Puntland may actually be seceding. High level meeting held by leaders in UAE.

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These guys are Somaliland wannabees so bad


So it’s copying Sland to secede? Didn’t think they were the first people on earth to secede :pachah1: such a moronic statement.

PL has tried for 30 years to rebuild a government in the south not sure if you follow what happens in xamar but it’s a lost cause the UN has even said it’ll take a generation or more for them to take over their own security.... and they are currently shooting each other on the streets.

Fake wadanis like yourself just want everyone to suffer with you.



Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Oh How some people thought Puntland Independent Movement might never come to light. :rolleyes:
I have fixed your avi for you :gaasdrink:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
great news we will kick out all puntites in the south and confiscate their properties hawiya style


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Aren’t you from Galnus? Shouldn’t you be worried about the next genocide?
the funny thing is that these boons are new arrivals to kismayo, while we have been there for a while. Without mjs kismayo wouldn't exist and your dirty clan wouldn't have any shelter @TekNiKo


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Aren’t you from Galnus? Shouldn’t you be worried about the next genocide?
Hooyatha uu sheeg wecelyahow, Galkacyo maalin kasta lagugu dhex wassa. Magaalo dhan ba hg la wadaagta aniga dhul dhan igama qaadin xaraanyahow
you cant have it both ways either leave the south for good and all its greatness or stick to the status quo
We only inhabit kismaayo and surrounding area in the south which is controlled by our brothers in Jubaland.. I guess you can't do shit :denzelnigga:


Reformation of Somaliland
Somaliland failed to secede for 30 years but good luck to Puntland. Let's see who will secede first.

Don't know why you guys always think we're still apart of Somalia.

We didn't take part in any political thing since 91 with you lot don't want to know if we remain unrecognised for 100yrs so be it willw work our way around it


Reformation of Somaliland

I've never seen any Puntite who wanted to secede from Somalia in real life. The first time I heard this was on Somalispot.

If Somaliland didn't gain independence (which it probably will never get), why even bother?

We are independent just look at all the press release you're keen in Mog & Garowe complaining on Somaliland doing something which you're all powerless to stop
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