Puntland may actually be seceding. High level meeting held by leaders in UAE.

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OK since this mjs want BEEF so bad I have been saving this for a while but i will now use it:

lright part 1, here they are sxb. :pachah1:

Sultan of the Majerteen, Sultan Osman to Sig. Vincenzo Filonardi:

"Single long we have not seen you and we have a great desire to see you."

"You are our friend and we do not know why you have abandoned us."

"The steam boat Esfita has arrived this year, but without you. Now we hope to have the pleasure of seeing you, because friendship and affection exist between us."

"We wish to construct a stone house in your name. For you we wish to work and we shall agree at which site the house will be built."


Sultan of Obbia, Kenadid letter: "Our dear friend, Sig. Vincenzo Filonardi."


"We inform you that this year we have been abandoned and there was no steamboat that has come to us, as it was the habit."

"We hope that you will help us with food and the supply of war material, because we are under your protection and your flag."

"We would not think that you have abandoned us."

"We need money and we are without boat."

"You are our friend and we do not know other Christians besides you, and we defend your flag."

Majerteen slaves carrying Italian colonials on their back. Bender Kassim, modern-day Bossaso.

Majerteen assimilated zanzibar Bantus also known as Madowteen.


During Italian colonial period. Majerteen were servents to southern Somalis.


The Ethiopian general gave Abdullahi Yusuf two nasty slaps and threaten to kill him. The most humiliating thing that ever happened to Majerteen. Bismillah MAJEERTEEN XABASH AYEY U AQALGASHAY



I have more so dont act up more FKD nukes shocking than this are still in my arsenal :ftw9nwa:

@Shaolin23 @nine TAKE NOTES.

With your lies and photoshopped images.

Nobody should even respond tbh.

All I need to say is Marehan and everyone knows your history and current state.

Unlike you, we do not need to post lies and doctored images.

Go pick some quule for dinner.
Mr ****. At least we had structures pictures could be taken off. Don't make me post thr images of your people, naked and desolute in Hobyo outside our Sultans castle.

I'm not Hawiye.

I'm Isaaq but I couldn't care less about my tribe/region.

Though I could post pictures of Muse Bixi walking freely in newly captured Tukaraq after Puntland failed to recapture their territory after 5 failed attempts.

I'm not Hawiye.

I'm Isaaq but I couldn't care less about my tribe/region.

Though I could post pictures of Muse Bixi walking freely in newly captured Tukaraq after Puntland failed to recapture their territory after 5 failed attempts.


I see.

Keep bragging about not caring for your own people and region.

These are the kind of people who want a "united Somalia".. so tempting.
Puntland like any other part of Somaliweyn is a poor & unstable

Somalians on here suffer from delusions of grandeur by thinking their shithole is superior to the other ones. Fucking joke of a people.

Our professionally trained forces don't fight each other, especially not in public among civilians. So yes, we are superior and we will leave.
I see.

Keep bragging about not caring for your own people and region.

These are the kind of people who want a "united Somalia".. so tempting.

A Somali who hails from my clan is no different nor gets more preference/special treatment from me than a Somali from another clan.

I care about Somalis equally regardless of what their clan or region is, and is something you qabilist are able to do because you all suffer from the delusion of grandeur.

I see you've conveniently skipped all the points I made.

Can you tell me how Puntland is any different from Somalia and how they will even get independence when they have an urban poverty rate of 60% and a rural poverty rate of 70%?

90% of children not completing primary school.

Unable to defend its territory from Somaliland or ISIS which the latter often carries out assassinations and collects large quantities of taxes.

Completely reliant on foreign aid due to a poor taxation system and endemic corruption.

Why Puntland forces fight amongst each other about who is in control?

Puntland sounds a lot like Southern Somalia, in fact to a 3rd party, Puntland and South Somalia are the same.

So remind me why should Puntland get independence?
You just posted that you do not care about your own region and people but now you "care about Somalis'..

You believe it is qabiilist to look after your own region...

I have no energy or words for people like you.

Find similar minded people and good luck peddling your beliefs to others.

Please explain how PIM is caring for the Somalis living there?

You didn't even respond to anything I said.

How will independence solve the high poverty rate? The high primary school dropout rate? Defeat ISIS and stop assassinations?

I'm waiting.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
With your lies and photoshopped images.

Nobody should even respond tbh.

All I need to say is Marehan and everyone knows your history and current state.

Unlike you, we do not need to post lies and doctored images.

Go pick some quule for dinner.
Low IQ response, same Quule eaters expelling your folk from Gallaadi :yloezpe::yloezpe:
@Puntitequuen is a delusional she's probably hasn't even set foot in Somalia...do u know Puntland is a desert with a population less than 800,000? U guys claim independence wallahi ur people are starving get with reality


@Puntitequuen is a delusional she's probably hasn't even set foot in Somalia...do u know Puntland is a desert with a population less than 800,000? U guys claim independence wallahi ur people are starving get with reality

Lol at 800k. If PL is so useless why do so many people from the greenest parts of Somalia migrate to PL in droves? Something isn’t adding up... and if it’s so useless why do you care if we leave. Take a hint we don’t want to share a country with you.


One minute we are a "desert" and the other minute, they are fleeing to us for water during droughts and for shelter and peace during war.

We are housing all these ungrateful leeches.

If we are a useless desert, why do you care if we leave??

If we left, you'd be left with no history, no future and no sanctuary and that's why you're shaking in fear.



The day you Marehans start discussing facts, we can have a chat. You resort to lies, photoshop and fake bravado.

At least other clans on here come with serious FKD info which can be taken seriously.

Stop shaming your clan further.

If I was in his position I wouldn’t post on any forums, his people were genocided a few months back in Galnus.
You just posted that you do not care about your own region and people but now you "care about Somalis'..

You believe it is qabiilist to look after your own region...

I have no energy or words for people like you.

Who would even trust or follow someone who neglects his own home.

Lol at 800k. If PL is so useless why do so many people from the greenest parts of Somalia migrate to PL in droves? Something isn’t adding up... and if it’s so useless why do you care if we leave. Take a hint we don’t want to share a country with you.

Duh... there's a war going on and ofcourse Puntland is a transit point to the Gulf... relax
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