Replacing Quran Dugsi with math, reading and science.

  • Start dating a Jew
  • Immediately start trying to subvert our religious and traditional values
  • "Come on guys, it's going to improve our society"
  • ?????
  • Profit
Is the Yaduhi pussy so good you'll try and turn your own people away from god? You're such a cūnt wallahi.

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
its too bad all the smart, rational somali guys are exiting our commuity for jews of all people :susp:
Walal, look at this thread. Do you think I can date this women? Besides, I madea thread called “Somali girls are merciless” where I discussed how I was bullied by Somali women which push this way.
Walal, look at this thread. Do you think I can date this women? Besides, I madea thread called “Somali girls are merciless” where I discussed how I was bullied by Somali women which push this way.
how can you say millions of us have the same personality. That you went with was a classless, ungrateful wench. I happen to love plays, especially since performing is a hobby of mine :banderas:

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
Abowe if anyone in here is lost, it's you. You are still in jahilliya 2020. Talking about lost when you don't even know dajjal.
Jahiliya kulaha. I am enlightened, I believe in the scientific method and facts. Stop talking about things you don’t know .


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Sure go ahead walal
Do you rely on Man rather than the holy book of Allah.? The one with no contradictions? The One who gave you life? I don't trust modern science because of several reasons

1) It's easy to change an idea in a matter of seconds
2) I can always pay a scientist to "discover" something to fit my narrative
3) Pictures of space aren't even real
4) They make most images out of bubbles...
I think they should teach arabic if they going to dugsi, wts the point of mem the quran if you dont understand it really. I know most people who speak arabic wont be able to comprehend the quran but it makes it easier.

I agree dugsi is a waste of time and children should be learning science and the meaning of quran and tafsir home.
Åt best they should have a quranic interpatation class att school so we get rid of alshabab too.

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
Do you rely on Man rather than the holy book of Allah.? The one with no contradictions? The One who gave you life? I don't trust modern science because of several reasons

1) It's easy to change an idea in a matter of seconds
2) I can always pay a scientist to "discover" something to fit my narrative
3) Pictures of space aren't even real
4) They make most images out of bubbles...
:russ::russ: Let me answer your questions

1-no you can’t just Change your idea in seconds in science. You have to follow a rigorous process of approving and conducting experiments on your hypothesis. Even if you are right, it will take time before you are recognized for your contributions, this is why Nobel prize winners in science and medicine are awarded after like thirty years after their discovery. Your results must be approved by peer reviewed panel of experts.
2- you cannot, although bias exists. You need evidence and if the evidence is against you there is no way of skewing it to your side.
3- :mjlol: pictures are real, the space station is close to us and the moon landing was Not faked. There is rocks collected which prove this
4- no they don’t, they use high intensity scopes and other technology to capture the space. For instance, When the first pic of a black hole was presented, they did not use cameras or went close to it. They used technology and waves to detect and picture the hole.

