Oromo State annexes Somali lands.


They are making the assumption that they will still be allowed to join Oromia without having direct land attached to it. The referendum from 2004 created enclaves inside DDS. So, already as it is today do Oromos have to cross Somali land to reach their enclaves, the same will happen there.

Who are guilt-tripping Isaaqs? What Somalinimo are you talking about that is used against them? If you're making up, at least be upfront.

Yes, some hawiye land did end up with Oromia. Even though some of the locals voted for Oromia, there were flawed referendums which didn't depict the result according to the wishes of the locals (those who were against). Subsequent procedures lead to their land being handed over to Oromia.

As far as Cisses, besides a small shared land that they live in Mieso and extended areas that went with Oromia, most of their land are either in Sitti and Dire Dawa.

The Geri and Ciise do not share a border. The Ciise do not reach into Fafan and the Geri don't reach Sitti.

The Ciise border the Gadabursi, Gurgura, Gugundhabe and Karanle Hawiye, the Nole Oromo and the Afar. The Ciise do not have a border with any Darood subclan.
They're even in Somalia bro, they got a small community in Garowe and Hargeisa

You should've elected one of them as a candidate. They got all types of connections and would contribute greatly to your land. I might have to think about it til next election
Think Season 2 GIF by NBC
The borders have recently changed since the referendum that saw Jinacsani transferred to Oromia. Jinacsani which us now Oromia has borders with Lafaciise, Xerogeel and Jaare which are some of our most important towns. In the new setup we now border Oromia on three sides.

View attachment 276270

The Red lines to the east are the new borders. Jigjiga is cut off between two different sections in Oromia. We are not officially part of Oromia now but in the future it's a very real possibility.

No, you're wrong. First of all, the results of the referendum will not be exactly the same as 'negotiations' are currently ongoing regarding how to solves the border disputes.

Even if I put it aside, Jinacsani don't have a direct borders with Dembel or Awbarre. Eastern part of Jinacsani are all enclaves that has to go through Somali lands (Tuli Guleed district) regardless of how you try to go about it.

Also some of the yellow part that you painted is part of Tuli Guleed district. We share a direct border with Dire Dawa region.

Tbh, Jinacsani itself is almost an enclave. There's only a small strip of land that connects it to the rest of Oromia.

The Geri and Ciise do not share a border. The Ciise do not reach into Fafan and the Geri don't reach Sitti.

The Ciise border the Gadabursi, Gurgura, Gugundhabe and Karanle Hawiye, the Nole Oromo and the Afar. The Ciise do not have a border with any Darood subclan.

I never claimed that Geri and Cisse share a border.

I just said that we can bypass and connect Jigjiga with Sitti/Djibouti, without going through Oromia or Samaroon land, i.e. Jigjiga --> Tuli Guleed district --> Dire Dawa region --> Sitti --> Djibouti.
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A Ciise doing business is rare, kudos to your grandfather for breaking the stereotype
They need to rise above hating Samaroon and Isaaq businessmen. It's not our fault the Mamasan subclan is holding their tol back.

I recently learned Samaroon are the directors of a huge Real Estate project by Salaam which is a subsidiary of the Salaam bank in Djibouti through this guy. :tocry:
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Ximan iyo Xadeed

They need to rise above hating and Samaroon and Isaaq businessmen. It's not our fault Mamasan is holding their tol back.

I recently learned Samaroon are the directors of a huge Real estate project by Salaam which is a subsidiary of one of the biggest banks in Djibouti through this guy. :tocry:
The majority don't control even 5% of the businesses :wow1:

Ximan iyo Xadeed

I don't mean to brag but that's just one of our projects.

All they can do is seethe and talk about it on their pages. :silanyolaugh:
I took a stroll around their rich areas i saw hella Samaroon and Isaaqs , y'all doing well in that small country. Arabs would have controlled the country if it was just Ciise kkk.


No, you're wrong. First of all, the results of the referendum will not be exactly the same as 'negotiations' are currently ongoing regarding how to solves the border disputes.

Even if I put it aside, Jinacsani don't have a direct borders with Dembel or Awbarre. Eastern part of Jinacsani are all enclaves that has to go through Somali lands (Tuli Guleed district) regardless of how you try to go about it.

Also some of the yellow part that you painted is part of Tuli Guleed district. We share a direct border with Dire Dawa region.

Tbh, Jinacsani itself is almost an enclave. There's only a small strip of land that connects it to the rest of Oromia.

I never claimed that Geri and Cisse share a border.

I just said that we can bypass and connect Jigjiga with Sitti/Djibouti, without going through Oromia or Samaroon land, i.e. Jigjiga --> Tuli Guleed district --> Dire Dawa region --> Sitti --> Djibouti.


Wasn't Makanis cut off from Jinacsani? Makanis district has a border with Lafaciise, Xerogeel and Jaare.
Somalinimo was always a fantasy. It never existed and always has been anti-colonialist/MSB propaganda. Somalis are arguably the most divisive people in the world. It was only strong in the diaspora for for the first 2 decades after the civil war for survival purposes. I don't agree with what has happened but there's no denying its easier to trust and work with other ajnabis than other Somalis.
I never thought I'd be agreeing with you :dwill:
One of my Ayeeyos is Ciise :damedamn:. I make fun of them but they are family and need to rise above their hatred.

How to you want them to deal with IOG and his gang sidelining his own kin? Not to mention the b*stard he calls his wife? :mjcry:

But they seem to improving. Though, I'm more aware of their situation in Dire Dawa and Sitti than Djibouti.

Wasn't Makanis cut off from Jinacsani? Makanis district has a border with Lafaciise, Xerogeel and Jaare.

Yeah, Makaniis is separated from Jinacsani. At least based on what Oromia have planned. It haven't been fully executed.

Makaniis is an enclave. I think it may has a border with Lafa Cisse, don't remember exactly. But even in such a scenario, it has to go through our land to reach Jinacsani and mainland Oromia.

On the other hand, they don't have any border with either Xeerogel or Jaare. For instance, Jaare kebele/santar border Sariir Garaad kebele/santar on our side, which isn't part of Jinacsani/Makaniis.
How to you want them to deal with IOG and his gang sidelining his own kin? Not to mention the b*stard he calls his wife? :mjcry:

But they seem to improving. Though, I'm more aware of their situation in Dire Dawa and Sitti than Djibouti.
Honestly, that's something they have to decide between themselves. I have my own opinion that I won't share.

Any move they make on the IOG family + collaborators can break their entire clan and cause them to be divided by subclan lines for the worse.
I was just making the reference that we are connected to Cissa land without having to cross Oromia and Samaroon (if they were to join Oromia), and thereby access to Djibouti port instead of Berbera port as the guy above mentioned.

This is without including having access to Garaacad soon, as well as Bosaso and other ports in Somalia in the near future.

And Cisses will definitely not join Oromia under any circumstances, regardless of what some users here think :lolbron:
My post isn't relevant. I am saying that unlike in K5, @Yazi has no Darods to blame for the state of Djibouti.


Oromians are coming back to take whats rightfully theirs they make up 30% of Djibouti city.
My nigga, there are more arabs in djibouti city then oromo. I remember walking around Djibouti city at night when I was 8 and my hooyo called a group of guys "galla" which I didn't know who it meant as the time so I asked her and she went on a long rant violating the oromo and talking about how Somalis are the greatest in East Africa. Walahi I was inspired.
But maybe hating on galla is just a Djiboutian thing. I haven't been to another somali city to see how they were treated.

Most of the Ethiopians in Djibouti are prostitutes. We Chad ciise are not only cucking the afars, but the amxaro and Oromo.
There's a reason we niggas own a country. We'll annex ya'll oromo into Issa-land, you'll be speaking somali and finally have a real claim to somali clothes.


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