Puntland Presidential Candidates


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Definitely Maxamed Ugaar sent their SSDF veteran Colonel Qalyare. But none of these people are Maxamed Ugaar. The Islaan and suldaan garaase were both against elections in the beginning but they were more diplomatic in their speech.

However, PL is more dearer to us than who becomes president. We’ll choose for the most peaceful roadmap.
Suldan garaase is reer farah mohamed ugaar


Wallee Cumar and Cusmaan are funny. When it's their turn, hagbadda ilmo saleebaan waa muqaddas. When it's Ciise's turn the hagbad becomes xaaraan ay waajib tahay in laga gudbo. Belo ku ciyaadhay 🤣
I remember I saw the presidential palace in garowe in 2021 and it looked kinda cool, like a fortress on top of a mountain, at home in Puntland, mudane madaxweyne Deni has done incredible work and has made puntland safe and secure, however I want to know why there’s Syrians in my town
They will all arrive at barxada Garowe and talk crap politics out of their behind. They know they can't touch Deni when it comes to accomplishment. Deni did some mistakes like waste time on bunker zoo politics in Xamar and supporting one enemy Calasow Garguurte over another Farmaajo Sharboweyne. But when in comes to PL, dude has done good work.
Definitely! However we face a big problem from Xamar and the ongoing fight in SSC, I have a fear it could escalate with the clashes today in Galmudug
:mjlaugh:Looks like Laftagareen won't be having Deni's support since Deni himself needs support as he is getting attacked inside Garowe by Puntlands presidential candidates.

Guuleed Saalax musharax madaxweyne says Deni wanted PM too and has now made PL bankrupt and worsened security

Gantaalaha Ridada Fog ee Barxadda uu ka ganayo Musharax Guled !!!

Musharax Madaxwayne Guled Salah "Walaalayaal maanta Puntland waxay maraysaa xaalad adag siyaasad ahaan, amni ahaan, dhaqaale ahaan iyo adeeg bulsho ahaan. Waxaad la socotaan in muddo xileedkii maamulka hadda jira gabogabo yahay doorashana aan laga shaqaynayn ee muddo kororsi laga shaqaynayo taasoo khatar wayn ku ah xasiloonida iyo nabadgalyada, waxaad ogtihiin in dastuurkii iyo xeerarkii wadanka lagu falaaday oo dano gaar ah loo badalay, garsoorkii in xukuumaddu afduubtay oo xattaa ay awoodi waayaan dacwadaha la geeyay inay ka jawaabaan, hay’adihii dawladdu inay tabar iyo tayoba beeleen, shaqaalihii dawladdu inaysan muddo 6 bilood ka badan mushahaar aysan qaadan, amnigii inuu faraha kasii baxayo (Bossaso, Gaalkacyo iyo Garowe), dhaqaalihii inuu aad u liito, shaqo la’aantii inay sii badanayso, mashaariicdii horumarinta dano gaar ah loo joojiyay, adeegyadii bulshadu aad u liitaan oo dadkii reer Puntland gobolo kale oo dalka ah iyo dalal bannaanka ah ay caafimaad u aadaan. Waxaas oo dayac ah waxaa keenay hogaan xumada Madaxweynaha iyo tayo xumada maamulkiisa."View attachment 296420
Let the slugging match begin! This is democracy manifest!
Puntland is not a Mohamuud Saleebaan playground. If Deni doesn’t do anything with Aaran Jaanand and diyaanos, mudug will karbaash them for him.
It's no secret that there exists a gentlemen's agreement in Puntland. Ignoring this reality due to the ambitions of a select few represents a short-sighted approach and we're not known for that.
To hold a 1m1v would indeed be a significant accomplishment but at what cost?

Cisse Riyoole will get their turn or you guys can move your capital somewhere else.:silanyosmile:

I agree with you in regards to the Diyaanos though, Deni should've took the gloves off and karbaashed them. I blame Faroole and Gaas for letting it get to that.
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Why is HSM supporting cisse against Deni? Is it just because he’s anti Deni? Or is he hoping an cisse president will be a horgaal for him?

Under normal circumstances I would want cisse to get their turn to make things even but if they’re going to allow HSM to meddle with Puntlands affairs and challenge the federalists system then I think its best for them to sit this one out . They shouldn’t grumble to much since they already have the capital.

Im assuming Deni wants to do the 1m1v so he can get another turn at the PL presidency and have access to PL’s funds to run for FGS presidency in 2026.
Ciise Riyoole should terminate the cancer that has plagued Puntland which is ilma faroole. If anybody who's Ciise Riyoole that has no connection to Ilma Faroole, he has my full support. Juxa is the only one in that clan I can trust in Puntland leadership for now. Awad is NN puppet and a man with weak leadership skills. Guled is another option, but he has shady connections to HSM
Let aaran jaan be president of Puntland (half of Nugaal) and let ilmo xaali aka the Diyaano also be presidents of Puntland (Bari). Halkas halagu kala baxo this mashruuc is dead if Deni don't get to implement a real state and functioning goverment. Maxa laa isla baryayaa nin walba gurigas haa mamulo my people have enough to maintain themselves the hell should we or rest of Puntland be under merci of aaran jaan or ilma Diyaano.

Garacad caduun iyo ciid igu filan hadi deni laa dido dee Mac salama!
No bro aaran jaan and ilmo Diyaano til 2040:farole:

Nah man, Diyaano and his Aaran-Jaan clique are Al-Tihaad2.0, they have ties and dealings with the CIA, shot at PDFs bringing in HSM's parliament hag, and wilfully endangered the lives of civilians in Bossaso by shelling neighbourhoods etc.

It's obvious they're all being bankrolled by higher powers, Deni is at least our guy, not some foreign plant.
Nah man, Diyano and his Aaran Jaan clique are Al-Tihaad2.0, they have ties and dealings with the CIA, shot at PDFs bringing in HSM's parliament hag, and wilfully endangered the lives of civilians in Bossaso by shelling neighbourhoods etc.

It's obvious they're all being bankrolled by higher powers, Deni is at least our guy, not some foreign plant.
Bro maxa iga galay what do they contribute to me as a reer caduun?

Let them rule themselves because believe me after the democratisation Dani fought for don't get implemented it's every man for himself. Puntland the appeasement state for laangaabs will cease to exist to let xariirs, maakhirs, rascaseyris,khaatumos,Diyanolanders and aaran jaan aka keligena nugaalis rule themselves. My people are good it's nothing we actually need from them at all else except caduun and ciid joining together once and for all.
Bro maxa iga galay what do they contribute to me as a reer caduun?

Let them rule themselves because believe me after the democratisation Dani fought for don't get implemented it's every man for himself. Puntland the appeasement state for laangaabs will cease to exist to let xariirs, maakhirs, rascaseyris,khaatumos,Diyanolanders and aaran jaan aka keligena nugaalis rule themselves. My people are good it's nothing we actually need from them at all else except caduun and ciid joining together once and for all.

Personally I don't believe Puntites are ready for true democracy, in order fir democracy to function, you need an educated population.

I'd prefer Deni over any of these leaders because of his merits and business acumen, he's a special man.
Personally I don't believe Puntites are ready for true democracy, in order fir democracy to function, you need an educated population.

I'd prefer Deni over any of these leaders because of his merits and business acumen, he's a special man.
Personally f*ck this so called reer Puntland I'm reer cideed of caduun caliber. Daludug is Bari and Karkaar, nugaal is aaran jaan bro. I only care for the real gobaalada fake ass Italian made mudug ee waxan ahay raaga Ciid iyo Caduun. We got Garacad port we got galkayo, reemati, burtinle, Jalamka awoowe hersi!

Somali been been aah harti been been aah Puntland been been aah. Maandhow hala kala baxo bari iyo galgala nugaal iyo aaran jaan asalka caduun CC iyo RM maxa ka galay laangaab riyoole iyo dhabodhilif Diyaano?

