Romance ruined by a clash of clans

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"Don't let her get to you. Just let it go. You can do it. Breath in and breath out then ignore it."

Serenity noooooooooooow!

MJ hatred is deep - now people are claiming to be Tunni to attack because they're too fuley to reveal their clan.

I dont understand the point with these stories. This no different than what that eurocentric Self loather ''Nurruddin Farah'' does. At the end of the they just spew hate narratives.


I dont understand the point with these stories. This no different than what that eurocentric Self loather ''Nurruddin Farah'' does. At the end of the they just spew hate narratives.

Aboowe adiga mid qor, codkaaga oo kale waa loo baahanyahey. Dadkaan bila caqli waaye, gaalada keli ah ayeey credit ka raadsadaan. They see the country in poverty and political turmoil and they assume that no one will challenge their views + they'll never get a thumbs down from their conservative poverty loving audience because they love these self hate narratives.
I dont understand the point with these stories. This no different than what that eurocentric Self loather ''Nurruddin Farah'' does. At the end of the they just spew hate narratives.
These stories are pretty interesting. I don't perceive it as a hateful narrative but more that all these are stories about somalis in the diaspora and their romantic lives after immigrating here. Back home people would do things different than how we do things here. The parallel between these two worlds is more or less what I think the author is trying to hit.


These stories are pretty interesting. I don't perceive it as a hateful narrative but more that all these are stories about somalis in the diaspora and their romantic lives after immigrating here. Back home people would do things different than how we do things here. The parallel between these two worlds is more or less what I think the author is trying to hit.

I get that - but I still think that his simplicity comes off as predatory.


On Hiatus
A bit off-topic, I recently finished reading Americanah and it was alright, but it made me think that if a Somali person wrote a book (and were actually a good writer, like Warsan Shire) it'd be a hit. I think the person would just have to pay attention to the nuances of our community without using cheesy clichés.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
This is that mod guy Lamagoodle from somnet. He has an unwavering hatred against MJs in general and was always persecuting MJ members of that site. His name is Abdilatif and he is a Hawiye from NFD. He writes under many pseudonyms, this one included, when he does not want to taint his clean image.
f*ck that motherfucker
I get that - but I still think that his simplicity comes off as predatory.
There's a collection of more excerpts the author had published on the same website, from stories told from both women and men. From reading on one account I can see why people can think this would be predatory. Which is why I can't wait for the book!


@Sultana She is the only Nigerian who writes about Nigeria without looking down on them or their history. She can conjure up a character and you recognise him/her from real life. I wish Warsan would branch out into books.

There's a collection of more excerpts the author had published on the same website, from stories told from both women and men. From reading on one account I can see why people can think this would be predatory. Which is why I can't wait for the book!

Yes, I guess its an interesting perspective if you haven't heard this before - unfortunately this Ghanaian lover was once a Jamaican lover was once a Nigerian lover and so on. Its an old wives tale he's rehashed.


On Hiatus
I really loved the characterizations, but I kind of felt the plot was a bit muddled, especially towards the end of the book.


I really loved the characterizations, but I kind of felt the plot was a bit muddled, especially towards the end of the book.

I didn't really see much of a plot, just a showcase of characters and ideas.

bilan M

Tunni?! Is that a real tribe. I think down south there alot of diversity
This is an interesting story but some parts of it sounds made up. Ma umalaynayo naag somali ah oo nin somali ah qabiil ku diiday inay a guy from ghana guursanayso. I think she would look for a man from her clan. I don't believe the part where she invited him to her wedding either.


This is why i can never get involved with a Somali women, although i hail from a big clan. I cant get down with these women


This is an interesting story but some parts of it sounds made up. Ma umalaynayo naag somali ah oo nin somali ah qabiil ku diiday inay a guy from ghana guursanayso. I think she would look for a man from her clan. I don't believe the part where she invited him to her wedding either.

Why Somali women disown everything? Even when given fact? Read the story, and understand why it was written.
Theres no reason for you to question what a man has written. She married a Bantu, over a Somali.
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