Runaway slave in Islam

What I mentioned above is specifically about children of the owner and slave.

I never said anything about the enslaver's rape babies, but good to know.

As for two slaves having a child, they belong to their parents master.

This is what I'm talking about. If two Muslim slaves have a child, their child will also be a slave, even though the child was born a Muslim. If that Muslim-born slave runs away in the future, what contract are they breaking as you said runaway slaves are breaking a contract? Why does a Muslim-born slave have a contractual obligation to their parent's enslaver? Do you believe that Muslim-born slaves inherit the sins of the father?
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Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
I never said anything about the enslaver's rape babies, but good to know.

This is what I'm talking about. If two Muslim slaves have a child, their child will also be a slave, even though the child was born a Muslim. If that Muslim-born slave runs away in the future, what contract are they breaking as you said runaway slaves are breaking a contract? Why does a Muslim-born slave have a contractual obligation to their parent's enslaver? Do you believe that Muslim-born slaves inherit the sins of the father?
Parents and children are all PROPERTY of the master, there is no "contract" whatsoever. Why is it so hard to understand slavery?
What I mentioned above is specifically about children of the owner and slave. As for two slaves having a child, they belong to their parents master. I don't see the problem with that, they are obligated to work for their owner until he grants them freedom. Islam promotes the freeing of slaves, even if they don't gain freedom, the way Islam orders for slaves to be treated is almost like they are your own family. Allah is just.
Owming someone as slaves and saying treating them like family is lie u cant own someone u consider as family as slave


Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
I find slavery objectionable and don't believe any slave, captured or born, is in a contract. I'm questioning @Thebluesomali's justification for slavery.
There is no justification for it logically, but it is permissible in Islam and the prophet never outlawed it. Muslims say there is hikma/wisdom in leaving slavery open ended, because in future societies; our modern rules might not be there and there'll be a need for rules of engagement. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
There is no justification for it logically, but it is permissible in Islam and the prophet never outlawed it. Muslims say there is hikma/wisdom in leaving slavery open ended, because in future societies; our modern rules might not be there and there'll be a need for rules of engagement. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
I think Slavery is only permissible when muslim army capture non muslims enemy soldier and make them slave but not innocent citizens


Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
non muslims enemy soldier
Not true, Maria Al Qibtiyahh was one of the slaves of the prophet, he had his son Ibrahim with her, she was a GIFT along with her sister from the ruler of Egypt back then, the prophet took her and regifted her sister to someone else.

It is not allowed to call her a wive of the prophet nor a mother of the believers by the way, because she was a slave.
I think Tht is evil owning a human
The prophet SAW the most blessed of creation had slaves.

I find slavery objectionable and don't believe any slave, captured or born, is in a contract. I'm questioning @Thebluesomali's justification for slavery.
The only justificaton one needs is from Allah and his messenger SAW. No other justification is needed. They allowed slavery so the practice continued after Islam. It is not something forbidden nor something to be ashamed of.
The prophet SAW the most blessed of creation had slaves.

The only justificaton one needs is from Allah and his messenger SAW. No other justification is needed. They allowed slavery so the practice continued after Islam. It is not something forbidden nor something to be ashamed of.

But you gave your own justification by saying the runaway slave is breaking a contract and you couldn't answer my questions logically. You're being emotional now. FYI, slavery is forbidden. It is forbidden by international human rights laws and constitutions in nearly every country in the world.
But you gave your own justification by saying the runaway slave is breaking a contract and you couldn't answer my questions logically. You're being emotional now. FYI, slavery is forbidden. It is forbidden by international human rights laws and constitutions in nearly every country in the world.
What do you mean I gave my own justification? What other reason would Allah punish a slave running away if not for the fact that they evaded their obligations to their master.


Forza Somalia!
Why is a muslim slave who runs away from his Muslim master considered a disbeliever and his prayers are not accepted? Isn't believing in Islam between the creator and creation? Does not obeying your slave master equal not obeying allah

Sahih Hadiths on this issue:
Jarir used to narrate from the Prophet [SAW]:
"If a slave runs away, no Salah will be accepted from him, and if he dies he will die a disbeliever." A slave of Jarir's ran away, and he caught him and struck his neck (killing him).
Jarir b. Abdullah reported it from the Holy Prophet:
When the slave runs away from his master, his prayer is not accepted.

Sahih muslim:
Because they are all nonsense hadiths.


any Hadith that contradicts with the core of Islamic theology and/or is political in nature (Ali, Muโ€™aawiya, Hassan/Hussein, Aisha) shouldnโ€™t be taken as legit 100%
You are not in a position to tell us which Hadith is legit and which is not, there is a huge field in Islamic studies dedicated to checking the authenticity of Hadiths and a great number of classical and modern scholars devoted their lives to this.

These two particular Hadiths you rubbished are not political in nature and neither are they contradicting Islamic theology.
Graded sahih were debunked by an Albanian scholar as well few decades ago.
Are you talking about Al-Albani? He didn't throw away all sahih hadiths, or "debunk" them like you claim. He followed a methodology and critiqued some he believed were not as sound in his view. You should not deny hadiths just because you feel like it. There is a whole science to it, Bukhari and Muslim are the most trusted.
The prophet SAW the most blessed of creation had slaves.

The only justificaton one needs is from Allah and his messenger SAW. No other justification is needed. They allowed slavery so the practice continued after Islam. It is not something forbidden nor something to be ashamed of.
I dont believe nabi mohamed had slaves and i think islam didnt entercourage to go and take civilians as slave the only slavery tht is allow is when muslims army goto war and win then take non muslims army mans


Forza Somalia!
You are not in a position to tell us which Hadith is legit and which is not, there is a huge field in Islamic studies dedicated to checking the authenticity of Hadiths and a great number of classical and modern scholars devoted their lives to this.

These two particular Hadiths you rubbished are not political in nature and neither are they contradicting Islamic theology.
How a man regained his freedom become a nonbeliever? What the iman and aqida have to do with gaining your freedom? You know that a Muslim slave can run from his mushrik master and that be ok but when the master is Muslim it is a shirk and kuffr to run from him?

And please Alalbani debunked dozens of hadiths although they were in sahiih bukhari and Muslim

