Puntland sends delegation to meet state minister of Ethiopia.

I think Somalis should establish a government system that is meritocratic and not clan based. Whilst I’m a pro federalist to an extent due to the unresolved conflicts, and distrust between communities which stems from the Kacaan central government hence a central government in this climate will only exacerbate the status quo as neo kacaanism is rife thanks to Failmajo. However, I am against clan based federalism as clans abuse their federal power to their own gains which can be against national interests or even their own interests long term and also encourage clan conflicts if not engage in them. Unfortunately our people and politicians are narrow mined and can not see past clannish narratives hence are willing to set us back to win a petty clannish political conflict or even a military one which benefits neither parties involved. Even in the federal states, power is abused by one dominant clan and the clans in that state are not integrated to begin which exacerbates divisions within regions. I am for a federal government, whereby federal states are subordinate to the federal government and are integrated and not dominated socially, politically and economically by one clan and have governors appointed due to merit not clan. For that to happen, communities need to address issues that cause divisions and distrust among themselves ie unresolved conflicts/trauma and reconcile.

First thing I want you to do, is look at a a Somali clan map, and then tell everyone, what system on EARTH, will make any region, or federal state, not involve the clans that live there.


True Puntlander
I think Somalis should establish a government system that is meritocratic and not clan based. Whilst I’m a pro federalist to an extent due to the unresolved conflicts, and distrust between communities which stems from the Kacaan central government hence a central government in this climate will only exacerbate the status quo as neo kacaanism is rife thanks to Failmajo. However, I am against clan based federalism as clans abuse their federal power to their own gains which can be against national interests or even their own interests long term and also encourage clan conflicts if not engage in them. Unfortunately our people and politicians are narrow mined and can not see past clannish narratives hence are willing to set us back to win a petty clannish political conflict or even a military one which benefits neither parties involved. Even in the federal states, power is abused by one dominant clan and the clans in that state are not integrated to begin which exacerbates divisions within regions. I am for a federal government, whereby federal states are subordinate to the federal government and are integrated and not dominated socially, politically and economically by one clan and have governors appointed due to merit not clan. For that to happen, communities need to address issues that cause divisions and distrust among themselves ie unresolved conflicts/trauma and reconcile.
One Question, Eduction under whom, FGS or FMS?
I am from DDSI myself and want my people to get connected to a Port, so because our land is under occupation, it means we are not allowed to trade and get access to more affordable goods? What a bunch of hypocrites.

Naga aamusa and keep Puntland out of your mouths. Aan idiin afuro, all of you are getting some choice words, especially dad aan ogahay.
looks like we are returning to the era of heads of maamul goboleeds making their regular pilgrimage to addis.

Whilst Puntland discusses trade access for DDSi, your clan wants to sell land in Cabudwaaq to build an Ethiopian base. But you and your clansmen, have the audacity to slither into this topic??

And whilst you type your hypocritical diatribe, Gedo itself is under occupation. Oradoo is xoreeya and stay out of the conversations of free people.



Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
PL would never give away its ports or land to xabashi, so stop the calcal. I’m worried about that crap I saw about giving an island to UAE. Hoping that’s fake news.
First thing I want you to do, is look at a a Somali clan map, and then tell everyone, what system on EARTH, will make any region, or federal state, not involve the clans that live there.
To be honest, we should abolish clan based politics and dismantle clan units if we have any chance of amounting to anything. We live in the 21st century and the people that run our country are selected based on clan and not merit. Wlhi we’re are a very backward society, it’s actually sad.


If you are Leelkaase, you like your people to have good live and better condition than now?
Abiye wants free port in somaliland and has MOU in place. If he takes that back of course business can be discussed. I don’t know why this is so hard to understand
To be honest, we should abolish clan based politics and dismantle clan units if we have any chance of amounting to anything. We live in the 21st century and the people that run our country are selected based on clan and not merit. Wlhi we’re are a very backward society, it’s actually sad.

You are talking about ideas that don't suit Somalis, my advice to you, if you are a sincere person, is to study how countries with clans, operate, such as the Khaleeji nations. You'll see that they merely adapted to their country's clan system, instead of trying to abolish something that cannot be abolished.
Abiye wants free port in somaliland and has MOU in place. If he takes that back of course business can be discussed. I don’t know why this is so hard to understand

What does Somaliland's port have to do with Puntland? Your posts are easy to understand, we can see that you are a something and a something, and I will tell you, when I break my fast.
Ethiopia is the america and Israel of the Horn of Africa. Always looking for conflicts with its neighbors. Always trying to destabilize its neighbors.

when us embassy called Addis Abeba Finfine they critiqued that. But they themselves make deals with separatist from Somalia
The government didn't oppose calling Addis Ababa Finfine. The only ones I saw who was opposed calling Addis Finfine was Amhara's. Amhara's aren't the majority of Ethiopians.
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PL would never give away its ports or land to xabashi, so stop the calcal. I’m worried about that crap I saw about giving an island to UAE. Hoping that’s fake news.

This entire topic is filled with people who are desperately trying to associate Puntland with the MOU deal that Somaliland signed. When in reality, Puntland and Ethiopia, have been in talks to discuss how to build a road that connects DDSi to the Garacad-Galkacyo-Galdogob trade corridor.

And this exact hateful, envious, spiteful attitude is why funding is withheld from Puntland, and why we must escape this cesspool whilst we can.
You are talking about ideas that don't suit Somalis, my advice to you, if you are a sincere person, is to study how countries with clans, operate, such as the Khaleeji nations. You'll see that they merely adapted to their country's clan system, instead of trying to abolish something that cannot be abolished.
True to an extent, but their clans didn’t engage in uncivilised petty conflicts for laandheere political points. Our level clannism has affected every level of society and has literally caused endless deadly conflicts, tell me of khaleeji clans that massacred and genocided each other. Their clan system was not divisive nor did it label people based on their tribal affiliation.
In fact, when HSM was re-elected, he promised to release international funding that was earmarked to complete the G-G-G road. Of course, not a single cent has been given to Puntland.

This non-stop sabotage is then combined with a barrage of fake patriotic words and slogans, and I wonder, throughout it all, how Puntland has patience. I couldn't be a politician, because if someone like Hilmaam sat in front of me, spreading such lies, I would get arrested.
True to an extent, but their clans didn’t engage in uncivilised petty conflicts for laandheere political points. Our level clannism has affected every level of society and has literally caused endless deadly conflicts, tell me of khaleeji clans that massacred and genocided each other. Their clan system was not divisive nor did it label people based on their tribal affiliation.

I'll tell you how to cure Somalia's division, tell them that Puntland is trying to develop itself, you'll see an immediate consensus and organisation between opposing clans, from distant parts of Somalia, united in the goal to oppose and destroy Puntland.

We have 1 Leelkasse, several Marehan, several Hawiye, 1 Bantu in here, all united under one banner called: Puntland Ha Dhacdo


Sincerity is a dangerous thing.
Deni could denounce Islam and posters here would cheer him. In some eyes he is the infallible the unerring. If reer PL support this, no wonder Biixi got away with similar stunt in January.
Deni could denounce Islam and posters here would cheer him. In some eyes he is the infallible the unerring. If reer PL support this, no wonder Biixi got away with similar stunt in January.

When Hawiye finally builds Hobyo Port (and pigs fly), we'll see Hawiye try to connect roads to DDSi also, and then all of you, will be lauding it as a great achievement.

Munaafaqnimada meel kale la aada, and spare us the fake patriotism.

