Puntland Local Election 2024


I am impressed with Ifiye party point. Anyone can claim they will do this and that and make election promises, but how will achieve your policy is more important. I have been arguing this many times to puntites, we need the implementation model of your policies so we can assess if it's realistic or not.

I support a de-centralized Puntland government not centralized. If we decentralize govt duties to districts, this will create competition between districts but if it's centralized we could all suffer lack of development. Centralized Puntland isn't anyone interest.

I also declare my policy to create a development fund for hard to reach locations in Puntland, they shouldn't be left behind due to lack of access to infrastructure. Our hard to reach puntites deserve the same level of attention and care as on the road puntites. By developing this policy, we can teach GALMUDUG/HIRSHABELLE how to govern when there isn't enough infrastructure or access corridors, let's show them how we govern off the road puntland.

We should carry on Gaas legacy towards off the road areas. Jid iyo Biyo program must become a shared party plaform with all the hisbiyo. Some policies are good for puntites and should be adopted by all parties as a cross party policy.
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My party policy point is also to limit diaspora puntites to 'advisory and special interest groups' and let the dal-jog people lead the government. We as puntite diaspora should facilitate and advice only like Ireland large diaspora do for Ireland but they let the locals take control and lead.

Anyone with a dual passport is restricted from ministerial/president/mps. I urge we the diaspora in the west/arabia/africa create a unified lobby group and form as a special interest group in Puntland.

My other party policy is security related and I declare as the first puntite a wall stretching 300 kilometers from Saaxo via Towfiq to Dhinowda village. We must close our borders from land grabers and spoilers in Galmudug who are unstable, I urge to stop 'farogelin' in Galmuran affairss and simply implement the great southern puntland wall. Look how Harar survived by implementing a wall or maybe you can visit the great wall in china and see it' necessary to keep out the hordes so it doesn't spill over to puntland territories.
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These political debates between Puntland Party must happen at every Capital of each of our 9 regions. Each region has it's own priorities and isn't identical.

Bare minimum live tv debates and campaigning must happen in Garowe-Galkacyo-Bosaso-Qardho-Badhan-Buhodle-Galdogob-Bocame-Taleex-Xudun-Gardafu. Puntland needs not a first past the post system, we need a system like america electoral college as most of our people in regional areas, if we have first past the post, campaigning will happen only in large centers and rural areas neglected. An electoral college will ensure we need to campaign in rural areas.

Besides what is the election model to be used in Puntland? Is it parliamentary where they fight for seats in parliament and whoever forms largest party in parliament elects their president from their party like Australia.

What is the district allocated seats for each town? is population ratio based? we need more info about puntland election system. For example if Qardho has 3 seats in parliament will those seats be up for grabs by the largest party who takes it all because they have the largest votes or will it be shared based on whatever each party secures in number porportionally. Maybe the Puntland election expert @FBIsomalia knows the system in place.

First past the post means if u secure over 51%, u have won that district 100% where-as in Australia u only get what percentage u secure. So if you secure 51% all u get is 51% of the seats and the rest of the seats are given to the other parties. That is parliamentary system. Come on puntites, anyone have information of our election system. From what the Dr can gather from this, it looks similar to australia system, where the parties compete and not 'presidential candidates' like america or is it a mix of both systems.

I prefer parliamentary system where each parties compete and whatever they secure in parliament let them form coalitions to get a majority parliament and create a government. Please lets not do presidential elections, we don't need it and is waste of time and will be qabiil based. If there is hung parliament where the two major parties like mideeye n kaah for example, it will mean u will need runcad or ifiye to break the hung parliament and each party becomes important in the election. For example when deni and asad ran that was close to a hung parliament, it needed someone to break the deadlock cause it was so close. Even faroole vs cade was a close one. Puntland politics is very 'break even' and can lead to hung parliaments and we need the third party to break the deadlock thru coalition.

The third party will be deadlock decider in Puntland and will have an unfair advantage as they will use their power n votes to end the deadlock and create a victor. We need at least 4 parties not 3 parties. U have centralized the importance of the third party in election times and if there was fourth party they would have to compete too rather then play the role of the decider of a 'hung parliament' .
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We need 2 minor parties and 2 major parties like Australia. This means the deadlock decider has to be competitive between the two minor parties as they scramble for votes left over from the 2 major parties. This means we don't throw all the 'decider' between 2 major parties for the third party who can be corrupted by Somalia Farmaajo types in the future. We don't need a 'faysal ali waraabe' deciding our elections and getting in his wild ideas, what we demand is the third party also compete against a 4th party to pick up the remaining scraps left over from the two major parties. @Yusuf M what's your opinion on this.

Dr Osman Declares I want two major parties followed by two minor parties and let the two minor parties side equally with the two major parties and form coalitions and now that's fair election but if it's only third party they will have damn 'kibir' like the dhulbahante 17 voting bloc who decide the elections in Puntland.

Yusuf M

We need 2 minor parties and 2 major parties like Australia. This means the deadlock decider has to be competitive between the two minor parties as they scramble for votes left over from the 2 major parties. This means we don't throw all the 'decider' between 2 major parties for the third party who can be corrupted by Somalia Farmaajo types in the future. We don't need a 'faysal ali waraabe' deciding our elections and getting in his wild ideas, what we demand is the third party also compete against a 4th party to pick up the remaining scraps left over from the two major parties. @Yusuf M what's your opinion on this.
Sounds good. When it comes to PL political parties, i'll back any party that will support Puntland first policy. Don't like most of them especially Mideeye qashin party.


Sounds good. When it comes to PL political parties, i'll back any party that will support Puntland first policy. Don't like most of them especially Mideeye qashin party.

The third party in Puntland will be a 'nacas' never vote for em, they will try to be corrupt by getting 'hamar' guys involved to break the 'deadlock' between the two major parties. They basically have centralized the 'swing voters' who don't like both parties by default, even tho he won't win election on it's own, they can add some devastating 'koonfurian' policies into Puntland and since the two major parties need the third party voters to throw behind their party, it will create corruption from the get go.

Australia has labor n conservative party but each party has coalition. Labor has greens and Conservatives have the nationalist farmers. This is equal now, the swing voters outside the major parties is bein competitive between two minor parties. But imagine u have one stand alone third party who will be the decider in hung parliament situations which are quite common in Puntland where it's always tight and only a few votes change the difference like deni vs asad, it was even tigheter with farole vs gaas where it was 1 vote.


True Puntlander
These political debates between Puntland Party must happen at every Capital of each of our 9 regions. Each region has it's own priorities and isn't identical.

Bare minimum live tv debates and campaigning must happen in Garowe-Galkacyo-Bosaso-Qardho-Badhan-Buhodle-Galdogob-Bocame-Taleex-Xudun-Gardafu. Puntland needs not a first past the post system, we need a system like america electoral college as most of our people in regional areas, if we have first past the post, campaigning will happen only in large centers and rural areas neglected. An electoral college will ensure we need to campaign in rural areas.

Besides what is the election model to be used in Puntland? Is it parliamentary where they fight for seats in parliament and whoever forms largest party in parliament elects their president from their party like Australia.

What is the district allocated seats for each town? is population ratio based? we need more info about puntland election system. For example if Qardho has 3 seats in parliament will those seats be up for grabs by the largest party who takes it all because they have the largest votes or will it be shared based on whatever each party secures in number porportionally. Maybe the Puntland election expert @FBIsomalia knows the system in place.

First past the post means if u secure over 51%, u have won that district 100% where-as in Australia u only get what percentage u secure. So if you secure 51% all u get is 51% of the seats and the rest of the seats are given to the other parties. That is parliamentary system. Come on puntites, anyone have information of our election system. From what the Dr can gather from this, it looks similar to australia system, where the parties compete and not 'presidential candidates' like america or is it a mix of both systems.

I prefer parliamentary system where each parties compete and whatever they secure in parliament let them form coalitions to get a majority parliament and create a government. Please lets not do presidential elections, we don't need it and is waste of time and will be qabiil based. If there is hung parliament where the two major parties like mideeye n kaah for example, it will mean u will need runcad or ifiye to break the hung parliament and each party becomes important in the election. For example when deni and asad ran that was close to a hung parliament, it needed someone to break the deadlock cause it was so close. Even faroole vs cade was a close one. Puntland politics is very 'break even' and can lead to hung parliaments and we need the third party to break the deadlock thru coalition.

The third party will be deadlock decider in Puntland and will have an unfair advantage as they will use their power n votes to end the deadlock and create a victor. We need at least 4 parties not 3 parties. U have centralized the importance of the third party in election times and if there was fourth party they would have to compete too rather then play the role of the decider of a 'hung parliament' .
Your points are valid questions. Current tpec only duty its to finish Local districts elections. When 9 states declare result next year and three political parties officially announce, new Tpec will form by current government and two parties.

New elected TPEC will make rules for presidential and Parliament seat.


@Yusuf M each party has to secure votes across Puntland. Each party will have members from each district of Puntland heck even IDP candidates will be involved. dhulbahante n warsan candidates will go to their homeland and campaign for their party of choice, while mj-leelkase-dashishe go to their homelands. This will all be party based. No party in Puntland can be 'qabiil' based and it wouldn't work anyways as you need to secure seats in parliament from different qabiil constituency.

Mideeye from what I seen is the only party that is 'spread' out tribally according to the rules and has a great chance of being one of the two major parties of Puntland. Where-as Kaah might survive purely because it's the government but once the government is out, I think Kaah will disappear or at least do huge reformation because it's not really built like mideeye which is long term stability.


@FBIsomalia what is the advantage of holding presidential and party elections? thru a parliamentary system, Each party will have a party leader and each seat of parliament will be shared based on the percentage you secure in each district. Do u prefer first past the post or porportionate parliament sharing? First past the post means if you win 51% of the votes in a district, you own that district MP quota in Parliament.

Where-as a porportionate adjusted parliament you only eat from that district what u secure. So if you secure 51% all u get is 51% and the rest is distributed to the other parties depending on what they secure. This will lead to each party forming coalitions to boost up their percentage of each district and secure seats in Puntland Parliament.

For example if Mideeye secures 30% and Kaah 25% and the third party 10% and the other parties secure less. Mideeye will win that 'district' as they have the largest vote but they won't be a 'majority' because they will only be given 30% of qardho allocation in puntland parliament and Kaah will get 25% and the third party 10%.

So if Qardho has 3 seats in parliament, it will be shared according to your party percentage. If u apply this across Puntland 9 districts, it will lead to each party looking to the third party to give them the difference needed in election time.

How the seats will be shared in Puntland parliament will be also important factor, especially what each district gets since they're isn't a census to work off and only 'estimations' models used.

U also mentioned there will be a presidential election on top of local elections. Presidential election is Puntland wide, where-as local elections are for districts only. What will form parliament in Puntland? will it be local election results or presidential election results.
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Waryaa @FBIsomalia I maybe misunderstood you. So we will hold local elections in each district which will determine which party is governor and mayor in each of the 9 states and then we will hold a presidential election each 4 years to determine who wins Puntland Parliament.

I forgot all about the local election of district councils. How many districts are in Puntland, I know there is 9 states. I've heard anywhere between 40-50 districts.


It will be interesting to see the Map of Puntland 9 states and 40-50 districts which is color coded for which party is running the show across puntland's various local districts. It will be interesting will a mideeye town or kaah town vote for the opposite party when presidential elections are held or will the local party who is popular be the leading party in presidential elections. That's why you can have towns who are labor in australia like melbourne, yet in presidential elections, they swing to conservatives and vice versa.

Some-times a party that is good locally isn't popular in presidential elections and sometimes a party that is popular regionally may not be popular locally depending on various district priorities.

It will get real hot when Puntland regional parliament is sub-divided into districts and parties. It will be interesting how many MPS will be the limit for Puntland. For a population of 4-5 million, I would suspect for every 50,000 puntites will have an MP. So if your district is 200-250k, u will get 3 mps.

Anywhere up 80 MPS if we follow the 50k rule per puntite. Right now we have 66 MPS. That's quite tough considering 4 million/66 MPS gives a mp to local ratio of 60000 puntites per MP.
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True Puntlander
Waryaa @FBIsomalia I maybe misunderstood you. So we will hold local elections in each district which will determine which party is governor and mayor in each of the 9 states and then we will hold a presidential election each 4 years to determine who wins Puntland Parliament.

I forgot all about the local election of district councils. How many districts are in Puntland, I know there is 9 states. I've heard anywhere between 40-50 districts.
54 District.

