Salafi Community Continues To Grow In The UK


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
to me salafism is contrary to islam because it directly goes against the quran. when the quran mocks the people of jahiliya one of the arguments it uses is how they would say "we inherited this from our ancestors" , then the quran goes on and urges them to use their brain and reflect. salafis are the same as those people of jahilya because when you try to argue with them, all they can respond with is the "salaf" said so, so it must be true. like how is that different from saying "our ancestors said so, so we believe it"? i am not saying to not listen to the salaf, but the brain is def needed to understand them and the religion.
Every place has streets. Bristol isn't country, it's still a pretty big city. It's bigger than Minneapolis
U clearly not from London cos the streets of bristol is the country to me
Please come to London council estates I would like to show u around the actual streets
Please formulate the reasons why you are for or against salafism, people in this thread just going off emotions. I want to see concrete discussion on this.
@AdoonkaAlle could perhaps explain the history behind Wahhabism/Salafism better, but...

It started with Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab. He proclaimed that NO ONE, including his own teachers, knew the meaning behind La Ilaaha ila Allah. He declared the blood of Muslims as halaal and seized their wealth with force.

His uncle, who was a learned scholar, came across a young Ibn Abdul-Wahhab deleting a passage from a scholarly text which he then rebuked him for. He said this to Ibn Abdul-Wahhab's father:

"If this son of yours should live, he will cause such corruption that none but the Lord of the slaves knows".

Imam Suleiman ibn Suhaym az-Zubayri wrote a letter to the qadis in his area regarding Ibn Abdul-Wahhab's transgressions

[...]He said at one point, “If I was able to get to the Chamber of the Messenger, I would destroy it and if I could get to the Noble House I would have done so and taken the jewels from it and left it as wood.” Didn’t this person hear the statement of the Exalted One, Whoever shows reverence for the Signs of Allah, then this is from the piety in his heart?

It has been established that at one point he said, “The people for the past six hundred years have not been upon anything.” A book was also sent to me that read in one section, “You should affirm that before me you were ignorant and astray.”[...]


“Happy people have no history” - Leo Tolstoy
If there is a Salafi sister, let me know. Allahumabarik they are marriage prospects. Rarer than a mermaid. Daacad baan ahay


“Happy people have no history” - Leo Tolstoy
Salafiyyah: It isn’t a sect, movement or ideology.

It is going back and re-establishing the primordial message, the Message that our Prophet SAW spread, the one unalloyed and unfiltered. He (SAW) explicitly stated we should follow his generation and the following two after:

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best people are those of my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then, there will come people after them whose testimony precedes their oaths and their oaths precede their testimony”.

Why, then, is there a fixation on innovation?
Without having a reference point for keeping the purity of our Religion, the Christians and Jews is the greatest example of the outcome. Therefore, as stated in Khutbah’s every Friday:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, would praise Allah in his sermon, as He deserves to be praised, and then he would say, “Whomever Allah guides, no one can lead him astray. Whomever Allah sends astray, no one can guide him. The truest word is the Book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil matters in religion are those that are newly invented, for every newly invented matter is an innovation, every innovation is misguidance, and every misguidance is in the Hellfire.

This goes with every ideology/theory/belief system: The label doesn’t matter, what matters is what it contains. As Shakespeare said in Romeo & Juliet: What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” So if you go by Salafi, a Muslim, Sunni, Islamist, your madhab, etc its academic. What matters is your reference is Qur’an and the Sunnah with the methodology of the first 3 generations as our Prophet SAW explicitly stated and free from Bid’ah.

Omar del Sur

to me salafism is contrary to islam because it directly goes against the quran. when the quran mocks the people of jahiliya one of the arguments it uses is how they would say "we inherited this from our ancestors" , then the quran goes on and urges them to use their brain and reflect. salafis are the same as those people of jahilya because when you try to argue with them, all they can respond with is the "salaf" said so, so it must be true. like how is that different from saying "our ancestors said so, so we believe it"? i am not saying to not listen to the salaf, but the brain is def needed to understand them and the religion.

another terrible argument against Salafiyyah. wanting to follow the Islam of the earliest generations is the same as pagans wanting to stick to ancestral paganism?

"the brain is def needed to understand them and the religion"

the intellect is needed to understand them and implement their understanding, not for us to make up our own new version of Islam.

Omar del Sur

and honestly... any of the anti-Salafi people who have bought into the "Enlightenment" propaganda that using reason = being some sort of liberal type.... they parrot this fallacy and yet none of them are anywhere near as intellectual as someone like Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah.... playing dress-up as a European doesn't make a person intellectual


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Look at these men, an online image making them lose their minds, walle these Salafis are just a danger to society as to themselves :gucciwhat:
You are doing a good job, the circle Jerk Salafists are funded by CIA, they are psyops lead to justify their sick takfiirst tendencies


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