PL Citizens Warn Of A Harti War Over Abudwaaq


Harti and Sade United to not only defend Abudwaq once that green light is given but we must show them as united we can conquer any somali clan.

Everyone is attacking Sade in Galgaduud from surre dir, all hg clans. This will not be tolerated by hartis who will join the war if it escalates. Please remember hawiye we know your soldier base is all ciyaal xaafaad like ours were in 91, we know their peasant farmers also.

You won't stand a chance with our dhagax eating forces, don't cry if goojacade happens. Remember how u lot lost all your tanks in 92 gaalkacyo war to SSDF? well this time nothing will be left for u because you don't have desert warriors who all.moved to hamar waiting to be conquered.


Dir are Puntlanders and pay tax. Let qoor qoor deal with them since he is their president.

HAGS r weak any general can see this. HG was their only hope and he went to settle the south and is now a fuley due to southern conditioning. Murusade r tiny and have also conditioned to the south, abgaal r large but also southern conditioned. Their like darod civilians in 91 all over again bruv. I'm suprised we don't get our soldiers who r still rural and desert like and smash them.



I have a different vision to our old political system of finding allies inside irir such as mj n abgaal, hg n marehan, dhulos n isaaq, ogadens and hawiye. This has led to no final solution and outcome.

What has never been tried is darod unity including ogaden to push irir out of somalia like the wardey oromo in the JL Conquest. Why I propose this solution is simple. Hags n Isaaq r fully urbanised, this comes with a weakness their soldiers will be low quality compared to a dhagax eating desert guy.

The aideed dude used this tactic on urbanised darods also in 91, bringing hg desert warriors which no urban class can withstand but now the tables have switched as all hags r urbanised or farming their ripe for conquest. Wallahi dagaalku qaadan maayo more then a few weeks at most.

Plus in the civil war darod clans were helping irir clans and didn't form a.common bloc is well known, with ogadens supporting jess, mjs were neutral and demobilised.

This can lead to finally eliminating irir from Somalia my proposal, but we must put aside our sub clan interests, plus this doesn't guarantee any post darod somalia harmony but its better then current stalemate order.



It's up to sade elders to approve reinforcements and get rid of these irir tag team in GM, trust me they don't understand any other language. These ppl don't even know thought experiments, predicted scenarios, their weaknesses, they only understand when it's shown to them.

I urge sade elders to approve a PL invasion of GM.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Boqor Burhan prays for Beesha Marexaan

The real MJ love MX unlike laangaabta ciilaan on this forum. May Allah bless Beesha Bah Dir Rooble.


An additional point, when did MJ become the only darood, why arent dhulbahante, og, warsangeli, jidwaaq and others answering the call. Ma darood oo dhan baa mj lagu koobay:mugshotman:. @DR OSMAN why are we the ones fighting every niggas battles.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
When did they start fighting over caabudwaq? I thought that was a peaceful city and instead everyones duking it out in galkacyo or something

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
When did they start fighting over caabudwaq? I thought that was a peaceful city and instead everyones duking it out in galkacyo or something
Fighting just a couple kilometers outside of a dir town called xeerale nothing near caabudwaaq

@DR OSMAN reer dalal has taken the necessary steps to counteract hg n dir alliance and other mx subclans haven't even joined the fight no need to jump the gun to harti reinforcements when it's been handled as of now xeerale is under siege while this isn't an accurate map it gives u a general idea of what's going on.

I have a different vision to our old political system of finding allies inside irir such as mj n abgaal, hg n marehan, dhulos n isaaq, ogadens and hawiye. This has led to no final solution and outcome.

What has never been tried is darod unity including ogaden to push irir out of somalia like the wardey oromo in the JL Conquest. Why I propose this solution is simple. Hags n Isaaq r fully urbanised, this comes with a weakness their soldiers will be low quality compared to a dhagax eating desert guy.

The aideed dude used this tactic on urbanised darods also in 91, bringing hg desert warriors which no urban class can withstand but now the tables have switched as all hags r urbanised or farming their ripe for conquest. Wallahi dagaalku qaadan maayo more then a few weeks at most.

Plus in the civil war darod clans were helping irir clans and didn't form a.common bloc is well known, with ogadens supporting jess, mjs were neutral and demobilised.

This can lead to finally eliminating irir from Somalia my proposal, but we must put aside our sub clan interests, plus this doesn't guarantee any post darod somalia harmony but its better then current stalemate order.
whats the difference between mareexan and hawiye?
Surre kulahaa war Fiqi Maxamed oo 10 reer Surre kasii hooseya waye waxa mesha joga.
Xata Fiqi Maxamed ma wada ahee waa 3 jifo oo kuwa yaraanka Fiqi Maxamed ah waxa Waqooyiga Galgaduud dagan.

Mr hadey adeeradey Munaafaqnimada iyo axdi kabaxa ka joojin lahaayen dhib dhan majireen.
Ilaa hada reer badano meesha dagan baa diidan dagaalka oo leh dhiig udaadin meyno meel cidlaa ah, reer Xeraale badankood waa diidan yihiin.
Lakin Darood ama Mr waxad mooda dhiig daadinta iney u tahay horumar iyo wax ciyaar laga dhigto.

Mr bey ahaayen cida burisay heshiiski lawada galay ee ahaa dhulka daaqsinta ah yaan la daagaameyn oo hala wada daaqo.
Axsan marka hore axdi rag hala gelin hadaadan oofin kareyn.

Ilaahey daalim balan kabax ah ma taageero.
Xitaa hadey inta lawada fadhiisto deegaameynta laga wada hadlo maxey kaa dhibi laheyd lakin waan ogahay faan iyo booto cidlaa iyo igu sawir doon bey ahaayen iyo hubki yaraa ey furteen baa been usheegay.

Meeshan xeraale ugu yaraan 100 oday oo askartii hore ah qaar ruush iyo mareykan iyo masar iyo meelo kale kuliyado tabobar kaga soo baxay baa jooga oo nasasho iyo cibaado ujooga.
Waala wada ogaa sidey Alsheydaan cashar oogu dhigeen waagi Alsheydaan dhulkaas soo damcay ilaa Xamar ilaa marka ey sii dhaafiyeen.

Marka rag hawshooda iska wata ha idaarin ku daari mahayo ah inaad mar walba ku gar darooto kadib nah u tol wacato waa doqonimo

