Report to his university

I can’t even tell if it’s him I doubt :jcoleno: i need to look closer
He engaged with a comment to do with how unattractive somali girls are Like the word pretty shouldn't be near somali girls and he laughed like a douchebag I don't care if it's "not that deep" the fact that he posted his uni details is enough for me to report. Anyways I got a response from.the uni that they will notify me.
Lol.. Finding someone unattractive is not racism you know.. Why does this stupid indhoyar opinion even bother you? You are wasting valuable energy and time on this kinda issues wallahi
Lol.. Finding someone unattractive is not racism you know.. Why does this stupid indhoyar opinion even bother you? You are wasting valuable energy and time on this kinda issues wallahi
It's too late the uni responded back and will notify me and now he' commented back saying he didn't say anything. I don't feel bad for him.
Why? other groups go out of their way to ruin somebody's future because they talked shit. it's about time we do this. i'm sick of somalis enabling these weirdo.
And besides if you don't find a group attractive why go out of your way to say it and not think it will trigger many many people? you keep that shit to yourself. He's a narcistic and a racist that brazilian weirdo and I hope we also find his work or uni place
Why? other groups go out of their way to ruin somebody's future because they talked shit. it's about time we do this. i'm sick of somalis enabling these weirdo.
This is the consequences of Somali boys and girls beefing each other all over the internet / social media.. Ultimately our division is our down fall.
And besides if you don't find a group attractive why go out of your way to say it and not think it will trigger many many people? you keep that shit to yourself. He's a narcistic and a racist that brazilian weirdo and I hope we also find his work or uni place
Most people who talk shit about others are not confident themselves in their own skind.
This is the consequences of Somali boys and girls beefing each other all over the internet / social media.. Ultimately our division is our down fall.
tbh it's mainly somali men on social media than don't know how to act and are trying their best to ruin somali girls rep just because of what some somali girls said about somali men back In 2016. They clearly never experienced real life or get out of their mothers arm.
tbh it's mainly somali men on social media than don't know how to act and are trying their best to ruin somali girls rep just because of what some somali girls said about somali men back In 2016. They clearly never experienced real life or get out of their mothers arm.
Firstly I wouldn't call those Somali men but rather losers, I think these are a minority of guys who have nothing going for them, same goes for their female counter parts.. One people cannot be divided into sub groups of males vs females..
Firstly I wouldn't call those Somali men but rather losers, I think these are a minority of guys who have nothing going for them, same goes for their female counter parts.. One people cannot be divided into sub groups of males vs females..
They're all losers that don't comprehend how badly this will affect their family and even themselves
They will regret in this life and the next. Eveb if they repent they still going to have to apologise to many people they affected and give away their good deeds. This is also towards a home that engaged in any hate comments about Somalis. Qiyamah is no joke. Imagine giving away so many good deeds you have done to me and others affected?


he laughed at a rude comment towards us and now is acting like he never said anything. He's panicking lol now we need to find that nicho amaral dude since his comment got a lot of likes.
I love it. Do you have his instagram I want to be able to taunt him from my lurking account.

Also don’t leave take a break but don’t leave