Pervert ajanabi sheikhs

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This is the worst I've read yet. 15 year olds. This needs to be reported to the police but she's clearly not understood that it's very illegal. She was probably still a teenager when she wrote this. There's another underground famous Abu now his name is Abu Haleema. I've reported him before for inciting children to leave their families using weird fake sounding religious terms not mentioned in mainstream texts. Probably just Arabic words. He's been outed on T.V. too but not arrested because he's clever with his language. I'd say he was mid supply chain.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
This is the worst I've read yet. 15 year olds. This needs to be reported to the police but she's clearly not understood that it's very illegal. She was probably still a teenager when she wrote this. There's another underground famous Abu now his name is Abu Haleema. I've reported him before for inciting children to leave their families using weird fake sounding religious terms not mentioned in mainstream texts. Probably just Arabic words. He's been outed on T.V. too but not arrested because he's clever with his language. I'd say he was mid supply chain.
These Salafis are playing with the religion


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Not all Salafis are bad. They are generally the most religious out of Muslims. Stop bad mouthing people. Have you spoken to a Salafi and seen what they're like for yourself? Contrary to your beliefs, salafis are generally against terrorism and name them 'khaariji' which is degrading term used to refer to those who are misguided.

Shut up about Salafis niyoo. Because one Abu Tyrone does something, you generalise. I'm not Salafi btw.


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f*ck your Wahabbi Myth rehash argument.
Does the truth hurt? Wallahi all of the Salafis I've met cause no harm to anyone. They are generally engrossed in what they do, which is usually study-related, meeting brothers in masjids and having gatherings, etc.

Why are you insulting Shuyukh in general? What's the matter with you?


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You're saying Salafis and their shuyukh are evil. In law, the 'burden of proof' is on you. Go talk to a random salafi and you will see they're easy going. You must be in your own world niyoo/nayaa.

I'll discuss religion with you if you only state facts. If you want to share fairy tales with us, we are not interested.
It is clear that your hatred of Salafis is nothing more for hatred against interracial relationships and a manifestation of an evil nationalism that is dying among the masses. If a young Somali girl finds a pious man who she is pleased with and theyre family is pleased with her then who are you to have a problem with it if he happens to be from the Caribbean or is white??? Interracial relationships are here to stay and will only gain more traction and momentum. Learn to live with it.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Salafism has branched out to many strands.
There's madkhalis who think saudi is the khalifa:lol:. They love the saudi monarch and listen to rabe al madkhali tapes. They're not violent but are the most active salafis and are supported financially by Saudis. Some of their sheekh in the west are abu khadiijah, or troid masjid in toronto

There's jihaadi salafis who make takfir of everyone including the Big 3 aka bin baz, Albani & al uthaymeen. They only read ibn taymiyya and ibn abdul wahaab books.

There's the confused salafi who doesn't know anything and was kuwaled into believing this is the normal islam everyone practices. They just wanna be good ppl and are sincere.

One thing that makes someone a salafi. They read books like usul al thalaatha, kitaab at tawheed. They only take from 8 scholars in the history of Islam when it comes to aqeedah, and fiqh to a certain extent. These scholars are Ibn taymiyya, ibn qayim, ibn abdul wahab, ibn baz, ibn uthaymeen, Albaani. All forms of salafis believe these are the go to sheekh for guidance, although in reality scholars like ibn taymiyya spent most his time in jail for going against the scholars of ahlul sunnah on issues of creed.


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It is clear that your hatred of Salafis is nothing more for hatred against interracial relationships and a manifestation of an evil nationalism that is dying among the masses. If a young Somali girl finds a pious man who she is pleased with and theyre family is pleased with her then who are you to have a problem with it if he happens to be from the Caribbean or is white??? Interracial relationships are here to stay and will only gain more traction and momentum. Learn to live with it.
They have this weird conspiracy theory that 'all Salafis are bad'. When the vast majority of them mind their own business and never harm anyone with their limbs or tongues. I don't think these people know that it's Salafis who are more likely to accept anyone regardless of their ethnicity.

I've heard of a story where a famous Arab scholar in Madinah gave his daughter's hand in marriage to a pious brother of Caribbean descent.
Salafi marriage bandits are a reality...however much some like to deny this.

Also lets distinguish the righteous Salaf from these corrupt people known as reality they are far removed from the path of the righteous Salaf...


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Salafi marriage bandits are a reality...however much some like to deny this.

Also lets distinguish the righteous Salaf from these corrupt people known as reality they are far removed from the path of the righteous Salaf...
And how common are they? You can count them with your fingers lmao. I know of many Somali girls who are happily married with ajnabi Salafi brothers.
Sufiyaan you're possessed who cares about mixed marriages we're talking about a cult which exploits your type reasoning.

The racial undertones in the posts on the first page and other posts of yours before the creation of this thread proves otherwise. Somehow I don't think you would have an issue if these sisters were marrying Somali Salafis and neither would most of the juhaal nationalists in this topic.


And how common are they? You can count them with your fingers lmao. I know of many Somali girls who are happily married with ajnabi Salafi brothers.

Still trykng to score cheap pointswhile pretending to have a religious conversation

Also name the Medina scholar who's son in law is Jamaican.
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