Yes khawrij timesthis is exactly the kind of bad argument I'm talking about... Salafiyyah goes back way before Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and before the British empire
Yes khawrij timesthis is exactly the kind of bad argument I'm talking about... Salafiyyah goes back way before Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and before the British empire
Lol, who is the Sheikh?Salafis like to do takfiri a lot, the other day i watch a video in which one of their sheikh was saying tablighis are one of the sect that will enter jahanam.
Yasir qadhi gog and magog are zombies.
I wonder why they think that is.
You'll find the same thing happening with anti-Ummah and Arab bashing threads; they join forces with apostates and liberal fasiq Muslims (at best, munafiqeen at worst - I'm talking about people who openly and unabashedly reject established Islamic rulings and always promote liberal views and values instead) to encourage division in the Ummah and hate on other Muslims (e.g., Arabs). They don't stop to wonder what possible agenda these groups have and how they're helping them against themselves. This is what happens when you lead with emotions/whims instead of overriding it with following the deen.
They live in the west for a multitude of reasons, its not easy for people to just make hijra, especially when there are no better options.
They live on government aidWhy doesn't he advise these youths to move to muslim countries then if theres so much fitnah and brainwashing. Why stay somewhere you keep insulting ?
Thread '7 sons of radical preacher, turn out to be thugs or terrorists'
That's actually false. For example, Sharhus Sunnah by Imam al Muzani which is a core book was written by Imam al Muzani, one of the closest students of Imam al Shafi'iIt's complicated and multifaceted all you need to know is that the biggest source for salafis are sheikh ibn Taymiyyah, sheikh Uthaymeen, sheikh ibn baz, sheikh Al-Albani and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab.
What do you mean?That's actually false. For example, Sharhus Sunnah by Imam al Muzani which is a core book was written by Imam al Muzani, one of the closest students of Imam al Shafi'i
There’s a valid ikhtilaf (difference of opinion) on whether the Prophet’s ﷺ parents are in Hellfire or paradise. Imam Suyuti (if I remember correctly) argues that they were saved whereas Imam Nawawi (if I remember correctly) argues that they died on paganism and they will be in Hellfire.Dr Yasir Qadhi a PhD and graduate of Medina University explains how the evil modern Salafi group emerged with the advent of Muhammad ibn AbdulWahab
The Evil Wahabbi Salafis even takfiired the parents of our Prophet SAW (wal ciyaadubillah)!!
Al-Azhar are the dogs of Sisi.This is a lengthy topic and cannot be summed up in a post. The main reason is that its based on takfir. Wahhabism was a movement against the Ottoman empire, they made takfir on millions of muslims which made their blood halal to spill. They also made takfir on many scholars of the past. They have an extreme interetation of the Quran and reject anything else. In the past, Islam accepted differences. Example being the different schools of thought we have which were all respected. But majaority of salafis reject differences, it can only be their way.
This is why mainstream sunni scholars including Egypt Al-Azhar views salafism as a deviant sect and not part of mainstream sunnism.
Which they don't tend to do.There’s a valid ikhtilaf (difference of opinion) on whether the Prophet’s ﷺ parents are in Hellfire or paradise. Imam Suyuti (if I remember correctly) argues that they were saved whereas Imam Nawawi (if I remember correctly) argues that they died on paganism and they will be in Hellfire.
Arguing that Salafis are deviants for sticking to a valid position is just ignorant.
I’m not a Salafi but I laugh at many of the Anti-Salafi arguments that stems from pure ignorance.
“MIAW was an agent of the British”
“They don’t celebrate Mawlid or approve of our Istighatha so they must be deviants”
If you’re going to argue against them, at least do it academically.
al-Azhar used to mean something else back in the day. But today it's diff.Al-Azhar are the dogs of Sisi.
"Salafis not sunnis"al-Azhar used to mean something else back in the day. But today it's diff.
That the same guy that said there is nothing wrong with Shi'is, and that you can safely convert to their heresy."Salafis not sunnis"
this was said at a conference held in occupied Chechnya.
Grand Imam of Al Azhar: "Salafis are not Sunnis"
FacebookLikeShareTweetEmail The Grand Imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, has said that “Salafis are not Sunnis” during a conference in Chechnya. During the conference in Grozny, Tayeb said that Salafis were not Sunnis when he was defining what is meant by “Sunnism.”