Oromos on the streets in large numbers : land expansion plans foiled


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I don’t think these people know the extent of what our neighbours think of us and have done to us. They will overrun your city, take all the jobs, and even the high end jobs then ice you out. I remember some old Adeer saying they were forced to speak Amharic in their government buildings. And the school he went to would hit them if they spoke Somali. Furthermore, during the war the same people that lived amongst them took up arms to massacre their families. We Somalis have never done what they have done to us and continue to do. But you don’t see people calling them out at all.
Also when I was in Galbeed whenever a Somali would stand up for themselves they would jail you. They stole so much Somali land you can’t do nothing about it. I remember I would walk around the city near their areas and the Soldiers would bug you and point their guns at you. How’s that fair in Somali ancestral land that we get to be treated as dogs? Why have they never given us mercy? Mind you I was like 8 when they pointed a gun at me.
Yup that happened and I remember a little Somali girl was raped and murdered by them. Nothing was done. If we lose our territories in Galbeed at least Somalia should stand. So I have no qualms with the deportations in Puntland.
I reccomend all the oromo sympathisers to read what this user posted on this thread that you all stayed silent on. This is the cruel reality the average somali faces in the border regions of galbeed and I have heard way worse stories than what they wrote and this will soon become the reality in places like garowe, saylac, hargeisa, xamar etc. In the near future you will be replaced in your hometowns and see more folks named "Bareentuma" or "Badessa" walking around instead of "Farax" or "Abshir".

There is Zero Room for jileecness on Oromos all should be deported by force and thosd that refuse can be made an example of or put into special employment camps.

Crush the Oromo Expansionist now or your family will be next.

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I understand the concerns surrounding Oromo expansionism and tons of undocumented migrants flooding into Somali regions. I don't think most people are saying turn a blind eye and tolerate it or taking issue with safe, legal deportations. The problem is people whipping up Oromo-hate and demonising an entire ethnic group. Someone a few posts before me called them "vermin" and got many upvotes. People are posting tiktoks and twitter posts of Oromo nationalists saying problematic things to paint a certain picture of them and incite further hatred and suspicion. These are dangerous sentiments that don't align with our morals and values. Which, by the way, come from our religion and not "the liberal West".

There's never a justification for dehumanising an entire group of people.
Agreed we should deal with them in a diplomatic way and not spread hate at all but we should definatley not turn a blind eye to them flooding our nation, it's alarming and it must be dealt very quickly before things escalate.
I reccomend all the oromo sympathisers to read what this user posted on this thread that you all stayed silent on. This is the cruel reality the average somali faces in the border regions of galbeed and I have heard way worse stories than what they wrote and this will soon become the reality in places like garowe, saylac, hargeisa, xamar etc. In the near future you will be replaced in your hometowns and see more folks named "Bareentuma" or "Badessa" walking around instead of "Farax" or "Abshir".

There is Zero Room for jileecness on Oromos all should be deported by force and thosd that refuse can be made an example of or put into special employment camps.

Crush the Oromo Expansionist now or your family will be next.

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They probably saw that and ignored it because at the end of the day they don’t care for Oromo assimilation if it means their clan is ontop. They’re hiding behind this “treat oromos with dignity” as if puntland don’t condemn individuals who have took personal actions and want to peacefully deport them. It’s fake calacaal and are silent when it comes to people from galbeed and their stories sadly
I reccomend all the oromo sympathisers to read what this user posted on this thread that you all stayed silent on. This is the cruel reality the average somali faces in the border regions of galbeed and I have heard way worse stories than what they wrote and this will soon become the reality in places like garowe, saylac, hargeisa, xamar etc. In the near future you will be replaced in your hometowns and see more folks named "Bareentuma" or "Badessa" walking around instead of "Farax" or "Abshir".

There is Zero Room for jileecness on Oromos all should be deported by force and thosd that refuse can be made an example of or put into special employment camps.

Crush the Oromo Expansionist now or your family will be next.

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Yeah I have far worse stories but whatever it’s not good to think about sad stuff. Only thing we can do is work hard and take care of our families. Allah will deal with the evilness of mankind.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ الْمُسْلِمُ مَنْ سَلِمَ النَّاسُ مِنْ لِسَانِهِ وَيَدِهِ وَالْمُؤْمِنُ مَنْ أَمِنَهُ النَّاسُ عَلَى دِمَائِهِمْ وَأَمْوَالِهِمْ

4995 سنن النسائي كتاب الإيمان وشرائعه صفة المؤمن

المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث حسن صحيح في صحيح النسائي 5010

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand people are safe, and the believer is the one people trust with their lives and wealth.

Source: Sunan al-Nasā’ī 4995

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
Wow now don’t bring the deen into this, they will call it rubbish. May Allah of mercy on them.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I understand the concerns surrounding Oromo expansionism and tons of undocumented migrants flooding into Somali regions. I don't think most people are saying turn a blind eye and tolerate it or taking issue with safe, legal deportations. The problem is people whipping up Oromo-hate and demonising an entire ethnic group. Someone a few posts before me called them "vermin" and got many upvotes. People are posting tiktoks and twitter posts of Oromo nationalists saying problematic things to paint a certain picture of them and incite further hatred and suspicion. These are dangerous sentiments that don't align with our morals and values. Which, by the way, come from our religion and not "the liberal West".

There's never a justification for dehumanising an entire group of people.
That’s all I’ve been saying and they are calling me an Oromo agent. Sorry for trying to care about y’alls akhira. The government is already deporting them no reason to hate-monger. You’d think all Oromos were children-snatching cannibals. Weird ass hypocritical children in here.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
What's dehumanising is the insults and generalisations against an entire ethnic group. Posters who simply stated they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity because they're humans (let alone Muslims) got tons of down votes. That's pretty scary.

You can deal with Oromo criminals as individuals and they can go to court and be tried for any crimes committed like everybody else. Is it necessary to malign the entire ethnicity for the crimes of individuals?

I'm assuming you mean those of them who are in Somalia illegally. Again, the government can safely deport illegal Oromo migrants but this doesn't need to come with a frenzy of anti-Oromo rhetoric.
These niggas acting like them and their parents aren’t qaxootis in whatever western country they live in. Out here spreading the same fear-mongering as cadaans that vehemently hate Muslims. Pure hypocrites.
my first encounter of oromos were them squatting next door to my grandmother house in boorama i was 13, they came knocking on our door at dhuhur asking for water. do you know that they knock on houses to beg that’s how brazen these people are. a somali never knocked on our door to beg and i don’t even think i’ve met somali street kids they are all oromo

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Since when is illegal immigration and open boarders part of islam? Some of you are disingenuous trying to use to deen when a fragile government is enforcing deportation from illegal immigrates

I don’t see this finger waging with other muslim states but for somalia and it’s regions you expect open boarders. Same people will call other somalis marti in their lands lmao


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Since when is illegal immigration and open boarders part of islam? Some of you are disingenuous trying to use to deen when a fragile government is enforcing deportation from illegal immigrates

I don’t see this finger waging with other muslim states but for somalia and it’s regions you expect open boarders. Same people will call other somalis marti in their lands lmao
No one is using the deen to say they shouldn’t be deported, it’s clear that people are unnecessarily hate-mongering, which can lead to bad things. I dont want Somalis to be like those other Muslim countries you speak of that treat and act like certain people are beneath them. You can have morals while securing your border and deporting Oromos and other foreigners. Do you have a problem with that statement?

You are always sympathising with Oromos, very interesting. What attacks? Hmmmm?

The only attacks have been the other way round with Oromo terrorists, Oromo cannibals and Oromo violent land expansionism.
Your type of rhetoric is no different then that of the zionist or the far right; use the crimes of members of those groups to enact collective punishment of all and mass deportation of all.

To see the masses cheerleading those same sentiments along with you, while in other threads criticising the far right and zionists for the same, is utter hypocrisy, and don't be surprised in future receiving those same judgements and punishments in the West.

If we had an actual cohesive strong country, these are the best types of people to assimilate into our ethnic group, they speak like us, they look like us, but we can't even get along with the neighbouring clan next door.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Your type of rhetoric is no different then that of the zionist or the far right; use the crimes of members of those groups to enact collective punishment of all and mass deportation of all.

To see the masses cheerleading those same sentiments along with you, while in other threads criticising the far right and zionists for the same, is utter hypocrisy, and don't be surprised in future receiving those same judgements and punishments in the West.
I agree.
If we had an actual cohesive strong country, these are the best types of people to assimilate into our ethnic group, they speak like us, they look like us, but we can't even get along with the neighbouring clan next door.
I disagree. We don’t want to dillute our dna, we just want to be Somali. We don’t want to assimilate anyone, especially not expansionist Oromos. That’s when Ethiopia get’s to see an ocean fr.
Please don't be fooled into believing everyone on this forum is an ethnic Somali or even likes Somalis. For example, @Kamaaludeen Al Reewin is a Bantu from Somalia. But he pretends to be an ethnic Somali from the D&M. That is why he likes to paint Somalis as aggressors when he gets the chance and he does it in a subtle manner. His former name was @mohamedismail but he changed it when he realised everyone knew why he was really mad (why are Somali women not marrying Bantu men).

That's why he is back on this forum, trying to paint Oromo as miskeen and ethnic Somalis as the aggressors.

If you are a minority in Somalia, Oromo or something else, at least represent your people proudly, so that we know what drives your agenda to be subversive on this forum.

You can't hide on here, throw rocks at us and get away with it.

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These clothings are definitely not the Somali culture originally. Somalis are known as lamagoodle, I'm pretty sure women weren't wearing baati in the desert with the camels

Your type of rhetoric is no different then that of the zionist or the far right; use the crimes of members of those groups to enact collective punishment of all and mass deportation of all.

To see the masses cheerleading those same sentiments along with you, while in other threads criticising the far right and zionists for the same, is utter hypocrisy, and don't be surprised in future receiving those same judgements and punishments in the West.

If we had an actual cohesive strong country, these are the best types of people to assimilate into our ethnic group, they speak like us, they look like us, but we can't even get along with the neighbouring clan next door.
Can you point to a single group somalis have successfully assimilated ?