Puntland Local Election 2024

Oh that is lovely with geeljire in their natural habitat registering to vote.



Their is some who are not even registerin becuz they say voting is un-islamic. Wa in 'gacan bir' ah lagu gabta masjidyada, no more freedom, they took advantage of Somalis during the civil war especially the 'wahabists' and want to continue keepin them ignorant.



These Somalis must realize the Islam they have is mid 'suuq madow oo wadamo burburay loogu talagalay' to keep them down n out. U can't compare a turkish muslim or malaysian muslim who is secular to a 91 barbarian sheikh who learnt his islam during Somalia worst time period.

These religious centers need to be controlled and false teachings removed. U will see ignorance in every topic they preach. They cover up little girls at 'age' 5, does that mean she has 'awrah' to cover. Sickening stuff like that.

They teach disbelief is illegal, disbelief isn't illegal, allah allowed disbelief and allah guides who he wills, you can't guide anything. Allah said disbelief is bad but not illegal. They think everything that is quranically bad means 'its illegal'. Good n bad co-exist till the day of judgement, satan isn't going anywhere nor is evil and it's their ignorance they think they can do the 'work of allah' looooooooool.

They think men n women r not equal also. Then why does muslim women not fast 50% less, why her sins not 50% less, why u see the illogical process. Men n Women r the same to allah, why are they not the same in society? logic alone disagrees with wahabi nuts. Since MBS has come Saudi is reforming, u guys will follow, cuz u worship saudi u dont respect logic.

U will see grown ass women wearin full burqa with not even their hands exposed to sun, these women will be dead from lack of vitamin D. They will get arthiritis and other joint problem early in life.
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As Puntland religious minister, I urge u to send our Islamic teachers to countries that are advanced like malaysia and turkey not to backward egypt or barbaric saudi or god forbid afghanistan, who are not advanced nations and culturally backward.

Learn from at least countries that are progressive n muslim not backward fuckin arabs oo desertka shali ka soo baxay or crazy taliban where shabab and all qashin were trained who want to turn us into africa's afghanistan where women cant go to school, forget driving.

Why r we friends with the worst n most backward nation in the world. They must not be allowed to export their ignorance n filth to Puntland. What has afghanistan contributed to Somalia, nothing but teaching them violence, suicide bombings, and explosions. Ha laga firsado waxan oo kale.

President Osman 'wuu saxiixay' amarkasi.
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I pass on one last wisdom. Meesha aad islam ka baranaysan, gurigisa waa inaad eegta. Before u put on his shoes, make sure his shoes r clean. How can u justify learning Islam from a nation that is backward, obviously his islam will be backwards and false if u follow logic. If his house is barwaaqo, i urge u to adopt his Islam, illahi ayaaba la jiro wadankasi. But if that nation looks like AFG, why in the world u wasting your time with their Islam, its obvious allah is punishing them and disagrees with their lies.
I pass on one last wisdom. Meesha aad islam ka baranaysan, gurigisa waa inaad eegta. Before u put on his shoes, make sure his shoes r clean. How can u justify learning Islam from a nation that is backward, obviously his islam will be backwards and false if u follow logic. If his house is barwaaqo, i urge u to adopt his Islam, illahi ayaaba la jiro wadankasi. But if that nation looks like AFG, why in the world u wasting your time with their Islam, its obvious allah is punishing them and disagrees with their lies.
It has very little, if anything to do with Islam. Theirs is 'jahli murakab' of the dark sort.


True Puntlander
Their is some who are not even registerin becuz they say voting is un-islamic. Wa in 'gacan bir' ah lagu gabta masjidyada, no more freedom, they took advantage of Somalis during the civil war especially the 'wahabists' and want to continue keepin them ignorant.

Those Alkabab supporters. We should put them in jail.