Parallels between Nagorno-Karabakh and Ogaden?


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Bro there is no point in Ogaden when we can’t even benefit or bear fruits from the 647km2 vast land that is called Somalia

what could we offer Somalis in Somali region
no. They are still our people. Somali region is vast and can provide alot of sustinance for its people and somalis in general. Why would we allow ethiopians to hold on to our land. They cant go without massacring each other ever few days. Rn its amhara vs oromo and tigray. Soon it could be somali vs amhara, oromo and tigray. We need to help our people before its too late. This selfishness got us in this mess in the first place
guess who isn't dying and will eventually inherit the land?
Not this again, you are sounding like pinkyandthebrain. Name me a single town in the south that is majority Bantu. Somalia isn't under going any demographic shift by them, there isn't any proof. Not only does Somalia have one if the highest birth rates in the world, but the most fertile areas are in the north and clan warfare doesn't affect ethnic Somalli numbers enough, its the famines that do. Once Somalia becomes stable and develops, you will see tons of Somalis from the north move south for economic opportunities.
but at least they aren't divided along clan lines
But Arabs are divided among clan lines, that is one of the major reasons why they lost against Israel multiple times. Their tribalism caused corruption within the military and distrust. Even worse, Palestinians are getting replaced by settler colonialism. Their situation is 10x more tragic than Somalia's since everyone betrayed them.
ask yourself why Ethiopia now wants a sea
Ethiopia under the TPLF didn't want the sea, because they were realistic and knew it would be impossible, even back when Somalia was even more divided than it is today. Abiy is on khat and if Somalis were united he would still try to get sea access.
are your fellow Somali
Only that fool Bixi. Silaayno, Kahin and Egal never tried to give Ethiopia sea access, even when they could have easily done it.
doesn't matter when we continue to sabotage each other
We sabotage each other yet things are steadily getting better. Less violence, more stability, more development. Somalia was 10x worst during the 90s and 2000s yet Ethiopia and Kenya weren't able to take our lands. And now look at modern Somalia: Farmaajo did the unthinkable and beat Kenya in the ICJ sea dispute. HSM had successfully turned everyone against the MOU and managed to secure a favorable maritime deal. Would these improvements go by faster if Somalis were united? Of course but they are still happening regardless so stop the doomposting.
Azerbaijan badly lost the war for the region to Armenia in the 90s. I doubt those alive then could imagine how the situation has now 180°d, and they've got Armenian's ceding land at gunpoint. A good ally in Turkey, and drone warefare, has led to this development.

Imagine a future where this happens in the horn. Would be dope
There's no parallels you're just delusional ciyaal qaxooti go back to your fortnite game kiddo :camby:
Not this again, you are sounding like pinkyandthebrain. Name me a single town in the south that is majority Bantu. Somalia isn't under going any demographic shift by them, there isn't any proof. Not only does Somalia have one if the highest birth rates in the world, but the most fertile areas are in the north and clan warfare doesn't affect ethnic Somalli numbers enough, its the famines that do. Once Somalia becomes stable and develops, you will see tons of Somalis from the north move south for economic opportunities.

But Arabs are divided among clan lines, that is one of the major reasons why they lost against Israel multiple times. Their tribalism caused corruption within the military and distrust. Even worse, Palestinians are getting replaced by settler colonialism. Their situation is 10x more tragic than Somalia's since everyone betrayed them.

Ethiopia under the TPLF didn't want the sea, because they were realistic and knew it would be impossible, even back when Somalia was even more divided than it is today. Abiy is on khat and if Somalis were united he would still try to get sea access.

Only that fool Bixi. Silaayno, Kahin and Egal never tried to give Ethiopia sea access, even when they could have easily done it.

We sabotage each other yet things are steadily getting better. Less violence, more stability, more development. Somalia was 10x worst during the 90s and 2000s yet Ethiopia and Kenya weren't able to take our lands. And now look at modern Somalia: Farmaajo did the unthinkable and beat Kenya in the ICJ sea dispute. HSM had successfully turned everyone against the MOU and managed to secure a favorable maritime deal. Would these improvements go by faster if Somalis were united? Of course but they are still happening regardless so stop the doomposting.
A lot of mental gymnastics by you sxb. Things have gotten worse, and are continuing to get worse and no matter much you try to paint a different picture, reality doesn't change because you don't like it.
A lot of mental gymnastics by you sxb. Things have gotten worse, and are continuing to get worse and no matter much you try to paint a different picture, reality doesn't change because you don't like it.
No wonder you chose that username lol, nothing but pessimism from you so far


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@hopelessMan @Zak12 keep three things in mind:
  1. Ethiopia is not an industrialized country
  2. Ethiopia has no nuclear weapons
  3. Somali demography in Somalia and in Ethiopia will keep pushing Somali military potential upward
Ethiopia's position vis a vis Somalis has been weakening even during Somalia's complete collapse. Population growth in DDSI has actually been picking up each year from 1991 onward. Ethiopia is so desperate to conceal Somali population growth, that it deliberately gives incorrect population weights for the Somali region in its DHS reports. Already the combined population of Somalis in the horn is either equal to or greater than the population of Amhara.

We are not facing Israel. We are facing a poor, landlocked African autocracy. Ethiopia is defeatable, and our chance at defeating it goes up each year. Also, Somalis are unassimilable due to the vast gulf in language, religion and culture. We should be optimistic.

Ethiopia fertility.png
@hopelessMan @Zak12 keep three things in mind:
  1. Ethiopia is not an industrialized country
  2. Ethiopia has no nuclear weapons
  3. Somali demography in Somalia and in Ethiopia will keep pushing Somali military potential upward
Ethiopia's position vis a vis Somalis has been weakening even during Somalia's complete collapse. Population growth in DDSI has actually been picking up each year from 1991 onward. Ethiopia is so desperate to conceal Somali population growth, that it deliberately gives incorrect population weights for the Somali region in its DHS reports. Already the combined population of Somalis in the horn is either equal to or greater than the population of Amhara.

We are not facing Israel. We are facing a poor, landlocked African autocracy. Ethiopia is defeatable, and our chance at defeating it goes up each year. Also, Somalis are unassimilable due to the vast gulf in language, religion and culture. We should be optimistic.

View attachment 335017
It doesn't matter tho does it? Ethiopia clearly has a massive influence in Somalia and on Somali people. All of Gedo, and Konfur Galbeed is under their control, the border towns between Hiran and galbed is under their control. All of Galbeed is under their control, plus now they are trying to get access to the sea, not saying they will succeed, but that's not something we can downplay. Here's my point, Ethiopia would have zero influence and would be confined to outside Galbeed if Somali people were united, is that a lie? I don't think so, so perhaps you guys should explain to me why Somali clans are war with each other for 34 years while their enemies are trying to expand their influence at our expense?

Also numbers don't mean shit, Oromo are still useless despite being so massive.
No wonder you chose that username lol, nothing but pessimism from you so far
I have seen first hand the things I am taking about. Some kid born outside of Ogaden region whose father never fought dare to shoot at an Ethiopian wouldn't know anything but speculate.
Keep writing your fairytales as if it'll change the reality.
There are no parallels. Only thing is Armenia didn't actually settle Karbakh areas after kicking out Azeris, the Amhara/Oromo didn't takeover Galbeed. It's still 95% Somali.

People bringing ONLF are delusional. After they sabotaged oil surveys the TPLF went scorched earth on Ogaden clans, entire families and sub clans wiped out and had their villages burned down. All this done by pro TPLF Ogaden sub clans and other Somalis. ONLF never stood a chance and Abiye's rise gave them an out. They shouldn't fight the Ethiopian state regardless... Stay on the sidelines and enjoy the show. No single clan can defeat Ethiopia and they wield so much influence on all Somali clans. It's ridiculous to think if somehow Somalia or any of it's regions got drones they'll be able to defeat Ethiopia.
I've interacted with plenty of people from Ogaden and they never had the doomer outlook you have. You are just being defeatist for the sake of it.
should I live in denial and be delusional instead?
You can't spin an obvious defeat as a win.
We're losing, and we won't stop losing until we admit we're losing first then regroup and do what needs to be done.
The Turks have always been resourceful, and their history speaks for itself. They conquerred all of Central Asia, present day Turkey from Greeks, and brought Islam to the Balkans, plus they conquerred many people groups in eastern Europe. You can hardly compare them to Somali people who couldn't even defend themselves from the weakest of people, and who are more than happy to brag about fighting poor fellow Somali clans.

Please, let's be real.

Btw: if you gave the Ogaden back to Somalia right now, they would lose it as they're already losing parts of Somalia proper to foreign influence.
Youre thinking about the current Failed, man failed isnt even a good word to describe this MESS. Government. But yes I definitely see this happening. Youre hopeless im not
spot on again! I dont know why a lot of our people, specially educated ones in the west ignore this fact. It's like they choose to live in denial than accept facts. I will give you an example, couple days ago clan militias looted thousands of arms shipments. This clan is marehan clan, and their lands are literred with Ethiopian troops but they are already all over social media threatening hawiye with those weapons. Can you make sense of this insanity?
Before the marehan people attack me, please know I believe every Somali clan including my own(I am OG) is low IQ and therefore violent because you need big brains to choose peace and stability over violence. I am also not singling you guys out, the same is true for other Darod tribes, Isaq tribes and Hawiye tribes. The only tribe that I think are chill in Somalia are rahanwayne people.
Why are you here then, Why do you care what is your goal.
I have seen first hand the things I am taking about. Some kid born outside of Ogaden region whose father never fought dare to shoot at an Ethiopian wouldn't know anything but speculate.
Keep writing your fairytales as if it'll change the reality.
I strongly doubt that you are ogaden

yeah its un wise to join the current Failed disaster government now but thats by design, Thats what they want you to think. But of course u wouldnt care u are just a doomer who just keeps demoralizing. Thats why I doubt you are ogaden, or even somali. You are a Loser


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