Sufficient pavement thickness and good quality base material will allow for trucks to drive over them. Applying a sprayed seal (stone and bitumen) will make it water proof and more durable.The top spray is to bind the gravel only there is no proper below base, it's not a proper road that can handle truck volume which will be the case for 'primary' high-ways. They need to 'create strong base below' so it can handle all weather conditions and all large truck loads.
This is a good development for Haylaan mashallahDhahar: 20 August 2022: Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni, oo safar shaqo ku soo gaaray degmada Dhahar ee xarunta gobolka Hayland, ayaa dhagax-dhigay Wado laami ah oo Isku xiridoonta magaalooyinka Sheerbi, Dhahar iyo Xingalool.
Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland, ayaa muujiyey muhiimadda ay u leedahay Puntland dhismaha wadadani, isagoo xusay in Wadadan ay dadka gobolka Hayland ku xireyso gobollada kale ee Puntland, isla-markaana ay ka qeyb qaadan doonto, Horumarka, Kobcinta ganacsiga iyo dhoofinta Xoolaha.
Wadadan oo dhererkeedu yahay 55KM ayaa waxaa iska kaashaday Dowladda Puntland iyo Hay’addaha African Development Bank, Save The Children iyo IGAD. Waxaana maanta toos loo billaabay dhismaha Wadadan oo qorshuhu yahay in wakhti kooban lagu dhammaystiro.
Munaasabadda dhagax-dhigga waxaa Madaxweynaha kala qeyb-galay Suldaan Maxamed Cabdullaahi Cartan, Masuuliyiinta Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud iyo Hay’adda Wadooyinka Puntland, Shirkadda dhisaysa Wadada iyo Madax ka socota Hay’addaha African Developers Bank, Save The Children iyo IGAD, qaar ka mid ah xubnaha Goleyaasha Dowladda Puntland, Masuuliyiinta Gobolka Hayland iyo Bulshada Degmada Dhahar.
Aren't Feeders paved, i'm not familiar with those terms icl.@Laagite @repo Im not tryin to disturb the party but the official banner says 'feeder' where-as the govt press release says 'paved road'
Maybe the government can clear this up. Is the govt doing the 'asphalt' phase and international community doing 'gravel road' part? as of now it's not clear.
As far as I am concerned, Each state in Puntland should have at least one primary ''all weather road' for it's region and have connection points to the 'national highway'
Deni in his speech said that the work will continue after the gravel road and the government will fund the asphalt phase.@Laagite @repo Im not tryin to disturb the party but the official banner says 'feeder' where-as the govt press release says 'paved road'
Maybe the government can clear this up. Is the govt doing the 'asphalt' phase and international community doing 'gravel road' part? as of now it's not clear.
As far as I am concerned, Each state in Puntland should have at least one primary ''all weather road' for it's region and have connection points to the 'national highway'