Puntland sends delegation to meet state minister of Ethiopia.

I am merely acknowledging the fact that the TPLF regime pushed clan based federalism onto Somalia, as it would make a weak ineffective central government. They have also strategically made sure that every federal state borders Ethiopia and has a coastline and has relations with each federal state. This is the same Ethiopia that actively works to undermine Somalia and is looking for access to sea(‘annexation of land and sea’).
I’m not a kacaanist or even marehan, in fact I’m anti Kacaan. I’m more pro federalism than Kacaan but this type of federalism practised in Somalia is divisive and completely undermines the central government.

Of course Puntland will always and forever undermine and disregard any notion of a Central Government.

I assume the word you are looking for, is the Federal Government.


States selling dignity to raw meat eathiopians for a pie that is 1 billion dollars max. with 98% of it in Djibouti control due to proximity and rail road. Means we are looking at couple hundred million max for Somalia in port fees.

this finance minster should be ashamed going over when Ethiopia hasn’t even renounced MOU and is attacking territorial integrity. Once they do that can business be discussed . Everything recorded now a days he will regret being part of this
I am merely acknowledging the fact that the TPLF regime pushed clan based federalism onto Somalia, as it would make a weak ineffective central government. They have also strategically made sure that every federal state borders Ethiopia and has a coastline and has relations with each federal state. This is the same Ethiopia that actively works to undermine Somalia and is looking for access to sea(‘annexation of land and sea’).

What are you talking about? Somalia is a country comprised of clans, every single inch of Somalia is owned by a particular clan. What do you propose? Forcefully mixing people together and planting them in different locations?

Because no matter what the system of governance is, there will ALWAYS be areas dominated by certain clans.

I’m not a kacaanist or even marehan, in fact I’m anti Kacaan. I’m more pro federalism than Kacaan but this type of federalism practised in Somalia is divisive and completely undermines the central government.

You are a Centralist, NOT a Federalist. Read your own posts back to yourself.
Unfortunately us somalis are too focused on trivial clannish matters and are not aware of ethiopias meddling and interference in horn African nations, people like the Eritreans are very aware of this and are wary of anything Ethiopian related.
States selling dignity to raw meat eathiopians for a pie that is 1 billion dolars. with 98% of it in djibkuti control due to proximity and rail road. Means we are looking at couple hundred million max for Somalia in port fees.

this finance minster should be ashamed going over when Ethiopia hasn’t even renounced MOU and is attacking territorial integrity. Once they do that can business be discussed . Everything recorded now a days he will regret being part of this

What the hell are you talking about? Who is selling what to who? These meetings are about trade relations, which will benefit the area you claim to be from.

Stop being disingenous by spreading fake news, because anything that stops the progress of this road, will affect your people more than anyone. That is, if you are who you claim you are.
Only in this cursed nation called Somalia, is it bad news, to discuss trade relations with a neighbouring nation. Trade that will directly improve the lives of Somalis living in Somalia and in DDSI. Even those Kacaanists in Central Somalia, are using Garacad Port, to import goods into their beleaguered tuulos, but they will have the sheer gall, to undermine anything that elevates this Port.

One look at this thread, and I want any sentient Puntite to tell me, why on earth we should support the sanctity of this 'country', that is filled with people that are extremely averse to Puntland's progress.

I am fasting, but I would use even more choice words for all of you liars in this topic. Aan afuro, waa idiin soo noqoniya.
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What the hell are you talking about? Who is selling what to who? These meetings are about trade relations, which will benefit the area you claim to be from.

Stop being disingenous by spreading fake news.
MOU is not fake news nor has Ethiopia taken it back. Ethiopia has no respect for puntland or Somalia and is doing as it pleases . this is race to bottom Garacad is being used as pawn by Ethiopia they want fgs Berbera and Djibouti to be brought to knees
MOU is not fake news nor has Ethiopia taken it back. Ethiopia has no respect for puntland or Somalia and is doing as it pleases . this is race to bottom Garacad is being used as pawn by Ethiopia they want Berbera and Djibouti to be brought to knees


So, according to you, anything that is beneficial for Garacad Port is negative, because, it will have a negative effect on Djibouti and Berbera?

I am so happy to see you know where your priorities lie, Mr "Leelkasse", did you forget that the road and trade will go through your deegaan, waa hadaaba Leelkasse tahay.
They like playing nationalistic card whenever they see visits like this as if there is a bigger enemy than them. Just sit and don't improve economically while we block your stuff kkkk


Even Mr "Leelkasse" Hilmaam, is sitting here, lamenting Garacad's development news, because he believes it will have a negative effect on Berbera and Djibouti, two places that are under the control of IOG and Muuse Biixi.

And they want us to be part of the same country, as these kind of people, that will uplift SNM and IOG, above the areas they claim to be from.

It reminds me of when the soldiers that were trained in Eritrea, said that N&N told them that Puntland was the biggest problem. They are all in cahoots, and want Puntland destroyed, no matter what their clan or ideology is.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
They like playing nationalistic card whenever they see visits like this as if there is a bigger enemy than them. Just sit and don't improve economically while we block your stuff kkkk

It is strange to see the same people who have frozen international aid to Puntland accuse Puntland of being anti-Somali. These are the same people currently holding up education, health, tranaportation etc.. projects to force Puntland to accept Hasan Sheekh’s fake constitution.

Who do they think Garacad was built to service? How can Puntland’s second port begin working if Puntland does not maintain a working relationship with Ethiopia?

Ethiopia is our longterm enemy, but we have to be realistic and accept that economic ties are key to our livelihoods. We can’t do business with DDS, or the rest of Erhiopia, without Abiy’s permission.
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So, according to you, anything that is beneficial for Garacad Port is negative, because, it will have a negative effect on Djibouti and Berbera?

I am so happy to see you know where your priorities lie, Mr "Leelkasse".
Lol How will garcad benefit when Ethiopia playing ports against each other to get free sea access. The only leverage we have is Ethiopia not having sea access if MOU goes through what use is any puntland or Somalia port
Lol How will garcad benefit when Ethiopia playing ports against each other to get free ports. The only leverage we have is Ethiopia not having sea access if MOU goes through what use is any puntland or Somalia port


First of all, Mr Berbera and Djibouti Port lover,

1. Who said Ethiopia is getting a free port?

2. Do you realise that a lot of Somali land is in Ethiopia and that the Garacad-Galkacyo-Galdogob trade corridor will go to DDSI?

Or did you think the road would stop at Galdogob and then GO TO SPACE??!!

This person called @Hilmaam, has been posting in this thread for ages, yet he sits here in 2024, trying to spread fake news about the Port. When he knows good and well, that the road was supposed to go to DDSI, and that DDSI is under Ethiopia.

Dadkaan oo kale, want to peddle 'Somalinimo' to us, when they are bold-faced liars.

Let me catch you in this topic after today, pretending to celebrate the progress, when in reality, you pray for its demise.


True Puntlander
Lol How will garcad benefit when Ethiopia playing ports against each other to get free sea access. The only leverage we have is Ethiopia not having sea access if MOU goes through what use is any puntland or Somalia port
If you are Leelkaase, you like your people to have good live and better condition than now?
What are you talking about? Somalia is a country comprised of clans, every single inch of Somalia is owned by a particular clan. What do you propose? Forcefully mixing people together and planting them in different locations?

Because no matter what the system of governance is, there will ALWAYS be areas dominated by certain clans.

You are a Centralist, NOT a Federalist. Read your own posts back to yourself.
I think Somalis should establish a government system that is meritocratic and not clan based. Whilst I’m a pro federalist to an extent due to the unresolved conflicts, and distrust between communities which stems from the Kacaan central government hence a central government in this climate will only exacerbate the status quo as neo kacaanism is rife thanks to Failmajo. However, I am against clan based federalism as clans abuse their federal power to their own gains which can be against national interests or even their own interests long term and also encourage clan conflicts if not engage in them. Unfortunately our people and politicians are narrow mined and can not see past clannish narratives hence are willing to set us back to win a petty clannish political conflict or even a military one which benefits neither parties involved. Even in the federal states, power is abused by one dominant clan and the clans in that state are not integrated to begin which exacerbates divisions within regions. I am for a federal government, whereby federal states are subordinate to the federal government and are integrated and not dominated socially, politically and economically by one clan and have governors appointed due to merit not clan. For that to happen, communities need to address issues that cause divisions and distrust among themselves ie unresolved conflicts/trauma and reconcile.

