people that go to reddit pigskin land... explain this

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Aabe si fiican ii dhegeyso. Dadkaan cawaaniinta ah iska ilaali, ma i maqashay!?
Diin iyo daqan xabadey leeyihiin habayaraatee majidho.
Gebigooda waa wada xoolo, hadaadan iska jirin oo aadan ka digtoonaan sidey donaan ey kaa sameysanayaan.
Hadhoow, hadhooowti ha ii soo calaacalinoo aabahay waxba ii ma sheegan ha oran.
Yaanan kugu tolbeelin Bahalow:ileycry:
Something along those lines? :lolbron:

Pretty accurate lmao

Now don't get me wrong, there are a few things about our culture I'd love to change, e.g. clan loyalty, fgm, superstition.

Other than that, I think we have a great culture and I've enjoyed learning more. It's why I signed up on Somali forums to begin with.

tfw somnet was unironically educational for me



Fucking lol


I remember my first week in the burbs my pops pulled me to the side and said never get too comfortable around these animals kkkkkk
No wonder you're the forum Chicken Little who thinks a sniper rifle is primed for his head with
a concentration camp cell with name on it as his resting place. Little bahal was thoroughly traumatized about his world:mjlol:
they didn't warn you about white folk?

lmfao you were a prime target for the candy van runti

asians were the only group my parents didn't have a thing to say about. and that was primarily because most immigrants see them as rather weak overall and incapable of influencing their kids in any way shape or form. very limited and terrible viewpoint tbh. the true definition of a backhanded compliment

We didn't grow up hollywood ave, these are religious whites that study their bibles and knock on doors to call to the lord lmao. Tight knit community, neighborhood watch, who's parents were just as weary about the same adolescent pitfalls my parents were.

My parents had rhetoric about strangers though. They used to say, "there's no such thing as monsters vix, monsters look like you and me" so don't trust a stranger. True story, I was attempt-lured by a strangers growing up on three occasions, but the stranger fear kept me extra cautious and smart. Let's just say they weren't white. When I was a little girl my anxiety was to the level I would get off the bus and run home. My stop was in view of my bedroom window, but the anxiety of stranger-monster-people was palpable. :mjlol:


No wonder you're the forum Chicken Little who thinks a sniper rifle is primed for his head with
a concentration camp cell with name on it as his resting place. Little bahal was thoroughly traumatized about his world:mjlol:

We didn't grow up hollywood ave, these are religious whites that study their bibles and knock on doors to call to the lord lmao. Tight knit community, neighborhood watch, who parents were just as weary about the same adolescent pitfalls my parents were.

My parents had rhetoric about strangers though. They used to say, "there's no such thing as monsters vix, monsters look like you and me" so don't trust a stranger. True story, I was attempt-lured by a strangers growing up on three occasions, but the stranger fear kept me extra cautious and smart. Let's just say they weren't white. When I was a little girl my anxiety was to the level I would get off the bus and run home. My stop was in view of my bedroom window, but the anxiety on stranger-monster-people was palpable. :mjlol:

Expose them. Are you British?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Little dude at the left had me seeing some shit for a moment, thought a hand was coming out the sand and shit.


Why other Somalis? Growing up every Somali in my ends were like family :dwill:
It just wasn't like that. Family was family point blank period, and family friends were family friends, and they were the ones whose kids we could hang with.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It just wasn't like that. Family was family point blank period, and family friends were family friends, and they were the ones whose kids we could hang with.
It's as you said but Somalis back where I was from were very tight-knit they'd help each other in every way.


It's as you said but Somalis back where I was from were very tight-knit they'd help each other in every way.
There was a wall there, man. You could say my parents secluded us, in a way. We wondered about it growing up, we get it now that we're older.


My parents surprisingly aren't that particularly religious compared to many others I've seen, but they raised us on a set of morals. They're decent, hospitable people. At our house, we cooked Somali food, listened to Somali music, poetry. There's stuff I know about you still can't find on YouTube. I know about mahmahs I wouldn't be able to articulate on here. They tried to get us to speak only Somali in the house for a long time, that part just didn't work out. But when it came to other Somalis.. eh.

Yes, there are many things I didn't know about the culture before this site and there's most likely a lot more where that came from, but then why would they need to teach us that, like dhumal and u that buy off crimes? How relevant was it? Shoot, I didn't even know about FGM until a year ago when I took a class where they explained it, and then mentioned Somalia to my shock. Did I really need to be taught that women are breeding mares to you lot, about qabil, and the barbarics of the culture? Frankly, I'm glad I got the light version, as I've been calling it. You can keep the rest.

I understand them better now.
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