Potential peace talk between fgs and shabaab in Doha hosted by Turkey & Norway

@Pastoralist this guy talks rubbish half of the time but in this video released 20 min ago he speaks some sense. Watch from 10:20 onwards

watched 10:00-20:00

Coming from outside Somalia too. With diplomatic passports only issued by FGS. There’s outward image FGS is trying hold up by distancing themselves from any current negotiations.

and what a strange turn of events for the ambassador, nearly getting killed by DJ in the mx owned hotel to now speaking to AS on behalf of FGS. He’s not taking second chances and learned his lesson on attempting to gather support for impeachment. Poor guy

I guess now we wait for robow to make his appearance in Doha

The way this man explains what they are actually
negotiating it sounds incredibly evil. They’re not trying to work together, but simply make a deal to leave each other alone like Afghanistan and split the money with each other that countries are holding back from AS. In AS held territory it’ll still be hell on earth for Somalis living there unfortunately. If they start working together that’d be ideal. But imagine AS being legitimized and making deals with other countries on land they own.
watched 10:00-20:00

Coming from outside Somalia too. With diplomatic passports only issued by FGS. There’s outward image FGS is trying hold up by distancing themselves from any current negotiations.

and what a strange turn of events for the ambassador, nearly getting killed by DJ in the mx owned hotel to now speaking to AS on behalf of FGS. He’s not taking second chances and learned his lesson on attempting to gather support for impeachment. Poor guy

I guess now we wait for robow to make his appearance in Doha

The way this man explains what they are actually
negotiating it sounds incredibly evil. They’re not trying to work together, but simply make a deal to leave each other alone like Afghanistan and split the money with each other that countries are holding back from AS. In AS held territory it’ll still be hell on earth for Somalis living there unfortunately. If they start working together that’d be ideal. But imagine AS being legitimized and making deals with other countries on land they own.
For Norway, Turkey etc to engage with Somalia and get access to its untapped vast resources is first to get rid of shabaab whom we all know were planted there in the early 2000s for the time being. These negotiations is just that, which is getting Shabaab to agree to take handsome payment for all their dirty work.
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For Norway, Turkey etc to engage with Somalia and get access to its untapped vast resources is first to get rid of shabaab whom we all know were planted there in the early 2000s for the time being. These negotiations is just that, which is getting Shabaab to agree to take handsome payment for all their dirty work.
That’s the outcome we all want. For them, to surrender not some duel country adjacent from FGS which is run by terrorists.

What some people portray it as however is some twisted arrangement where both groups will agree with each other to find peace, so they can get into shady cajnabi dealings to sell the country.

This at the moment is just fear mongering. The good outcome is what will be assumed for now.


Somalia going to be like this

Time Dubai GIF by Fahad Kidwai
Yes, in 2369
First, there have been intermittent talks with Al-Shabaab several times in the past. Second, Al-Shabaab finances themselves and their core activities; however, in recent years, with the Gulf partnering with the FGS and/or FMS, support has mostly ceased from the gulf. The only source of support now comes from Iran. Qatar - Saudi relations have also pretty much been normalized.

It's interesting that Al-Shabaab recently demonstrated their strength. Is this to strengthen their bargaining position?

The fact is that we are entering a more hostile multipolar world. Perpetual conflicts in the periphery of the world, like ours, are no longer tolerated as outside forces will more forcefully try to strengthen their positions.

We already see talks with the Taliban paving the road to normalize and re-embrace them on the international stage. With the situations in Israel and Ukraine, it seems that the West, which is again the main sponsor of the federal project, is willing to offer Al-Shabaab more than in the past.

In the end, we shouldnt give the rumors of talk to much credit until they provide a tangible agreement between the parties we can analyse.
The rumour is, Turkey is mediating a deal, to give Ethiopia Hobyo, if the Berbera deal is withdrawn.
