Puntland begins counterterrorism operation against ISIS and Al-Shabab

@DR OSMAN you should have more faith on your army, all around world operations against terrorist takes many months, Puntland did within weeks, plus Bari size alone equal 500 Km.

Inshallah we will win :salute: .
@DR OSMAN will never give credit sxb. I think he is a wannabe dictator like his idol afweyne whose grave he worships. Lately he’s been talking about being ‘president’ but as I told him I wouldn’t trust him 😂


True Puntlander
@DR OSMAN will never give credit sxb. I think he is a wannabe dictator like his idol afweyne whose grave he worships. Lately he’s been talking about being ‘president’ but as I told him I wouldn’t trust him 😂
The issue he comparing us with USA, what we doing consider mircale!!!..

That comes from Allah support, Inshallah soon our lands will be free from Ajnabi and qashin ethiopians.
SL currency found in ISIS bases.

Lacagtii Somaliland oo Ciidanka Puntland ka heleen Talisyo Laga qabsaday argagixisada DCSH.
Arrinkaan ayaa kusoo beegmaya Xili Maalmo kooban kadib Madaxwaynihii hore ee PL Prof.Gaas ku eedeeyay Somaliland in gacan wayn siiso argagixisada. Maxaa kuu baxay?

SL currency found in ISIS bases.

Lacagtii Somaliland oo Ciidanka Puntland ka heleen Talisyo Laga qabsaday argagixisada DCSH.
Arrinkaan ayaa kusoo beegmaya Xili Maalmo kooban kadib Madaxwaynihii hore ee PL Prof.Gaas ku eedeeyay Somaliland in gacan wayn siiso argagixisada. Maxaa kuu baxay?


Puntland will never take threats from SL seriously. How many years of crime and argagixiso, but they refuse to stop all movements of vehicles, people etc. Lacag and naago baa waxwalba ka wayn for them.

I don't even think they check cars or pat down people that come from the argagixiso triangle.

Ilaahay baa no maqan. Nimankaan sixran waa ka daalay.
A deadly combination! 'Suqaar' ala carte trick is not easy, I hear.

Waxaa loo baahanyahay urur siyaasadeed oo ceejiya argagixisada. Xataa dhaqaalahooda ka daba taga. Dhiigshiil xataa albaabka ha loo laabo! Lacag inaa laysku darsado ma'aha. Waxaan baa noo keenay edab darada oo dhan. Hadaan la cunaqabatayn dadkaan waa la eediya. Horaan waxaan uga sheekeeyay, laakiin maalinkasta nin kale baa halkaas laga soo sixra.

Waa maxay cadowgaan oo maalin iyo habeen dhulkeena ku soo qulquliya?? This bullshit 'Somalinimo' is our biggest achilles heel and should not apply to the argagixiso triangle.

PuntlandFirst doesn't exist until it means SNM inaa la afjaro.

No guur
No ganacsi
No movement.
SNM women are in Villa Garowe and PMPF. That is the true "tea". Niman doqomo ah baa soo rartay naagahaan and our entire security apparatus is compromised. All these boys are fighting the symptoms not the real cause. You want to cure terrorism in Somalia? Dadkaas iska fogeeya on all levels.

How on earth anyone trusts SNM infected households is beyond me.
The real war that will be costly but worth it, is to remove all SNM people and businesses from our land. But they will all refuse because the powerful have shares in these companies such as Dhiigshiil and its telecom. Those that don't have shares in SNM businesses, naago baa loo soo diray.

Do you know a woman with HIV from that area came to PL years ago and married a bunch of men. People really underestimate the psychopathic hatred these people have. Biological warfare, terrorism, espionage, sabotage on all levels.

YEARS AGO, we heard terrorists are aided by SNM and carry SL currency. This is nothing new. It is offensive and exhausting. But nobody will question how deeply entrenched these terrorists are in our society.
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