Sabean theory

Timelines and haplogroups don't match, Axumites are primarily J1 and Dir is T-L208(we have our own specific subclade) and the J1 that travelled with us is different than the one found in Ethiopia.

@The alchemist said it best, it was a family group that arrived in 2nd to 1st century BC or earlier and intermarried with locals.
How do you know axumite haplogroup and the madhibaan Yibir and tumaal have j1 aswl

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
I am also starting think a lot of those epic fiction chronicles must be some psychological way of shielding themselves from a humiliating reality handed to them by the Muslims and Somalis. Who was quite literally decimating them, slave raiding them and dominating the region in every way possible etc.

Why would anyone create fiction pieces like this and pretend it was real history otherwise.
Ethiopians had to find ways to cope when Somali Sultans were launching jihads against them. The Sultans killed Emperor Yeshaq, Tewodros I, Eskender, Na'od, Gelawdewos, Jacob, Dawit, enslaved Menas and raided Fasilides.

One of the most humilating stories of the Abyssinian Emperors was when Imam Ahmad conquered Abyssinia and made Lebna Dengel a refugee who “wandered from desert to desert in nakedness, suffering from hunger, exhaustion and sickness” before he got assassinated.
Yeah it's incredible how it seems only now are they taking a crtical lens to the Ethiopian chronicles. I've also noticed the ones that you post that seem more critical are translations from the French and not something published in English. Beyond that it's also weird how I don't see an intrest in history in ethiopians or their diaspora.

And spanish as well. Portuguese contemporary critic on that Gelewados chronicle.

What you are saying is true, there doesn't seem to be much interest. Buts that's probably why french, spanish researchers are studying it , they come to it with the hope of filling in the gap thats missing to support their own career goals in their own fields, instead of squeezing themselves into topics and areas that are more extensively covered already by others. So it's basically oppurtunism and lack and negligence by HOA


♚Sargon of Adal♚
what about eritrean? after all, they would likely have more as they are coastal
I am unfamiliar with their results, I assume they are under-tested with all the sanctions.

A (24.73%), B (7.52%), E (46.24%) and J (21.51%) High-resolution analysis further revealed high frequency of A-M13, E-V32 and J-P58 macrohaplogroups,I've seen Sudanese get J-P58 aswell.