Salafi Community Continues To Grow In The UK

This is because they are the truest followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, who believed most of Iraq, Syria, Makkah, Madinah to be inhabited by non Muslims because they commit shirk, and he used this justifation to kill them. He believed that those who didn’t adhere to his ideology, to be non Muslim. And that nobody understood the shahada before him. When Al Shabab bomb Xamar, they are using the justification of MIAW who laid siege on Muslim cities and starved them to death.
Even the grand imam of mecca, Adil al-Kalbani admitted that majority of terrorist groups are founded on the salafi ideology. The salafi ideology is only popular because Saudi Arabia pumped billions and billions into it. Somalia and other weak countries were the biggest victims due to being wartorn. Majority of Somali sheikhs during and after the war were trained in Saudi Arabia for free. There is a famous saying, if something is free its because you are the product. Somalia will never get rid of extremist and terrorist unless it deals with the salafi virus.

Omar del Sur

Majority of terrorist organisation holds salafi ideology. Even the grand imam of mecca, Adil al-Kalbani said that these groups are salafis.

'ISIS Is A True Product Of Salafism'

Kalbani is known to be some sort of deviant type. I've already read what he said and he's wrong.

anyways, yes, Salafiyyah is held in high prestige and so khawarij like to claim Salafiyyah so that they can convince people. regardless, they are not really following Salafiyyah. many of them have beards. does that mean people with beards are khawarij? anyways:

In these times, al-Islaam13 in general, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,14 and particularly ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah,15 are subjected to defamation, oppression, distortion, and alteration of its realities by some of the politicians and writers from the Western enemies of al-Islaam. Those who are supported by the Zionists stand with them in their oppression and defamation, and they have been influenced by them (Zionists) in some countries. In fact, ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah is the furthest removed from at-takfeer (declaring Muslims to be disbelievers), at-tabdee’ (unjustly declaring Muslims to be innovators), and at-tafseeq (declaring Muslims to be evil doers without proof); and it is the furthest removed from extremism and excess. On the other hand, that which is not from this blessed da’wah had attributed to it, by those who are not upon its methodology, that which stains its beauty, changes its reality, scares (people) away, and makes the people abstain from it.

The prominent reason for that is the presence of the current partisan Islamic groups of today which have been afflicted with the ideology of the Khawaarij. This is because some of the figure heads, leaders, and thinkers of these groups perhaps are in accord with the Salafee methodology in some aspects and perspectives.16 Rather, some of them speak in the name of Salafiyyah while they are in fact, not (Salafee). This makes the issue confusing to many people and conceals the reality from them because of the assumption (on their part) that these groups are indeed Salafee or upon the “Wahhaabist ideology,’ as some of those who claim ascription (to Salafiyyah) are pleased with. You would be amazed at those who term the hizbee groups as “Salafist Jihadist groups.” How could they be Salafist when they oppose it (Salafiyyah) in ‘aqeedah and manhaj? How could they be “Jihadist,” while the correct legislative meaning of jihaad is negated from these groups due to the absence of the fulfillment of the correct conditions for jihaad within these groups?! The (true) consideration is to be given to the realities and the meanings, not to terms and names. Therefore, it is obligatory that attention be drawn to the present confusion and deviation within the Islamic arena today. And it is a must that one enacts the purification of the true and correct Islam from the pristine sources of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in accordance with the understanding of the Salaf of this Ummah. Likewise, the defence of this religion and its presentation must be with an image that is befitting to it."

-Shaykh Abdus-Salaam As-Suhaymee, "Be Salafee Upon the Path"


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
Even the grand imam of mecca, Adil al-Kalbani admitted that majority of terrorist groups are founded on the salafi ideology. The salafi ideology is only popular because Saudi Arabia pumped billions and billions into it. Somalia and other weak countries were the biggest victims due to being wartorn. Majority of Somali sheikhs during and after the war were trained in Saudi Arabia for free. There is a famous saying, if something is free its because you are the product. Somalia will never get rid of extremist and terrorist unless it deals with the salafi virus.
You nor anyone else in this thread has made an argument as to why salafism as an ideaology is fundamentally contrary to Islam. "Cultural erasure" is not an argument

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Please formulate the reasons why you are for or against salafism, people in this thread just going off emotions. I want to see concrete discussion on this.
Kalbani is known to be some sort of deviant type. I've already read what he said and he's wrong.

anyways, yes, Salafiyyah is held in high prestige and so khawarij like to claim Salafiyyah so that they can convince people. regardless, they are not really following Salafiyyah. many of them have beards. does that mean people with beards are khawarij? anyways:

In these times, al-Islaam13 in general, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,14 and particularly ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah,15 are subjected to defamation, oppression, distortion, and alteration of its realities by some of the politicians and writers from the Western enemies of al-Islaam. Those who are supported by the Zionists stand with them in their oppression and defamation, and they have been influenced by them (Zionists) in some countries. In fact, ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah is the furthest removed from at-takfeer (declaring Muslims to be disbelievers), at-tabdee’ (unjustly declaring Muslims to be innovators), and at-tafseeq (declaring Muslims to be evil doers without proof); and it is the furthest removed from extremism and excess. On the other hand, that which is not from this blessed da’wah had attributed to it, by those who are not upon its methodology, that which stains its beauty, changes its reality, scares (people) away, and makes the people abstain from it.

The prominent reason for that is the presence of the current partisan Islamic groups of today which have been afflicted with the ideology of the Khawaarij. This is because some of the figure heads, leaders, and thinkers of these groups perhaps are in accord with the Salafee methodology in some aspects and perspectives.16 Rather, some of them speak in the name of Salafiyyah while they are in fact, not (Salafee). This makes the issue confusing to many people and conceals the reality from them because of the assumption (on their part) that these groups are indeed Salafee or upon the “Wahhaabist ideology,’ as some of those who claim ascription (to Salafiyyah) are pleased with. You would be amazed at those who term the hizbee groups as “Salafist Jihadist groups.” How could they be Salafist when they oppose it (Salafiyyah) in ‘aqeedah and manhaj? How could they be “Jihadist,” while the correct legislative meaning of jihaad is negated from these groups due to the absence of the fulfillment of the correct conditions for jihaad within these groups?! The (true) consideration is to be given to the realities and the meanings, not to terms and names. Therefore, it is obligatory that attention be drawn to the present confusion and deviation within the Islamic arena today. And it is a must that one enacts the purification of the true and correct Islam from the pristine sources of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in accordance with the understanding of the Salaf of this Ummah. Likewise, the defence of this religion and its presentation must be with an image that is befitting to it."

-Shaykh Abdus-Salaam As-Suhaymee, "Be Salafee Upon the Path"
The guy is an Imam of the Haram and was in an advertisement with music
Kalbani is known to be some sort of deviant type. I've already read what he said and he's wrong.

anyways, yes, Salafiyyah is held in high prestige and so khawarij like to claim Salafiyyah so that they can convince people. regardless, they are not really following Salafiyyah. many of them have beards. does that mean people with beards are khawarij? anyways:

In these times, al-Islaam13 in general, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,14 and particularly ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah,15 are subjected to defamation, oppression, distortion, and alteration of its realities by some of the politicians and writers from the Western enemies of al-Islaam. Those who are supported by the Zionists stand with them in their oppression and defamation, and they have been influenced by them (Zionists) in some countries. In fact, ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah is the furthest removed from at-takfeer (declaring Muslims to be disbelievers), at-tabdee’ (unjustly declaring Muslims to be innovators), and at-tafseeq (declaring Muslims to be evil doers without proof); and it is the furthest removed from extremism and excess. On the other hand, that which is not from this blessed da’wah had attributed to it, by those who are not upon its methodology, that which stains its beauty, changes its reality, scares (people) away, and makes the people abstain from it.

The prominent reason for that is the presence of the current partisan Islamic groups of today which have been afflicted with the ideology of the Khawaarij. This is because some of the figure heads, leaders, and thinkers of these groups perhaps are in accord with the Salafee methodology in some aspects and perspectives.16 Rather, some of them speak in the name of Salafiyyah while they are in fact, not (Salafee). This makes the issue confusing to many people and conceals the reality from them because of the assumption (on their part) that these groups are indeed Salafee or upon the “Wahhaabist ideology,’ as some of those who claim ascription (to Salafiyyah) are pleased with. You would be amazed at those who term the hizbee groups as “Salafist Jihadist groups.” How could they be Salafist when they oppose it (Salafiyyah) in ‘aqeedah and manhaj? How could they be “Jihadist,” while the correct legislative meaning of jihaad is negated from these groups due to the absence of the fulfillment of the correct conditions for jihaad within these groups?! The (true) consideration is to be given to the realities and the meanings, not to terms and names. Therefore, it is obligatory that attention be drawn to the present confusion and deviation within the Islamic arena today. And it is a must that one enacts the purification of the true and correct Islam from the pristine sources of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in accordance with the understanding of the Salaf of this Ummah. Likewise, the defence of this religion and its presentation must be with an image that is befitting to it."

-Shaykh Abdus-Salaam As-Suhaymee, "Be Salafee Upon the Path"
I will respond to you later, but for now I want to respond to your statement that Adel al Kalbani is a deviant. Kalbani was elected to the highest seat in all of Islam by salafis and you call him a deviant on what grounds. He was the Imam of Mecca. Who are you to say he is a deviant and does not represent the salafi school of thoughts. That is like a Catholic saying the pope does not speak for Catholicism. Although he is a salafi, I respect him for his honesty and admitting what is obvious to everyone.


Omar del Sur

The guy is an Imam of the Haram and was in an advertisement with music

it's unfortunate... it's sad he went the wrong way but even if he was the imam there it doesn't him any less mistaken... hopefully the authorities will be careful so an embarrassment like that doesn't happen again

Omar del Sur

I will respond to you later, but for now I want to respond to your statement that Adel al Kalbani is a deviant. Kalbani was elected to the highest seat in all of Islam by salafis and you call him a deviant on what grounds. He was the Imam of Mecca. Who are you to say he is a deviant and does not represent the salafi school of thoughts. That is like a Catholic saying the pope does not speak for Catholicism.

ummmm I know a lot of Salafis and I don't know any Salafi who thinks Kalbani is the pope. if anyone would be the "Salafi pope" it would be Sheikh Fawzan.

Omar del Sur

also if we say Islam or Salafiyyah is now like Catholicism and there's a pope and whoever serves as imam as Mecca is the pope... @Dhere why would you treat Kalbani as pope and reject the "papacy" of the other imams there? there are plenty of others who have served as imam there who have completely different views than Kalbani...

and I think it is funny to talk of "pope" like this but of course there is no pope in Islam. actually, I think the closest thing would be the caliph

Garaad diinle

 
Each argument they bring is refuted 🥱 it's clear Salafia is the correct sect.
If one truly disagrees with a madhab purely biased on views and qowel of scholars you'd think they would present you with some rational arguments but all we're hearing here is emotional responses with no arguments what so ever.
also if we say Islam or Salafiyyah is now like Catholicism and there's a pope and whoever serves as imam as Mecca is the pope... @Dhere why would you treat Kalbani as pope and reject the "papacy" of the other imams there? there are plenty of others who have served as imam there who have completely different views than Kalbani...

and I think it is funny to talk of "pope" like this but of course there is no pope in Islam. actually, I think the closest thing would be the caliph
The fact they bring the most irrational of arguments, mean while we bring sahih hadith to refute them and historical evidences, have they even read the books of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab? He was preaching Tawheed in a society filled with shirk, which is why he produced books such as Kitab At Tawheed and many others, to protect the Muslim Ummah from ever falling and being misguided like they were in the past and for new muslims to fully understand what it is and never go astray.
If one truly disagrees with a madhab purely biased on views and qowel of scholars you'd think they would present some rational arguments but all we're hearing here is emotional responses with no arguments what so ever.
Exactly, the Imams were all great but some of them were more accurate on specific rulings, if one sees that an Imam is more accurate then they must follow his ruling, however if they are a laymen and are incapable of consistently searching for accurate rulings, then they are permitted to strictly follow their madhab. This is all simple and makes sense, but many of these people are just ignorant. Salafia aims for full accuracy when following Islam as the Prophet SAW told us to follow it.
Please formulate the reasons why you are for or against salafism, people in this thread just going off emotions. I want to see concrete discussion on this.
This is a lengthy topic and cannot be summed up in a post. The main reason is that its based on takfir. Wahhabism was a movement against the Ottoman empire, they made takfir on millions of muslims which made their blood halal to spill. They also made takfir on many scholars of the past. They have an extreme interetation of the Quran and reject anything else. In the past, Islam accepted differences. Example being the different schools of thought we have which were all respected. But majaority of salafis reject differences, it can only be their way.

This is why mainstream sunni scholars including Egypt Al-Azhar views salafism as a deviant sect and not part of mainstream sunnism.


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