the Jigjiga administration your uncle cagjar runs.
Did the factual figure hurt your ego 😄
Keep on coping for me, You sent 2 fake maps and keep complaining.

Cagjar dosent give anything out, those are true roles. Just look at what your map did to the bahgeri area that just goes to show how bias you are.

I am for somali unity, I am for somaliweyn. Unlike you.
Once Ethiopia collapses every clan will go its own way.
Isaaq …Will take Hawd & Reserve
Dollo, Wardheer, etc ….will go to Harti
Sitti and Gudabirsi lands…will go to Djibouti. Gursum & Bursuk lands could join them
Ogaden will take Dhagaxbuur, Qabridahare, Wardheer, etc
Dagodia, Gare …could join their brethren in Kenya
All Hawiya lands all the way to Harar following the shabelle river…Will join Mogadishu
Jigjiga will be contested by Jaarso, Gudabirsi, Absame, Akisho, Isaaq and even Karanle that has 6 Qabales.
This is how qabilism corrupts a person, you say shit like this^^
What even drove you to say this? are you lashing out, no competent somali qabilist or not would say something like this. Ever.
Godey is on the East side of river Shabelle. Very large number of Madows live there and some were displaced. Many other tribes live there but OG is majority.
Did the factual figure hurt your ego 😄
Keep on coping for me, You sent 2 fake maps and keep complaining.

Cagjar dosent give anything out, those are true roles. Just look at what your map did to the bahgeri area that just goes to show how bias you are.

I am for somali unity, I am for somaliweyn. Unlike you.

This is how qabilism corrupts a person, you say shit like this^^
What even drove you to say this? are you lashing out, no competent somali qabilist or not would say something like this. Ever.
Cagjar is a langaab taking orders from Oromo.


Don’t make me ever catch you say K5 is 90% Ogaden you hypocrite. Somali unity kulaha kkk

All these governmental positions are given out by the Jigjiga administration your uncle cagjar runs.
We have all the government positions and opposition aswell as non-state actors/militias. Almost like a majority would.

Youre either a langaab irir who never stirred unrest under Ogaden minoritys Hegemony or your langaab minority yourself.
Godey is on the East side of river Shabelle. Very large number of Madows live there and some were displaced. Many other tribes live there but OG is majority.
Your implying the west side is someone else is Malka Saalax and God Cusbo Murursade now?

@CABDULWALI XASAN. you can spot a defeated man when he starts hiding behind any clan. So far its been Harti Tanade Isaaq Ciise Gadabursi Hawiye Reer Baare etc :icon lol:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
There won’t be no unity. We will go back to pre colonial days. Us Hawiye will re-establish the Hararge- Iimey -Banaadir trade route once again and move on from there. Anyone that wants to work with us is invited.
Thats unrealistic brother we arent in pre colonial times anymore technology and culture has advanced since then. also @CABDULWALI XASAN. They are right in some sense that galbeed is way more diverse than being 90% ogaden although ogaden is slightly more in number than the rest it isnt by a large margin and bro I stick to the interim government Idea cause 1st if it joins somalia straight away everyone will suffer from many factors and somalia is also failed state and 2nd @Step a side idea is also unsustainable since clan border demarcations are more delicate and knowing somalis there will be alot of bloodshed during the splitting hence why interim government is best where they implement federalism benefitting all the clans in the region as well as not putting any burdens on the region from immediate unification and over time the region can be absorbed slowly back into somalia.
We have all the government positions and opposition aswell as non-state actors/militias. Almost like a majority would.

Youre either a langaab irir who never stirred unrest under Ogaden minoritys Hegemony or your langaab minority yourself.

Your implying the west side is someone else is Malka Saalax and God Cusbo Murursade now?

@CABDULWALI XASAN. you can spot a defeated man when he starts hiding behind any clan. So far its been Harti Tanade Isaaq Ciise Gadabursi Hawiye Reer Baare etc :icon lol:
Ogaden were always langaab. There is a reason why Habesha and Oromo would rather work with you over the other clans. This is you in Kenya. Washington post 89. No difference in Ethiopia



Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
We have all the government positions and opposition aswell as non-state actors/militias. Almost like a majority would.

Youre either a langaab irir who never stirred unrest under Ogaden minoritys Hegemony or your langaab minority yourself.

Your implying the west side is someone else is Malka Saalax and God Cusbo Murursade now?

@CABDULWALI XASAN. you can spot a defeated man when he starts hiding behind any clan. So far its been Harti Tanade Isaaq Ciise Gadabursi Hawiye Reer Baare etc :icon lol:
Right, you have done a good job dismantling his position with facts. I have already dealt with him saying that exact same thing before, It ridiculous all he does is show fake stuff. Even @Aseer got a live demonstration of how somali clan maps are not reputable 2 different versions of the same map in 1 thread. Whats crazy is that there is more versions.

Step Aside openly talks about how his karanle and whatever people are under oromo and hes completely fine with it. Why is this man so against somaliweyn I dont understand.

My theory is its because of his pure hatred against Ogaden. As you said, this guy starts taking the positions of OTHER clans just to find a fault with Ogaden.

This is why I dont engage with Qabilism, its sick all around at the end of the day youre were fighting while your people are being ethiopanized and were under occupation. Theres no point in fighting

Which is why it was so disrespectful when he completely rejected the somaliweyn, No no no lets reintroduce a fake strictly hawiye murusade trade route and split the rest up.
Right, you have done a good job dismantling his position with facts. I have already dealt with him saying that exact same thing before, It ridiculous all he does is show fake stuff. Even @Aseer got a live demonstration of how somali clan maps are not reputable 2 different versions of the same map in 1 thread. Whats crazy is that there is more versions.

Step Aside openly talks about how his karanle and whatever people are under oromo and hes completely fine with it. Why is this man so against somaliweyn I dont understand.

My theory is its because of his pure hatred against Ogaden. As you said, this guy starts taking the positions of OTHER clans just to find a fault with Ogaden.

This is why I dont engage with Qabilism, its sick all around at the end of the day youre were fighting while your people are being ethiopanized and were under occupation. Theres no point in fighting

Which is why it was so disrespectful when he completely rejected the somaliweyn, No no no lets reintroduce a fake strictly hawiye murusade trade route and split the rest up.
You keep mentioning Oromo when you have entire Absame clans (Balcad and Jidwaaq) under the Afran Qallo and Jaarso :denzelnigga:


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Ogaden were always langaab. There is a reason why Habesha and Oromo would rather work with you over the other clans. This is you in Kenya. Washington post 89. No difference in Ethiopia

View attachment 343344
>Calls ogadens langaab
>Contradicts himself by saying Ethiopia works with only the ogaden, implying that they are the majority/power holders.
>Backs himself up with a completely unrelated source
> Source states somalis are deporting other somalis based on qabil and jealously, which clearly makes no sense at all

No foreigner would use the term 'ogadeni', I have already seen you use this source against me before. No way in proving its validity, this is also as you say from 1989. This is a untrue and fake source you shared.

This source you shared isnt even backing up what you intially said, its more of an attack on all ogaden people as labeling them as jealous losers who work for foreigners and kick out competition. Absolute BS.

The only thing this source has proven is your true stance
>Calls ogadens langaab
>Contradicts himself by saying Ethiopia works with only the ogaden, implying that they are the majority/power holders.
>Backs himself up with a completely unrelated source
> Source states somalis are deporting other somalis based on qabil and jealously, which clearly makes no sense at all

No foreigner would use the term 'ogadeni', I have already seen you use this source against me before. No way in proving its validity, this is also as you say from 1989. This is a untrue and fake source you shared.

This source you shared isnt even backing up what you intially said, its more of an attack on all ogaden people as labeling them as jealous losers who work for foreigners and kick out competition. Absolute BS.

The only thing this source has proven is your true stance

Low iq

Read again. You are snitching on fellow Somali out of jealousy. You prefer working with Kikuuyo and Oromo.



Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Won’t derail this thread any further. Once Ethiopia collapses we will all go back to pre colonial days. View attachment 343346
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah no way this nigga pulled out a source from damn near 200 years ago to prove hawiyas had dominance. Its probably fake too, why would a foreigner stop his train of thought to just mention that hawiyas are the most powerful of all somali people lol. no foreigner is saying' "great territory of somali land" This is actually ridiculous and pathetic.

Once ethiopia collapses, a strong somali state will unite us all and hopefully the government will have a program to treat ill qabilists like you.


@Removed just noticed you mentioned qalaafo. Bah Gari recently moved to Qalafo. It is inhabited by Ajuran, Reer Aw Hassan and Madow
We came after the Ajuraan fell around the dervish period. We overtook the Hawiye in the last 60 years.(At the Somali border areas)

It was Reer Baare(madow) majority but weve taken over since


Ogaden were always langaab. There is a reason why Habesha and Oromo would rather work with you over the other clans. This is you in Kenya. Washington post 89. No difference in Ethiopia

View attachment 343344
The Ogaden started a war for independence the Habash brought an Isaaq to try and avoid us and they were forced to sack him midterm because he couldnt even leave Jigjiga. Where have Hawiyes done that? :ulyin:



Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Won’t derail this thread any further. Once Ethiopia collapses we will all go back to pre colonial days. View attachment 343346
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah no way this nigga pulled out a source from damn near 200 years ago to prove hawiyas had dominance. Its probably fake too, why would a foreigner stop his train of thoughtto just mention that hawiyas are the most powerful of all somali people lol. no foreigner is saying' "greatterritory of somali land" This is actually ridiculous and pathetic.

Once ethiopia collapses, a strong somali state will unite us all and hopefully the government will have a program to treat ill qabilists like you.
Low iq

Read again. You are snitching on fellow Somali out of jealousy. You prefer working with Kikuuyo and Oromo.

View attachment 343348
Based on what? an unverified screenshot of ONE liberal magazine citing that SOME critics (Most likely those being potrayed in an innocent light) saying that ogadens the reason they were arrested. Its all some unverified sob story definition of ad hominem