Salafi Community Continues To Grow In The UK

Omar del Sur

I know that salafis is a break off branch of the sunni branch, can anyone tell me how exactly different they are from us sunni? What makes them terrible? I'm a bit confused

the anti-Salafi hate is all propaganda. one way to know this is how much anti-Salafi people rely on lying.

for example:

"Salafis are khawarij!"

reality: all the top Salafi scholars are openly and vocally opposed to groups like Daesh, Al-Qaeda, etc.

"look at this gossip news article on what these Gulf royals are up to! look! there was Halloween in Saudi! looks like Ibn Taymiyyah was wrong about everything then!"

a variation is "Saudi worked with British! looks like Ibn Taymiyyah was wrong!"

if you really want to the know the truth about Salafiyyah, look up Sheikh Fawzan, Sheikh Ibn Baz and Sheikh Uthaymeen and look what they say... learn it from their own words what they're about

Omar del Sur

All you Sufis getting mad when the Prophet SAW said this :drakelaugh:
Whoever invents something in our matter which is not from it, is not from us” (Bukhari and Muslim).
Salafia is purely based on following the Quran and Sunnah strictly following the Athari Aqeedah, the majority of these people hating are from misguided sects like the Sufis who have invented countless lies about stuff the Prophet SAW told us to do which he never and they always use the term "Wahabi" as an insult, when it is an attribute of Allah :mjlol:
Yasir Qadhi has also been proven to be a fraud :)
Always try to diss Muhamma Ibn Abdul Wahab when he came to guide the people. The Arabian peninsular was filled with lunatics that would do crazy shirk like worshipping graves and asking intercession from dead sheikhs and worshipping Trees and so he had to stop all the balayo which was happening.

Yasir Qadhi is just a sellout who aims to please his Western overlords... he probably renounced Salafiyyah because Salafiyyah isn't compatible with pushing a liberal Westernized of Islam which is basically Yasir Qadhi's whole project
Yasir Qadhi is just a sellout who aims to please his Western overlords... he probably renounced Salafiyyah because Salafiyyah isn't compatible with pushing a liberal Westernized of Islam which is basically Yasir Qadhi's whole project
This is the problem, there's too much propaganda and these weird sheikhs spreading falsehood trying to hide the truth from people.

Omar del Sur

Their arguments are completely based off emotion and conjecture, don't bother

for years and years I tried to hear the anti-Salafi people out and time and time again they turned out to have really terrible arguments. they can never make a sound argument against Salafiyyah so that's why they turn to desperate tactics like becoming gossip columnists of whatever it is some Gulf royals are supposed to be up to
Shouldn't you be pimping your sister out to a Salafi jailbird? Lol, do you man, just don't involve me with your shenanigans.
If these crazy Somali sisters want to go and marry Jailbrids that's on them but it does not represent Salafia. If they do not have the intellect to think and find themselves another partner then this is not my problem, besides the parent's possess the ability to vet who ever wants to come and marry the sister and find out about their past. Somali women are a bit mad in the west.
Yasir Qadhi is just a sellout who aims to please his Western overlords... he probably renounced Salafiyyah because Salafiyyah isn't compatible with pushing a liberal Westernized of Islam which is basically Yasir Qadhi's whole project
The salafi ideology cult has since its founding been supported by the west. From the British who supported Wahhab against the Ottomans to Present day Saudi Arabia who used the petro dollars given to them by their US overlords to weaken the ummah. Salafism grew not because it was popular, far from it. It grew because the West and their puppets saw it was a useful tool to control muslims and pumped money into it.

Garaad diinle

 
im not salafi. but i like them better than our somali sufis.
sheikh mohamed bin abdiwahab wuxuu ahaa legend. somalis need someone like him.

this is one of the biggest somali sufis of today.
There is bid'a, there is shirk and whatever this is. Imagine trespassing on the domain of allah something only done by the likes of fircaon and nimrod.
Watch this. The Kaba was brought to Dhuusomareb
hysterical-laughter (2).gif

Omar del Sur

The salafi ideology cult has since its founding been supported by the west. From the British who supported Wahhab against the Ottomans to Present day Saudi Arabia who used the petro dollars given to them by their US overlords to weaken the ummah. Salafism grew not because it was popular, far from it. It grew because the West and their puppets saw it was a useful tool to control muslims and pumped money into it.

this is exactly the kind of bad argument I'm talking about... Salafiyyah goes back way before Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and before the British empire


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Salafi mosques like to set up naive Somali girls with Madow jailbirds and the Somali members of that group, have no gatekeeping skills. They are also not questioning why Arab and Asian Salafis are not setting up their girls with Madow and Mixed jailbirds. I am not a fan of these people, they seem aggressive and act like a cult. Somali parents need to watch who their children hang around with, because these people don't seem stable.
There was a somali girl who married one of those Salafi reverts, she had a son and he r worded her son. she went to the police and had him arrested, she then went to her local Salafi mosque for help and they told her he was a "good muslim" and essentially told her to get out for "ruining" his life. This was in Birmingham. I can tell you all about their shenanigans. A lot of the Madinah students are something else too.

A lot of the Millenial Single Moms in the UK were married to these Salafi types.
the anti-Salafi hate is all propaganda. one way to know this is how much anti-Salafi people rely on lying.

for example:

"Salafis are khawarij!"

reality: all the top Salafi scholars are openly and vocally opposed to groups like Daesh, Al-Qaeda, etc.

"look at this gossip news article on what these Gulf royals are up to! look! there was Halloween in Saudi! looks like Ibn Taymiyyah was wrong about everything then!"

a variation is "Saudi worked with British! looks like Ibn Taymiyyah was wrong!"

if you really want to the know the truth about Salafiyyah, look up Sheikh Fawzan, Sheikh Ibn Baz and Sheikh Uthaymeen and look what they say... learn it from their own words what they're about
Majority of terrorist organisation holds salafi ideology. Even the grand imam of mecca, Adil al-Kalbani said that these groups are salafis.

'ISIS Is A True Product Of Salafism'


East Africa UNUKA LEH
The salafi ideology cult has since its founding been supported by the west. From the British who supported Wahhab against the Ottomans to Present day Saudi Arabia who used the petro dollars given to them by their US overlords to weaken the ummah. Salafism grew not because it was popular, far from it. It grew because the West and their puppets saw it was a useful tool to control muslims and pumped money into it.
why are you speaking facts? you can't do that here or you'll get takfired.
this is exactly the kind of bad argument I'm talking about... Salafiyyah goes back way before Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and before the British empire
I acknowledged this fact in the post above where I mentioned Ibn Taymiyyah, but that is now when salafism gained popularity. It gained popularity following the deal Saudi Arabia made with the British against the Ottomans.


Majority of terrorist organisation holds salafi ideology. Even the grand imam of mecca, Adil al-Kalbani said that these groups are salafis.

'ISIS Is A True Product Of Salafism'
This is because they are the truest followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, who believed most of Iraq, Syria, Makkah, Madinah etc to be inhabited by non Muslims because they commit “shirk”, and he used this justifation to kill them. He believed that those who didn’t adhere to his ideology, to be non Muslim. And that nobody understood the shahada before him. When Al Shabab bomb Xamar, they are using the justification of MIAW who laid siege on Muslim cities and starved them to death, that Xamar is a non Muslim city.

Until his ideology is defeated, the Muslim world won’t ever experience peace from terrorism.

