Oromos Are Organizing and Uniting At A Rapid Rate. The REAL Danger for ALL SOMALIS

You posted a few Twitter accounts and somehow all Oromo get blamed for that.
If people were to base their judgement of all somalis, off of some Somali criminals or terrorists, you'd be among the first ones to complain about how that's not fair.

Those Oromo soldiers you see are most likely in western Oromia which is closer to Sudan than it is to Somali lands in Ethiopia or elsewhere. As far as the jarso goes, even the Oromo region government at one point told them to be Somali and live with them but the onlf refused to let jarso be represented at the clan meeting they had there, they wanted their darood gerri to represent them, then fighting broke out and the iflo (Islamic front for the liberation of Oromia) sided with jarso and darood militias sided with gerri. The rest is history. You're blaming us for your own clansmen marginalizing the jarso. Won't work though.


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
You posted a few Twitter accounts and somehow all Oromo get blamed for that.
If people were to base their judgement of all somalis, off of some Somali criminals or terrorists, you'd be among the first ones to complain about how that's not fair.

Those Oromo soldiers you see are most likely in western Oromia which is closer to Sudan than it is to Somali lands in Ethiopia or elsewhere. As far as the jarso goes, even the Oromo region government at one point told them to be Somali and live with them but the onlf refused to let jarso be represented at the clan meeting they had there, they wanted their darood gerri to represent them, then fighting broke out and the iflo (Islamic front for the liberation of Oromia) sided with jarso and darood militias sided with gerri. The rest is history. You're blaming us for your own clansmen marginalizing the jarso. Won't work though.
I don’t know either side of the story so I won’t comment. But I will be honest. The Oromos will either an ally or a threat to Somaliweyn as a whole in the future. As Ethiopia is going through a Oromized Government I would like it if we were at least allies, didn’t bother each other, and worked together. With multiple forces in the near future looking over at the Horn of Africa soon I would at least like it if we would work together on this.
You posted a few Twitter accounts and somehow all Oromo get blamed for that.
If people were to base their judgement of all somalis, off of some Somali criminals or terrorists, you'd be among the first ones to complain about how that's not fair.

Those Oromo soldiers you see are most likely in western Oromia which is closer to Sudan than it is to Somali lands in Ethiopia or elsewhere. As far as the jarso goes, even the Oromo region government at one point told them to be Somali and live with them but the onlf refused to let jarso be represented at the clan meeting they had there, they wanted their darood gerri to represent them, then fighting broke out and the iflo (Islamic front for the liberation of Oromia) sided with jarso and darood militias sided with gerri. The rest is history. You're blaming us for your own clansmen marginalizing the jarso. Won't work though.

Lol, this is not Jarso vs Geri. Previously I said that most of our disputes/issues has been caused by external forces. And as far as my "own clansmen marginalizing the jarso", even Jarsos themselves will tell you that most clans were marginalizing/oppressed during previous DDS rule, even the Daroods you're mentioning - hence their choice of wanting Oromia. Go look it up for yourself. Whenever Jarsos were faced by state violence, it was never in the name of clanism, but rather whatever objectives the sitting president/reg-gov't had, which they then specially blamed on us. And took "revenge" for it, when the reg gov't was removed. You're are also mentioning just one specific event, and ONLF as we all know has since been irrelevant in this matter, as they have had little influence, due to their fighting against the Ethiopian state.

This is was broadly speaking, and as you may be aware, fightings are happening alongside most of DDS border areas, where we are neighbours with Oromia, majority of it (and Afars in the rest and same problems remains there with them too). And this thread it not to bash all Oromos, as I've said before that most Oromos are unproblematic and have no ill intentions. But you can not deny how the Oromo state has continuously moved eastwards to the Somali state and even has aspirations to continue, both legally and illegally, trough land grabs. Not the opposite! Even the recent debacle regarding Dire Dawa is proving this, where the suggestion brought forward from Oromo representatives, goes against the last agreement made between DDS/Oromia on how to move forward on the status of the city/region. Even the Oromo state (not Jarsos) was the reasoning/source of fightings a few weeks ago in DDS right outside of Jijiga, due to their entrenching on land & resources, outside its state. And taking advantage of a 4kilo installed puppet in Jijiga, doing things against the will of his people, and nodding to all demands by Shemelis Abdisa. So, I personally do have legitimate concerns and grievances against the Oromo state and Oromo elites in bed with Ethiopian regime officials, to do and achieve, as they please. They will always remain threat, unless the agree on sticking to their land. Until this happens, no peace will prevail.
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🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
This sounds like a somaliland/puntland/ogadenia problem

Shit like that could never fly in the south

And thank god for that 😂


You posted a few Twitter accounts and somehow all Oromo get blamed for that.
If people were to base their judgement of all somalis, off of some Somali criminals or terrorists, you'd be among the first ones to complain about how that's not fair.

Those Oromo soldiers you see are most likely in western Oromia which is closer to Sudan than it is to Somali lands in Ethiopia or elsewhere. As far as the jarso goes, even the Oromo region government at one point told them to be Somali and live with them but the onlf refused to let jarso be represented at the clan meeting they had there, they wanted their darood gerri to represent them, then fighting broke out and the iflo (Islamic front for the liberation of Oromia) sided with jarso and darood militias sided with gerri. The rest is history. You're blaming us for your own clansmen marginalizing the jarso. Won't work though.

Ignore the imbeciles on this forum (who unfortunately make up quite a large number). They don't represent genuine Somalis. Many speak brazenly and without shame about deporting others completely ignoring the fact that they themselves are foreigners in Western countries yet the irony isn't lost on any of them. Yet, unashamedly, if the same treatment they advocate for others was meted out to them they'd be the first to cry foul citing injustice. That should really kind of tell you all you need to know. Most of them, if not all, are motivated by purely clannish interests, they're extremely surface level and superficial in their judgement and preside entirely on emotional sloganism and use language that would make a fascist blush. They don't speak for anyone except themselves and certainly not Somalis. So don't worry about them, they only exist online.

The Oromos I've met in my life were some of the most hardworking, honourable and genuine people. But hey kudos to you for showing such restraint in the face of blatant ignorance. I'd rather have one of you than a hundred of these charming folks on the forum.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Here are Oromos who speak Somali who live in SL and PL think. I do not mean to fear monger but they are reading for an invasion. I genuinely believe this is some campaign they have going to take over the Horn. Somalis are too stupid to see what's going on.

💀we’ve been conquering and assimilating oromos for a long time,the only problem is ogaden basin now has an amhara lackey running things,as long as he is around oromos will get more confident
Oromos are delusional! These niggas came from Madagascar and were irrelevant until recently. Ethiopia made the mistake and allowed them into their country and now look what happened! They’re a minority! These guys are an actual danger. We NEED to get rid of Qabil’s, put aside our differences and face this threat!
Madagascar?? :patrice::hmm:I thought Oromos were a Cushitic ethnic group like Somalis if I’m not mistaken or at-least a hybrid-Cushitic since they’re not all a homogenous ethnic group but more so a confederation.


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
Madagascar?? :patrice::hmm:I thought Oromos were a Cushitic ethnic group like Somalis if I’m not mistaken or at-least a hybrid-Cushitic since they’re not all a homogenous ethnic group but more so a confederation.
It used to be a running joke that they were from Madagascar. I know that they’re related to us.
Ignore the imbeciles on this forum (who unfortunately make up quite a large number). They don't represent genuine Somalis. Many speak brazenly and without shame about deporting others completely ignoring the fact that they themselves are foreigners in Western countries yet the irony isn't lost on any of them. Yet, unashamedly, if the same treatment they advocate for others was meted out to them they'd be the first to cry foul citing injustice. That should really kind of tell you all you need to know. Most of them, if not all, are motivated by purely clannish interests, they're extremely surface level and superficial in their judgement and preside entirely on emotional sloganism and use language that would make a fascist blush. They don't speak for anyone except themselves and certainly not Somalis. So don't worry about them, they only exist online.

The Oromos I've met in my life were some of the most hardworking, honourable and genuine people. But hey kudos to you for showing such restraint in the face of blatant ignorance. I'd rather have one of you than a hundred of these charming folks on the forum.

It's you who doesn't speak for Somalis.

Genuine Somalis protected their lands and didn't allow thousands of hostile foreigners with whom we have land disputes to walk into Somalia like we're currently seeing. Nor do they advocate for known land grabbers over their own. B00tyclapping for ajanabis like this is unfortunately new phenomena.

Somalis in the West who fled from a civil war can't be compared to Oromos flooding Somali lands. Western countries are organised with strong institutions that can withstand foreign interference and no matter how long we live in the West, we will never be considered European nor will we ever blend in.

Oromos have a history of coming as miskeens only to then actively take over and rewrite history. Dire Dawa and and even Harar are prime examples of this.

Oromos are free to be kind, hardworking and genuine in their safe, lush green lands. Somalis are not obliged to allow unchecked, illegal immigration of Oromos of who many are not even Muslim and have different cultural practices.

I wish I could drop Somalis like you in the heartlands of Oromia so that you can get a taste of their hospitality towards outsiders and especially Somalis.
The biggest threat to Somali existence, no matter where you are. They are in every city in Somalia too, they are also very smart, they practice Iskukaris tactics on Somalis by pretending to be other clans on social media.

They also want to cause problems amongst the Somalis and be spies by making Somalis marry out with this gender war nonsense, it's a tactic they use to marry Somali men and women and intercept our culture, doqon Somalis don't know what's being planned on them.