Report to his university

The day instagram and tiktok dies down or gets banned is the day true happiness has prevailed on this earth. It will be a day of celebration, honestly.
That will be happiness for me but I'm talking about globally finally no more trolls being miserable or our haters flourishing. There is no good in social media today and is time it goes in the bin where it belongs.
Best way to deal with the trolls is to ignore them..the internet is full of degenerate trolls of all nationalities wallahi. It is like people totally change characters as soon as they log into social media.
He engaged with a comment to do with how unattractive somali girls are Like the word pretty shouldn't be near somali girls and he laughed like a douchebag I don't care if it's "not that deep" the fact that he posted his uni details is enough for me to report. Anyways I got a response from.the uni that they will notify me.
You're actually being serious?
Well done sis. You’re not doing anything wrong. These es need to be held accountable. We all need to start reporting them
Yes I had to
also report instagram account and also the hateful post. It's still up there and the comments are triggering. Don't even look at the comment section
