PL Citizens Warn Of A Harti War Over Abudwaaq

Nothing was handed to my family, they worked for it bruv, you seem to think hard work is haram.

The amount of ppl who benefited under siyad is millions even the leaders u like r products of siyad barre. It's hypocritical to turn on those who helped so many. Siyad didn't care for preferences and created national exam and its up to you succeed not cry im being persecuted cause u were to dumb and rise up qabyalad movements.

Their no hand out bruvs which is what the low class Somalis like hsm were, second rates in a proper meritocracy. HSM couldn't perform in a proper meritocracy under siyad national exam notice he doesn't mention it, he used to sit there cooking up conspiracy theories in Bermuda area of hamar lol. I despise ppl like that try to acting like their is qabyalad only because they didn't perform and wanted something they weren't even suitable for.

if you want success do what your good at bruv, don't go seek roles for prestige and nonsensical crap. Their was this dude my father had to fail cause his mathamatics were poor when he was sent to bosaso by siyad literacy program. My dad met him decades later and his multi millionaire and my dad said see it worked out for u, but if he would've overlooked his poor mathamatic and he entered those fields which need it, he would've failed anyways.

Meritocracy is best system and siyad is the father of it.
So, in your estimation, Siyad Barre practised meritocracy? And you father / family benefited due to their proficiency and hard work? And the tens of thousands, who had been persecuted, subjugated, slaughtered under his rule, had performed below bar due to their lack of proficiency and sound work ethic? Did I capture the sentiment of your reasoning right?

Meritocracy, political, social, or economic system in which individuals are assigned to positions of power, influence, or reward solely on the basis of their abilities and achievements and not on the basis of their social, cultural, or economic background or irrelevant personal characteristics.

Meritocracy represents a rejection of hereditary aristocracy and nepotism.
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