PL Citizens Warn Of A Harti War Over Abudwaaq

Magan history

the Marehan were attacked in Geladi during the late 1870's. The Italian book 'Rassegna italiana politica letteraria' provides a brief synopsis of the event, stating:

"About seventy years ago, a group of Ogadèn pushed back as far as Gorof, in the territory of Galàdi, with the intention of raiding the Marrehan cattle and gathered there for the abundance of pastures; but they were driven back, although the Marrehans suffered severe loses and their leader Gogge Mahmud Nur himself fell.

In revenge for the Merrehans, Rer Bicidyahan and Omàr Mahmud, chased the Ogadén and inflicted on them such a defeat at the wells of Wardheer that the Ugas or head of the Ogadèn Fara Addò also fell - the survivors sheltered in Gorrahèi to not be exterminated.

The following year, the Marrehan and the Majeerteen at the Gherlogubi wells surprised a group of Rer Abdulle who had come to water their cattle; They attacked, killing many, and plundered the whole herd. Other clashes took place in Ghebdè. Dillimbash and Dahadid. There the Ogadèn, still armed only with sidearms, suffered bloody losses by the Majeerteen and Marrehan who for the first time used firearms, obtained by the Sultan Yusuf Ali.

Since then the Majerteen never abandoned the wells of Wardheer and the neighboring ones, and the Ogadèn never tried to return there." [7]
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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
" Qof kastoo yimaada kursiga Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ama Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, hadduu ku shaqeynayo arrimo ka dhan ah danaha Puntland, waanu kahor imaan doonaa, xitaa haddii uu kasoo jeedo Puntland.

Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka ayaa sheegay in khilaafka hadda taagan uusan salka haynin diidmada matalaadda RW Xamsa, balse ay tahay mid ku saabsan siyaasadda ay ku shaqeyso dowladda Federaalka ee baal-marsan dastuurka dalka, oo ay Puntland diiday " Madaxweyne kuxigeynka Puntland Ilyaas Lugatoor


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
24saac ee laso dhaafay muqdisho waxa lagu
Magacaabay 2labo masuul oo Reer puntland ah
Horey uma dhicin in nin magac isin wata uu
Laso istaago social media waxan u hambalyen
Hebal oo loo magacabay xilkas burhan ka hor
Sida Aad wada aragtan wuxu u hambalyeynaya
Wiil yar uu adeer u yahay asaga oo wata magac
Boqorka daarood Dhanka kle H.E. Abdisamad M. Gallan
Oo asna ah masuul reer puntland oo xalay
Lamagacaabay miyuusan burhan boqor u ahayn
Muxu asna ugu hambalyeen waayay
Waa asaga saakay laso jarmaaday hambalyada
Wiilka adeerka u ahaa Mse burhan waa nabadon
Bahdir oo ayaga cid aan ahayn ma matalo

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
A letter where they referred to themselves as Raaciye.

View attachment 344711
Why would we consider ourselves his raaciye If he considers us neighbours? Marehan were never present as subjects in Keenadiid's sultanate, try better the Italian traveller specifically wrote Keenadiid gave him a escort up to the border of a Hawiye tribe with Marehan that tribe being HG, the border of his kingdom was where HG bordered Marehan.

No need to lie when everyone here knows Keenadiid only subjected HG as part of his kingdom.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Why are you projecting Majeerteen history on to us? Did you know its xaaram to lie in Islam? *pause* I forget Islam was only introduced so recently to you guys


Entire paragraph of kaarbaarsh. You guys cannot compare to the Somalis west of you, you barely knew Islam as a religion, your few learned men went around stealing things from hut to hut, and were starving regularly. 🚨🫣
Why would we consider ourselves his raaciye If he considers us neighbours? Marehan were never present as subjects in Keenadiid's sultanate, try better the Italian traveller specifically wrote Keenadiid gave him a escort up to the border of a Hawiye tribe with Marehan that tribe being HG, the border of his kingdom was where HG bordered Marehan.

No need to lie when everyone here knows Keenadiid only subjected HG as part of his kingdom.
He was neutral to marexan


Κœα΄€α΄„α΄‹α΄‡α΄… ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Arent you the same guy that claimed he β€œquit FKD” after being chased out by some MJs? You retired while I was the only one truly active here.


You must have me confused with someone else, I quit FKD back on the other site, almost exclusively against psycho landers btw, but quit this forum when they went ban happy and got rid of half the OG users.
He say boon marehaan are united well gunta mohamud saleeban are backstabbing Majerteeen

Abti Morgan made a terrible mistake and stabbed us in the back while we were dealing with Al-Itixaad but was taught a very necessary lesson, now he's back with his family :icon lol:

Unlike Gaani who the Isaaq disliked but respected. Despite the fairytales of Isaaq kids here about some legendary faqash cleansing, the SNM were close to surrender when the central government unexpectedly fell in 1991. The 26th division led by Cabdicaziiz Cali Barre marched out of Las Caanood in tact and defeated USC in Mudug :icon lol:
That was not my question. Let me re-ask: what did Gaani & Jimcaale do in Waqooyi during their tenure?

