If farmajo doesn't do anything but continues to dismantle the clan enclaves, i will still hail him as one of our best presidents. Down with this phony "federalism"
First off there is no such thing as federalism with what is going on in Somalia. It can be described at best Confederation, how can you have federalism when the Central government is extremely weak and literally has no authority over anyone ? No power is shared, every region has absolute power over their own region and the central government can absolutely do nothing about it.
Second thing, Farmaajo has not accomplished anything as of right now, with increase attacks in the capital, the whole Qalbi Dhagax fiasco, and an inability to secure investments and kick start the army and economy. His presidency has been a rollercoaster ride, things were more optimistic when we had HSM as a president although he was extremely corrupt. I have never been optimistic whenever a new president has taken the helm the following years after Abdulaahi yusufs failure and resignation.
I don't see much changing with the SFG, all they seem to accomplish is building shiny new parliament buildings...
At this point I ain't associating with Somalia until the SFG stop making boneheaded moves and start acting like competent politicians..
From now on my country is Hiiraan and my Capital city is Beledweyne..