Report to his university

have you seen her post history? she's a low self esteem sob who can't move on from highschool teasing? bloody hell, i don't think the internet is made for you if you're so easily hurt. She herself is always calling somalis ugly and all but k
Why do you keep deleting your comments weirdo. And why bring up something that happened to me in school 15 years ago.? lol are you that sad? and where do I post hateful comment for the post 2 months? it's called growth and change. no where do I say hateful things about Somalis. stop making shit up weirdo.
she'll be back with another account crying about some 14 year incel called us fug :(

right? like you haven't called somali men ugly and said colorist shit about dark skin somalis. i didn't even agree with the racist indooryarar yet you came for me. i hate diaspora wars but you Uk somalis are so insecure you have to realise the rest of us don't feel the same way as you.
Girlies stop fighting :damsel:


Entitled uppity East African
Ajnabis have gotten too comfortable with attacking Somalis honestly just don’t pay it any mind
Ajnabis have gotten too comfortable with attacking Somalis honestly just don’t pay it any mind
He's so stupid in engaging in a hate comment yet left his uni details and now is panicking saying he didn't say a word. Just because i reported him and now the uni will look into it. NACAS
@pinkyandthebrain i'm sorry for my comment coming off as condescending and being rude, i appreciate the work you are doing and didn't mean to dismiss it.
No problem and I apologise if I said anything rude so sorry I get easily sensitive. I actually don't look at anything hateful about somalis well not anymore as these things triggers my soul especially seeing people who shows their face and say rude things about somali girls and living life. It doesn't sit well with me and that's why I'm leaving social media and this forum so I can go back to being ignorant. Not knowing anything is a blessing and that's what I'm striving for Inshallah