Question for the teenage nationalists


Highly Respected
Im sorry but jereers have too many Ls we don't want to associate with. They're too embarrassing. It hurts our pride if we ( who descend from people who don't let others push them around) associate with people who have been used and abused by EVERYBODY :hova:

Somalis were colonized by Ethiopians, French, British and Italians. :dead: And today we are ruled by and dominated by Kikuyu Bantus in Kenya where Somalis constantly migrate to in search for a better life.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Destiny is a breath of fresh air on this site. Some people honesty think we aren't black , shocking .
@Destiny you are talking to a brick wall, these diaspora kids on social media (forums and twitter) believe that because we have thinner noses and softer hair that we are somehow superior to Africans and Carribean people. Just look at how they respond to others, posting gorilla and making slavery jokes. Disgusting.

Where does this superiority complex come from? Our nation is the definition of a failed state, no we wuz not kangz, our history is nomadism and massacring each other based on clans, not a history of state-building like Ethiopians. So many Black African people have far superior history to us.
Yawn. Pick up some notes on anthropology. It'll do you well.


Shaah Enthusiast
Race was used to keep negros under control in America. What use is it in Africa? Black isnt a monolith, the term black is used for ADOS. Samuel Morton in the 19th century came up with a classification for race, now modern studies debunked his research and proved that race is just a label.
Why does it matter to you that people don't claim black? Why shove it down our damn throats? THAT reeks insecurity
Because you weirdos destroy the reputation of the sane, non-selfhating Somalis out there! We're lumped in with you coons who can't accept your blackness.

If my opinions are too much for you kids to handle, go post a gorilla pic on twitter or something. That's what you losers do best after all.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Somalis were colonized by Ethiopians, French, British and Italians. :dead: And today we are ruled by and dominated by Kikuyu Bantus in Kenya where Somalis constantly migrate to in search for a better life.
I have to laugh at this. Show me one other muslim country that fought against MULTIPLE invaders and pushed them off while dealing with neighboring enemies for 20+ years unapologetically? That's right, Somalis. We aren't like your ideal west Africans who bowed down in surrender the second they saw a white man. They sold their own people for fucks sake.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Because you weirdos destroy the reputation of the sane, non-selfhating Somalis out there! We're lumped in with you coons who can't accept your blackness.

If my opinions are too much for you kids to handle, go post a gorilla pic on twitter or something. That's what you losers do best after all.
Notice how I responded with facts and you're comparing black people to gorillas? Says a lot about you sis. You seem like the self-hating one.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
SubhanAllah, these niggas entire belief on their superiority over Black people is based on early 20th century Race Science. The Hamitic race theory :dead:
You're proving my point lol, no reason to claim blackness when there is no proof on it. Simple

salma saluuni

For the thrill💃🏽
Reminds me of my little brother that defends madows whenever my parents use the word j3r33r. I remember one time my abo said it and he jumped up with “abo we’re all black don’t say that that’s racist”. His response was naag jamaican bax so waas wecelyahow :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::damn::damn:

