Theres an annual salafi conference in my city, xalimos from all over flock to it like its a music concert, brainwashing at its finest.
Is the one in Birmingham?
Theres an annual salafi conference in my city, xalimos from all over flock to it like its a music concert, brainwashing at its finest.
Is the one in Birmingham?
A lot of them are on watch lists but they skirt it by saying filming is xaaraam unless I consent for dawah purposes and claim you're stealing if you record like it's the cinema. After which they unleash the sly hate speech against women, work, democracy etc which their fans in the audience zombie bash into you if you ask questions. A few of them have spent time in jail. There's one in particular called Sheikh Faysal, he was an Al Qaeda recruiter in the 90's who was one of the few who openly said child soldiers were halal with a MADE UP hadith I still can't find. He inspired Samatha Lewthwaits husband the 77 bomber and later took the white widow in too to hook her up with black reverts, his words. You think its only Somali girls these negro Sheikhs shame? He was practically saying she loved black dick on camera to the BBC. He's free as a bird and I don't know how.
yup thats the one
It's a qooq festival. Same guys who make 500 sermons on how to please your husband show up. Then the men come looking for those girls. Heart breaking.
they have some sort of mental hold on them, it really is heartbreaking. What happened to critical thinking, having your own thoughts?
I agree. I've posted several times about my doubts in Islam, and that in effect I'm more of Deist now, but I used to be very actively involved in the Muslim community in the cities that I lived in, and I don't have beef with Muslims on the whole. But it is was the same problem everywhere. Absolutely eveywhere. I have wracked my brain trying to pin them down, but the best way I can get to understanding them, is if I look at them as simple Supremacists. The Islam they advocate is a kind of Supremacism. And in the same way white supremacist play on peoples fears about foreigners and whatever, they play on peoples emotions about palestine or western foreign policy. They don't care about either thoug, what they want is that their ideology rules and that people who are unlike them are subjugated. I have personally heard some wax lyrically about how awfully said it is that Muslim women in France are not allowed to wear niqaab in public (I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to), and then make miserable and revolting excuses about the slavery of yazidi women. They don't support it of course (wink wink), they're just saying, Islamically blah blah. Horrible folk.
The only white supremacist as effective as these guys is Hitler.
They beat the women down with cleverly designed manuals with marriage topics, hearts etc on them. The men jerk off to those and seek the war stuff while looking for that wife the guy was grooming with his tape. It's seedy as hell. They're literally creating their own society where they, the famous men, are revered like Prophets in their life times.
I can remember reading an article about these dawah dudes in universities. They tell all their 'followers' keep away from the women and all that good stuff, in the mean time they are collecting womens phone numbers and contacting them under the guise of 'dawah' and 'organising events'. Of course they end up marrying (probably several times), the pretty blonde 'revert' girl who is in her first year. Hustlers. Shysters.
They hold the money, and control the conversation, so they have complete influence. Not to mention, having your own opinions are basically looked down on in their community. The interpretations they are spoon fed is the only option, everything else is bid'ah and the wrong path. The history of Islam is rich, they have reduced it considerably.
Why are there so many salafi muslims in uk?
Here in Sweden ive never heard the things they preach
"Allah will never forgive you if you call the police”
"It is kufr to seek help from the disbelievers against a Muslim”
Can you imagine the ones who revert to it lol they always act so "holy" on twitterHonestly if I was only introduced to salafi islam I probably wouldn't remain muslim. Wallahi these people are a curse on the ummah.... I joke around on this forum alot, but I don't play when it comes to the deen. I've seen these people ruin families over trivial "bidca " jurisprudence rulings.![]()
They were played then later joined the players. The Sheikhs they have are notorious for multiple marriages. They love to state the ethnicity too, all trophies and the men want to emulate. The women can't keep it up, it's exhausting. All the man has to do is be a masculine (as defined by them) but the woman is expected to do things that Islam never asked for. For example if you tell them the Prophet did house work they'll verbally berate you for it.
Why are there so many salafi muslims in uk?
Here in Sweden ive never heard the things they preach
"Allah will never forgive you if you call the police”
"It is kufr to seek help from the disbelievers against a Muslim”
This is true. But it's important to remember many of these women are just as invested in the ideology and are looking for precisely that. I'm serious. They want to raise kids and be a housewife (nothing wrong with either), and they want their husband to drive them everywhere so they don't have to come into contact with non-mahram men. They want the man to have complete control. Those that are old enough to know better and still subscribe to it, are a lost cause. I wouldn't care so much if they just had a kind of latent fundamentalism that is harmless and is kind of just their lifestyle choice, but we all know their ideology wreaks havoc in the world today.
HereWhere'd you get that exact story @Mercury ? In real life or on line?