Oromos Are Organizing and Uniting At A Rapid Rate. The REAL Danger for ALL SOMALIS


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Somalispot's resident supreme advocate for ajanabis has shown up.

Thank you for the compliment but I’ve retired. Since you’ve been gone, there about 10 threads a day talking about the racist Somali trolls on the internet.

I have completed my job and you lost, that’s why you’ve moved onto Oromos now.

You could still make a career on twitter tho, I heard OscarBritannia is looking for a wife.

I suggest you do it before I pull up your posts of defending troll members and making an expose thread about it.



Not a valid comparison, in my opinion. But, you're right in most of Oromos don't care or even thinks about this, as I mentioned above and I know plenty of them irl, even in Ethiopia. But as @Xoriyo said, most of these problems can be solved with strong institutions, which we lack. Which then leads to opening pandora's box here. For example something you can't do in the west, is that you can't expand with force. Which you can here, despite agreements in place beforehand, even without much contempt or reaction from the the regime. Look at Sitti region, after Afar (militias) were done fighting in Tigray, they had weapons not available earlier and managed to get hold of the 100% Somali inhabited cities of Garba-Issa, Cadeyti, Candufo, very quickly.

So, the (bigger) issue here in my eyes, are not Oromo people or any other ethnicity for that matter, regardless of them immigrating or not. But any ("forreign") state/gov'ts involvement in a scenario without proper institutions; when you have a fed gov't and regional gov'ts, meddling into neighbouring state's affairs based on their aspirations, that's what makes it worse! And where most problems are created. So, it's not a bad 1% here. You also may be from Somalia, so you may not be noticing these continuous events. But in DDS, it's well know here, what the intents are. Even the regime party PP (Abiy/Cajar) are vocal about how the ethnic federalism should be abolished. And you then see changes on the ground. This in turn exacerbates local people's sentiments even further and confirms your worries. In the end, the problem is not and should not be placed on individual level, regardless of ethnicities, as they rarely can make any difference. But these issues sadly remains, nevertheless.
Cagjar wants ethnic federalism abolished? Honestly think Somalis in Ethiopia won't survive past 2100 if the old map was brought back, they'd get overrun eventually.

Cagjar wants ethnic federalism abolished? Honestly think Somalis in Ethiopia won't survive past 2100 if the old map was brought back, they'd get overrun eventually.

View attachment 251834

Our future is looking more bleak, to say the least. While I don't think that we will disappear, our identity as Somali is on the line. As far as Cagjar, he avoids speaking to Somalis (media), to avoid backlash. But he will always tell you (especially during interviews, listen to his previous ones), that whenever you criticize the federal gov't and/or the Prosperity Party, you're criticizing him too. And that he represents the party (leadership). The following quote sums basically up.

"...thus moving away from their ethnic nationalist and pro-ethnic federalism past into a party that promotes a unified Ethiopian national identity and non-ethnicity based federalism...". Abiy has himself gone much further than this standpoint, as well.

Cagjar has continuously spoken about how Somalia and DDS, are two different "entities", where the latter is part of Ethiopia. And "Somaliweyn" as a concept is dead and that independence is not on the table either. He's really adamant that we are Ethiopians and should be incorporated and integrated more into the Ethiopian identity.

After the 90s/ethnic federalism, we got the opportunity for the first time to go to schools with fully Somali as a medium of instruction, rather than Amharic. Recently, they've started amharizing the school curriculum again. Coupled with the recent DDS state sponsored settlements of Highlanders (mostly Amharas). The agenda is clear. It looks unfortunately like we are heading there, as you're pointing out...

Thank you for the compliment but I’ve retired. Since you’ve been gone, there about 10 threads a day talking about the racist Somali trolls on the internet.

I have completed my job and you lost, that’s why you’ve moved onto Oromos now.

You could still make a career on twitter tho, I heard OscarBritannia is looking for a wife.

I suggest you do it before I pull up your posts of defending troll members and making an expose thread about it.


You're even more delusional than I remember.

Your obsession with online trolls is so bad that you're even trying to silence people on the real topic of illegal Oromo immigration into Somalia by accusing them of being trolls.

You and those so called trolls are not that different....smearing people who disagree with you, b00tyclapping for ajanabis (while they niiko for Arabs and white supremacists, you're more of a anything but Somali dhabodilif), delusions of grandeur, chronically online...the list goes on.

Anyways, good to see that while I have been off achieving important life goals, you have been engaged in this imagery rivalry with me..how pathetic 😭.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
You're even more delusional than I remember.

Your obsession with online trolls is so bad that you're even trying to silence people on the real topic of illegal Oromo immigration into Somalia by accusing them of being trolls.

You and those so called trolls are not that different....smearing people who disagree with you, b00tyclapping for ajanabis (while they niiko for Arabs and white supremacists, you're more of a anything but Somali dhabodilif), delusions of grandeur, chronically online...the list goes on.

Anyways, good to see that while I have been off achieving important life goals, you have been engaged in this imagery rivalry with me..how pathetic 😭.

Pull up one part of this thread where I called anyone a troll.

As usual you’re reaching..
Our future is looking more bleak, to say the least. While I don't think that we will disappear, our identity as Somali is on the line. As far as Cagjar, he avoids speaking to Somalis (media), to avoid backlash. But he will always tell you (especially during interviews, listen to his previous ones), that whenever you criticize the federal gov't and/or the Prosperity Party, you're criticizing him too. And that he represents the party (leadership). The following quote sums basically up.

"...thus moving away from their ethnic nationalist and pro-ethnic federalism past into a party that promotes a unified Ethiopian national identity and non-ethnicity based federalism...". Abiy has himself gone much further than this standpoint, as well.

Cagjar has continuously spoken about how Somalia and DDS, are two different "entities", where the latter is part of Ethiopia. And "Somaliweyn" as a concept is dead and that independence is not on the table either. He's really adamant that we are Ethiopians and should be incorporated and integrated more into the Ethiopian identity.

After the 90s/ethnic federalism, we got the opportunity for the first time to go to schools with fully Somali as a medium of instruction, rather than Amharic. Recently, they've started amharizing the school curriculum again. Coupled with the recent DDS state sponsored settlements of Highlanders (mostly Amharas). The agenda is clear. It looks unfortunately like we are heading there, as you're pointing out...


Damn, what happened to ONLF?

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Some of you sound like white supremacist who fear "white replacement", I support helping somali who have to endur agressions on the border like the geri kombe and others, but I doubt poor oromo refugees are a fifth column tryring to take over somalia, this is just a far fetched conspiracy theory.
They literally tried before, learn your own damn history you are ignorant to their goals.

They will never succeed though. Aint no way the larger tribes will allow oromos to hold land and political power. The bigger tribes want those lands and powers for themselves.

The future of oromos in somalia is as a workforce.

If we adopt dna testing to get citizenship all of their efforts will have been for nothing.


I concur with you on some of the points you brought forward.

First of all, we are too divided to even come together. Even in DDS, which is a diverse place of all major clans. Despite us not having the same history (having fought each other) like in Somalia/SL, unfortunately qabyaalad plays a major role and divides us further. It's so sad, even when these fightings are happening with Oromos and Afars, people look at it from a clan POV and sometimes because of it disregards or downplay it, to certain extent, as it has little to do with them. You even have clans that believe that they are better off with other regions/ethnicities, than with us.

Which is also the reason why the Somali region never had a leader, chosen by its people. Something that would be impossible in neighbouring regions. Thanks in large, to their systems (even informal ones), that prevents what's happening in DDS. The reality is even more bleak looking at Somalia, where we are fully responsible for the way it has turned out today.

However, we can also not disregard things that causes more issues, as in this case. By powerful actors. We have fought against the Ethiopian state for so long, so what speak for that things will change now, through peaceful means and that they want us prosperity all of a sudden (?) Regardless, there are always going to be people with "sinister" intentions in the background, driving these major changes, on a local level, that in turn gets bigger.

Nonetheless, until we together build a future collectively representing the will of the people, we will unfortunately be taken advantage of. Even innocent people with no ill intents, will cause more uproar than the failure of our leaders, not to mention the inadequacy on the part of the civil society too. However, unless the role of qabyaalad diminishes, we will be at a stalemate, until further notice, with no end in sight.

Garad, I appreciate your posts, they're very enlightening. However, some of your explanations surrounding some of these topics are extremely simplistic. It builds a premise surrounding a specific narrative and then predicates the entire argument around that unproven premise. Case example, you've already framed the conflict as 'Somali' vs 'Oromo' or 'Somali' vs 'Afar'. For you this is already a given and a non negotiable view of a complex history of the region. Simplistic non nuanced conspiratorial slogans that are easily eaten up by the masses only exists as a rallying cry for something heinous. Just read history dude, it never ends well. How about a more sensible, less catastrophic, more sober assessment? There is no such thing as Somali vs Oromo, but Geri vs Jarso just like there is no Somali vs Afar but Ciise vs a subclan of Afar. Are there elements where Ethiopian state actors at the regional level are involved? Maybe so, but are we not guilty of the same thing? History proves me correct but unfortunately that doesn't go well with racist ideologues who wish to paint a picture in their own image essentially. Do you even acknowledge that the Jarso were massacred mercilessly at the hands of the Somali regional security forces which precipitated much of the violence we see today? Or is it an inconvenience to mention that? Or worse, did they deserve it? An almost divine self righteous view of the world makes life a lot easier. No accountability. But then again why complicate things? Just say its all Oromos that are attacking us. It'll be eaten up by the fools much quicker. You get my point. There are quite a few problematic untruths spread around this forum that often goes unchecked. Maybe explore the idea that your entire take could be wrong. It's a possibility.

I, for one, am not surprised we don't along with other ethnicities in the Horn. We don't even get along with one another and vehemently despise each other based on clan lineage. How can I expect to have any consideration for my neighbours when I haven't even acknowledged you as a fellow Somali? Somalis are not all of the same persuasion and concepts such as Somalinimo is only a politically convenient cop out to be used on the rare occasion where we're not killing one another over camels, farmlands and watering wells. Explore the possibility that you may be wrong and be open to the idea that maybe just maybe, those who you hate might actually have very legitimate grievances. It's always wiser to err on the side of caution.


Our future is looking more bleak, to say the least. While I don't think that we will disappear, our identity as Somali is on the line. As far as Cagjar, he avoids speaking to Somalis (media), to avoid backlash. But he will always tell you (especially during interviews, listen to his previous ones), that whenever you criticize the federal gov't and/or the Prosperity Party, you're criticizing him too. And that he represents the party (leadership). The following quote sums basically up.

"...thus moving away from their ethnic nationalist and pro-ethnic federalism past into a party that promotes a unified Ethiopian national identity and non-ethnicity based federalism...". Abiy has himself gone much further than this standpoint, as well.

Cagjar has continuously spoken about how Somalia and DDS, are two different "entities", where the latter is part of Ethiopia. And "Somaliweyn" as a concept is dead and that independence is not on the table either. He's really adamant that we are Ethiopians and should be incorporated and integrated more into the Ethiopian identity.

After the 90s/ethnic federalism, we got the opportunity for the first time to go to schools with fully Somali as a medium of instruction, rather than Amharic. Recently, they've started amharizing the school curriculum again. Coupled with the recent DDS state sponsored settlements of Highlanders (mostly Amharas). The agenda is clear. It looks unfortunately like we are heading there, as you're pointing out...

wallahi, I hope something comes to disrupt this wicked plan.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
the reason I find hard to fear them is most Ethiopians groups are garaacs, garaac societies fail
Damn, what happened to ONLF?


They laid down their arms in 2018, after they came into an agreement with Abiy, as he got to power. They were hopeful, as were most of us too, since he did major reforms in the beginning. That's when Cagjar came to power too, where he got the backing of ONLF. His family had suffered from TPLF/EPRDF and he was exiled himself. No one expected him to turn a 180...

During this time ONLF was disintegrated as organization, due to internal issues. Including internal fractions having different agendas, mainly on how to deal with the Ethiopian state. This was ultimately the end for them altogether, as a major powerful entity in DDS. Today, they are nothing more than any other political party.

wallahi, I hope something comes to disrupt this wicked plan.

The only thing than can disrupt it, is frankly implementing democratic process/elections, without frauds/"voting irregularities"/pre-made results. Because, despite our differences. Most of the major ethnic groups: Oromos, Somalis, Tigrayans, Afars etc., except Amharas, are pro-ethnic federalism. All of the opposition parties in DDS and other regions, are adamant that protecting this constitution given right, is the most important agenda as of now, against the current regime. We'll se how it fares out.

They laid down their arms in 2018, after they came into an agreement with Abiy, as he got to power. They were hopeful, as were most of us too, since he did major reforms in the beginning. That's when Cagjar came to power too, where he got the backing of ONLF. His family had suffered from TPLF/EPRDF and he was exiled himself. No one expected him to turn a 180...

During this time ONLF was disintegrated as organization, due to internal issues. Including internal fractions having different agendas, mainly on how to deal with the Ethiopian state. This was ultimately the end for them altogether, as a major powerful entity in DDS. Today, they are nothing more than any other political party.

The only thing than can disrupt it, is frankly implementing democratic process/elections, without frauds/"voting irregularities"/pre-made results. Because, despite our differences. Most of the major ethnic groups: Oromos, Somalis, Tigrayans, Afars etc., except Amharas, are pro-ethnic federalism. All of the opposition parties in DDS and other regions, are adamant that protecting this constitution given right, is the most important agenda as of now, against the current regime. We'll se how it fares out.

both parties have agreed to “end hostilities toward each other” and for ONLF to “pursue its political objectives through peaceful means, with the assurance that the FDRE will respect and uphold the provisions of its constitution,” the statement added.

They played the role of macheveli to a T

"chapter eighteen, Machiavelli states, “a wise ruler cannot, and should not, keep his word when doing so is to his disadvantage, and when the reasons that led him to promise to do so no longer apply” (pg. 37). To simplify,
Garad, I appreciate your posts, they're very enlightening. However, some of your explanations surrounding some of these topics are extremely simplistic. It builds a premise surrounding a specific narrative and then predicates the entire argument around that unproven premise. Case example, you've already framed the conflict as 'Somali' vs 'Oromo' or 'Somali' vs 'Afar'. For you this is already a given and a non negotiable view of a complex history of the region. Simplistic non nuanced conspiratorial slogans that are easily eaten up by the masses only exists as a rallying cry for something heinous. Just read history dude, it never ends well. How about a more sensible, less catastrophic, more sober assessment? There is no such thing as Somali vs Oromo, but Geri vs Jarso just like there is no Somali vs Afar but Ciise vs a subclan of Afar. Are there elements where Ethiopian state actors at the regional level are involved? Maybe so, but are we not guilty of the same thing? History proves me correct but unfortunately that doesn't go well with racist ideologues who wish to paint a picture in their own image essentially. Do you even acknowledge that the Jarso were massacred mercilessly at the hands of the Somali regional security forces which precipitated much of the violence we see today? Or is it an inconvenience to mention that? Or worse, did they deserve it? An almost divine self righteous view of the world makes life a lot easier. No accountability. But then again why complicate things? Just say its all Oromos that are attacking us. It'll be eaten up by the fools much quicker. You get my point. There are quite a few problematic untruths spread around this forum that often goes unchecked. Maybe explore the idea that your entire take could be wrong. It's a possibility.

I, for one, am not surprised we don't along with other ethnicities in the Horn. We don't even get along with one another and vehemently despise each other based on clan lineage. How can I expect to have any consideration for my neighbours when I haven't even acknowledged you as a fellow Somali? Somalis are not all of the same persuasion and concepts such as Somalinimo is only a politically convenient cop out to be used on the rare occasion where we're not killing one another over camels, farmlands and watering wells. Explore the possibility that you may be wrong and be open to the idea that maybe just maybe, those who you hate might actually have very legitimate grievances. It's always wiser to err on the side of caution.

This is going to be a long post(s), so bear with me.

I've followed your posts on this topic for a while. You seem to know a lot and I genuinely welcome the viewpoints you bring forward, as they seem insightful. However, likewise do I feel like you minimize/diminish the scale of the events going on, to one specific variable, namely "clan" affairs between communities. As a recurring reasoning behind disputes/conflicts, (if that's what we're going to call it), between Somalis and "Oromos" or Afars for that matter. And even relativization to a certain extent, from what I've seen. No offence to you, as it doesn't feel ill intended from your side either, but you seem to want to put things into perspective, to the best of your ability.

I do agree that some of my explanation may seem simplistic, especially for people whom this topic is foreign/new to. And therefore can send wrong signals, but for the most part I do wholeheartedly believe that my retellings, reflect the reality of the situation as much as possible. From what I read through different sources + information from the ground. As far as past events I mentioned, majority of it can be backed by open sources. But we can agree to disagree, on non-factual matters. Even truths can be shared in a variety of ways, while still being true. I have to admit that I may have painted Oromos as an ethnic group as threat to us, which can be dangerous and even taken out of context. But I'll touch on this a bit later.

Regarding, framing it as Somali vs. Afar or Oromo, may seem wrong if we look from the angle - that all of recent events being coordinated as an entire ethnic group - collectively "attacking/clashing" against Somalis all at once. That's wrong. Alongside the entire DDS borders, there are different communities of different clans and thet have different historical relationships with their neighbours of other ethnicity, on the other side. So the reasoning behind each clashes are therefore different. So I'll give you that. And that my way of explaining can for some lead to "scaremongering" and ignite unwanted actions, so I have to be careful.

Even when I do mention an ethnic group in my posts, I ALWAYS in majority of my posts end it with, at least 9/10 times if not every single one of them: We shouldn't hate or create animosity with each other on an ethnic base nor individual base, regardless of the events happening, whomever the fault lies at. We have/share a long history and we need to find ways of solving our problems and continue our co-existence. Our feelings are mutual in that border areas on both sides, share similiar sentiments of fear/anxious/worries when clashes happens, not one sided only. Most people of these ethnic group are lovely people and no different from our own people. And so forth, look through my previous posts...

As far acknowledging wrongdoings against Jarsos, I've been clear on this from my side. Not mentioned here though, as this was a general topic about Oromos, but look back on ALL threads about Jarsos & adjacent topics. I've almost always mentioned this, maybe you must have missed it or just subtly passed by it. This following below, was in my very first post on this topic, maybe not clearly explaining it, but go through my other threads/posts where I talked about it, as to not make this post even longer, if you feel like I am not "acknowledging" it "enough".

"...especially during president Abdi Iley, he put hard restrictions on them as he feared Somali land was being taken by Oromos. In particular due to their identities. Which led up to the events that started the clashes between Geri and Jarso 10ish years ago, as a result of Liyuu police handling them.."
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Garad, I appreciate your posts, they're very enlightening. However, some of your explanations surrounding some of these topics are extremely simplistic. It builds a premise surrounding a specific narrative and then predicates the entire argument around that unproven premise. Case example, you've already framed the conflict as 'Somali' vs 'Oromo' or 'Somali' vs 'Afar'. For you this is already a given and a non negotiable view of a complex history of the region. Simplistic non nuanced conspiratorial slogans that are easily eaten up by the masses only exists as a rallying cry for something heinous. Just read history dude, it never ends well. How about a more sensible, less catastrophic, more sober assessment? There is no such thing as Somali vs Oromo, but Geri vs Jarso just like there is no Somali vs Afar but Ciise vs a subclan of Afar. Are there elements where Ethiopian state actors at the regional level are involved? Maybe so, but are we not guilty of the same thing? History proves me correct but unfortunately that doesn't go well with racist ideologues who wish to paint a picture in their own image essentially. Do you even acknowledge that the Jarso were massacred mercilessly at the hands of the Somali regional security forces which precipitated much of the violence we see today? Or is it an inconvenience to mention that? Or worse, did they deserve it? An almost divine self righteous view of the world makes life a lot easier. No accountability. But then again why complicate things? Just say its all Oromos that are attacking us. It'll be eaten up by the fools much quicker. You get my point. There are quite a few problematic untruths spread around this forum that often goes unchecked. Maybe explore the idea that your entire take could be wrong. It's a possibility.

I, for one, am not surprised we don't along with other ethnicities in the Horn. We don't even get along with one another and vehemently despise each other based on clan lineage. How can I expect to have any consideration for my neighbours when I haven't even acknowledged you as a fellow Somali? Somalis are not all of the same persuasion and concepts such as Somalinimo is only a politically convenient cop out to be used on the rare occasion where we're not killing one another over camels, farmlands and watering wells. Explore the possibility that you may be wrong and be open to the idea that maybe just maybe, those who you hate might actually have very legitimate grievances. It's always wiser to err on the side of caution.

Again, I've always been clear on the issues between Geri vs. Jarso, that we've had disagreements in the past, and historical clashes too. But never on the scale of fightings, we see it in recent times. As you mention it and agree, there are many posts where I have also said that our relations has been exacerbated by external forces, that have acted on the interest, of either/both sides. So what Oromo and Somali Liyuu police has done to us, have I been clear on, if you go back on my posts too. Anyone from that area, would not say "maybe" like you do, to the involvement of state (backed) forces, as there're evidences too. Even acknowledgement from officials of both states. Also I, just like most people in these areas has at least extended family members of the other community. So I benefit NADA for our deteriorating co-existence. Though these events, will make it harder for us to reconcile in the future, as required/needed.

"There is no such thing as Somali vs Oromo" "there is no Somali vs Afar". These statements are so wrong, besides the topic of ethnic groups I touched on earlier. There are very clear state (kilil) involvements here. Even (current/previous) fed gov'ts and backdoor figures in Addis, are in large part are the roots cause of this. Therefore is it not wrong to partly portray it this way too. Let's revisit the creation of ethnic federalism. The border drawings was nothing short of disastrous. Somali majority cities/districts were included in neighbouring states, like those cities recently captured by Afar militas. Afar state came into agreement with Abdi Iley to take over these areas right before his fall, after much disagreements, and Cagjar has since rescinded that decision. Even both states has accused each other of using state forces here, as recently as 2020/2021. So it's not just a clan issue between Issas and Afar, as you try to reduce it too. (Even two months ago in an interview, Cagjar said he will try to formally get those areas into DDS, if he can. More evidents contrary to your claims.)

Even worse to the areas where Geri/Jarso live. Here's the offical map of Ethiopia, and zoomed in to the area in question.
Skärmavbild 2023-02-03 kl. 00.32.44.png

Or from an actual map, to get a further clear view of the outlining of "Chinaksen/Jinacsani district (woreda)".
Skärmavbild 2023-02-03 kl. 00.32.07.png

Even though the official map shows a tiny strip of Tuli Guleed being in DDS (not even accurate, as the main town of Tuli Guleed is not even there, lol). Look at the second map, the town/city of Tuli guleed is in the middle of that curved area of Jinacsani in Oromia, let alone the rest of the districts of Tuli Guleed. And that the Oromia state reaches Leifa Issa and parts of the city too, a majority Samaroon city and past Jarso/Geri territory?!?! If you know the results of the 2004 referendum 40-ish towns (kebles) in Jinacsani district chose Oromia, and 40-ish of Tuli Guleed district to remain in DDS. Now show me why they literally included the entire area of Tuli Guleed, to Oromia, according to official docs too?!?! They never had control or jurisdiction of it either since the referendum, as the map was done by people of interest in this matter...

This is the main reason we never say that our problems with Jarsos are merely a clan issue, even though in many case there are elements of it. But if these areas fall to militias from the other side of border (as Jarsos from Jinacsani are almost always often involved in clashes), once these fightings happens, then oh well, it was already in "Oromia" to begin with. And we can't do much about it. This is why I have an issue with you reducing it just a problem only between two clans, and nothing more. Please refrain from doing so, unless you know the broad picture of all relevant factors. Especially as someone not from Jinacsani/Tuli Guleed and hence easy for you to dismiss or diminish the rot causes. As I said earlier, outside forces are often causing tensions, as you seem to also agree. Well Oromia is building a dam in Tuli Guleed now, without any support of the locals and DDS administration has showed little interest in formal/concrete procedures. So now, displacements of thousands are happening, among other things. These events caused these latest fightings. *So, our sentiments of being taken over by Oromia, is actual REALITY, that's in the process as we speak, whether you may agree or not*.

I can go on and on, and argue with facts on the ground for these events and for my differing viewpoints from yours, but I'll rest my case here. Hopefully, you at least got my core points. And we may have to agree to disagree on certain areas, if you wish so. Though, one things needs to be said, that there has never been any ill intent from my side to Oromos. If I have wronged/hurled any offensive remarks or just generalization, I take it back, wholeheartedly.
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Even most amharas are pro-ethnic federalism ( or at least federalism) at this point. Bahir Dar won’t give up its power.
Even most amharas are pro-ethnic federalism ( or at least federalism) at this point. Bahir Dar won’t give up its power.

True, they are becoming more in favour of it. They are the most outspread people in the country, and live in pockets and settlements, literary everywhere. Which is part of why they were not so positive to it. But also ethnic federalism, means that they no longer can control other regions/people, besides their own. As they are a minority now, and loose their historical single handedly power, on governing (dominating) the country. Not to forget, how they have disputes with Tigray over western Tigray, Oromia and other regions. Which they feel like, they would benefit more from centralism.
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True, they are becoming more in favour of it. They are the most outspread people in the country, and live in pockets and settlements, literary everywhere. Which is part of why they were not so positive to it. But also ethnic federalism, means that they no longer can control other regions/people, besides their own. As they are a minority now, and loose their historical single handedly power, on governing (dominating) the country. Not to forget, how they have disputes with Tigray over western Tigray, Oromia and other regions. Which they feel like, they would benefit more from centralism.
The amharas who live outside of the Amhara region are usually not real Amhara, but gurages and oromos who have Amharified
The amharas who live outside of the Amhara region are usually not real Amhara, but gurages and oromos who have Amharified

Interesting, I haven't thought about it this way. But LOTS of "Oromos" and "Amharas" are oromized respective amharized. Even Somalis in Hararghe, I was in for a rude awakening when I went there (the area between Dire Dawa and Jigjiga). So, it's confusing at this point, who's who. :mindblown:
So I have to go by whatever they claim, kkkkk. :ohno:


Again, I've always been clear on the issues between Geri vs. Jarso, that we've had disagreements in the past, and historical clashes too. But never on the scale of fightings, we see it in recent times. As you mention it and agree, there are many posts where I have also said that our relations has been exacerbated by external forces, that have acted on the interest, of either/both sides. So what Oromo and Somali Liyuu police has done to us, have I been clear on, if you go back on my posts too. Anyone from that area, would not say "maybe" like you do, to the involvement of state (backed) forces, as there're evidences too. Even acknowledgement from officials of both states. Also I, just like most people in these areas has at least extended family members of the other community. So I benefit NADA for our deteriorating co-existence. Though these events, will make it harder for us to reconcile in the future, as required/needed.

"There is no such thing as Somali vs Oromo" "there is no Somali vs Afar". These statements are so wrong, besides the topic of ethnic groups I touched on earlier. There are very clear state (kilil) involvements here. Even (current/previous) fed gov'ts and backdoor figures in Addis, are in large part are the roots cause of this. Therefore is it not wrong to partly portray it this way too. Let's revisit the creation of ethnic federalism. The border drawings was nothing short of disastrous. Somali majority cities/districts were included in neighbouring states, like those cities recently captured by Afar militas. Afar state came into agreement with Abdi Iley to take over these areas right before his fall, after much disagreements, and Cagjar has since rescinded that decision. Even both states has accused each other of using state forces here, as recently as 2020/2021. So it's not just a clan issue between Issas and Afar, as you try to reduce it too. (Even two months ago in an interview, Cagjar said he will try to formally get those areas into DDS, if he can. More evidents contrary to your claims.)

Even worse to the areas where Geri/Jarso live. Here's the offical map of Ethiopia, and zoomed in to the area in question.
View attachment 252012

Or from an actual map, to get a further clear view of the outlining of "Chinaksen/Jinacsani district (woreda)".
View attachment 252011
Even though the official map shows a tiny strip of Tuli Guleed being in DDS (not even accurate, as the main town of Tuli Guleed is not even there, lol). Look at the second map, the town/city of Tuli guleed is in the middle of that curved area of Jinacsani in Oromia, let alone the rest of the districts of Tuli Guleed. And that the Oromia state reaches Leifa Issa and parts of the city too, a majority Samaroon city and past Jarso/Geri territory?!?! If you know the results of the 2004 referendum 40-ish towns (kebles) in Jinacsani district chose Oromia, and 40-ish of Tuli Guleed district to remain in DDS. Now show me why they literally included the entire area of Tuli Guleed, to Oromia, according to official docs too?!?! They never had control or jurisdiction of it either since the referendum, as the map was done by people of interest in this matter...

This is the main reason we never say that our problems with Jarsos are merely a clan issue, even though in many case there are elements of it. But if these areas fall to militias from the other side of border (as Jarsos from Jinacsani are almost always often involved in clashes), once these fightings happens, then oh well, it was already in "Oromia" to begin with. And we can't do much about it. This is why I have an issue with you reducing it just a problem only between two clans, and nothing more. Please refrain from doing so, unless you know the broad picture of all relevant factors. Especially as someone not from Jinacsani/Tuli Guleed and hence easy for you to dismiss or diminish the rot causes. As I said earlier, outside forces are often causing tensions, as you seem to also agree. Well Oromia is building a dam in Tuli Guleed now, without any support of the locals and DDS administration has showed little interest in formal/concrete procedures. So now, displacements of thousands are happening, among other things. These events caused these latest fightings. *So, our sentiments of being taken over by Oromia, is actual REALITY, that's in the process as we speak, whether you may agree or not*.

I can go on and on, and argue with facts on the ground for these events and for my differing viewpoints from yours, but I'll rest my case here. Hopefully, you at least got my core points. And we may have to agree to disagree on certain areas, if you wish so. Though, one things needs to be said, that there has never been any ill intent from my side to Oromos. If I have wronged/hurled any offensive remarks or just generalization, I take it back, wholeheartedly.

I see why they call you Garad, you're an extremely intelligent person MashaAllah. I may have mistaken you with some of these other novices on the forum. Apologies for that, I have to respect a great mind when I see it.

I pretty much agree with everything that you said and I learnt quite a lot from your posts. I'm not afraid to admit I'm wrong so I will genuinely look into this whole issue again. The Geri and the Gadabursi have a long lasting relationship that goes beyond Dir and Darood. The Gadabursi and Geri have always been close and when the fighting happened many came to live with us like their brothers even more than their fellow Darood clans.

Thank you for the enlightening post Garad.
I see why they call you Garad, you're an extremely intelligent person MashaAllah. I may have mistaken you with some of these other novices on the forum. Apologies for that, I have to respect a great mind when I see it.

I pretty much agree with everything that you said and I learnt quite a lot from your posts. I'm not afraid to admit I'm wrong so I will genuinely look into this whole issue again. The Geri and the Gadabursi have a long lasting relationship that goes beyond Dir and Darood. The Gadabursi and Geri have always been close and when the fighting happened many came to live with us like their brothers even more than their fellow Darood clans.

Thank you for the enlightening post Garad.

Thank you yourself, for making me rethink in many regards (and my own biases). Life is continuous journey, where we do get enlighten in many ways. I have to say that, from my part, it may have appeared as bashing in retrospect for outsiders. We are this way by nature, in which we try to make ourselves righteous in all circumstances. In the end, from the beginning I said, it won't make any difference (for me personally) which side any one takes, even from Somalis. Just please read/look things up, even if it seems doubtful. Because our own prejudice can stand in the way of seeing things happening right before our eyes. I may also be wrong at times, so I have to educate myself, on events that I may not be familiarized with. Even things wrongly done on the behalf of my community/clan too. And sorry if I have come at you in a non-respectful way, but I appreciated interacting with you, walaal. Mahadsanid for your time and patience with me.

Yes indeed do we live together, Jarsos live west of us and Samaroon east of us. We've mostly had nothing but great friendly relations with you guys. You've given us refuge and mediated countless times. Which we will foreever be grateful fore. I've also got family members from your clan, not just in DDS side, but also on the SL side of the border, as I've mentioned before. I hope our relation never gets as bad as it has been with Jarso (not in a bad way). It's very hearbreaking to speak about Jarso as "others", as we lived together for hundres of years, mostly peaceful co-existence and now seeing these conflicts split even families apart...

The reason why I felt like this recent event was different, was because it affects all of us, besides the local issues between Geri vs. Jarso. As Oromia is building a massive dam in Marar, in Tuli Guleed, right outside Jigjiga as soon as you leave the city northwards. That's where the source of the water that feeds 3/4 of DDS residents. Cagjar/DDS admin has quickly signed it off to Oromia to build it, without an agreement on how it will be used by them and how we (as DDS) will get our share. Which he has admitted in his latest interview, of Oromia starting it beforehand, not in accordance with their agreement. It was hard to get this message out, as people now on social media and everywhere, view it nothing more than clan disputes.

I also thought that you knew that the "official" Oromo state border was within Samaroon territory where there are little to none Jarso and therefore not have been possible for them to choose to be part of Oromia in the 2004 referendum, as you guys were clearly not in favor. Which is what I tried to inform you. Regardless, as long as these border areas get solved permanently, with good intentions from DDS and Oromia, much of these issues will disappear.
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