Salafi Community Continues To Grow In The UK

Omar del Sur

The fact they bring the most irrational of arguments, mean while we bring sahih hadith to refute them and historical evidences, have they even read the books of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab? He was preaching Tawheed in a society filled with shirk, which is why he produced books such as Kitab At Tawheed and many others, to protect the Muslim Ummah from ever falling and being misguided like there were in the past and for new muslims to fully understand what it is and never go astray.

there is just no comparison. when you study the words of the Salafi scholars- it's extremely scholarly and a lot of times they're just directly quoting from Quran and hadith.

you look at the anti-Salafi crowd and their arguments are terrible... "look what some gulf royal is up to!" like we're supposed to be focused on celebrity gossip... or even sometimes they will just straight up appeal to extreme racism against Arabs... or talk about Saudi history while ignoring that Saudis never invented Salafiyyah... you just go through their arguments and one by one they never stand up to scrutiny


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I am glad this forum woke up to the Najdi Salafi cult that was exported too UK by Ahu Khadeejah. Did you know they a Halimo married an Abu Tyrone who raped her son! It was a travesty!
The fact they bring the most irrational of arguments, mean while we bring sahih hadith to refute them and historical evidences, have they even read the books of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab? He was preaching Tawheed in a society filled with shirk, which is why he produced books such as Kitab At Tawheed and many others, to protect the Muslim Ummah from ever falling and being misguided like they were in the past and for new muslims to fully understand what it is and never go astray.
Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahab was also killing muslims who did not accept his view. He made mass takfir on numerous muslim towns. Do you deny this fact?
This is a lengthy topic and cannot be summed up in a post. The main reason is that its based on takfir. Wahhabism was a movement against the Ottoman empire, they made takfir on millions of muslims which made their blood halal to spill. They also made takfir on many scholars of the past. They have an extreme interetation of the Quran and reject anything else. In the past, Islam accepted differences. Example being the different schools of thought we have which were all respected. But majaority of salafis reject differences, it can only be their way.

This is why mainstream sunni scholars including Egypt Al-Azhar views salafism as a deviant sect and not part of mainstream sunnism.
The Ottamans were said to have committed grave worship and also there is no extreme itteration of the Quran. Salafis follow the Athari creed which is the most accurate and is backed up by Sahih Hadith, these sects which Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab was fighting were committing grave sins such as innovations and clear shirk, the Prophet SAW said he who does an innovation is not one of us, Salafia teaches people to follow the most authentic opinion when it comes to matters of Fiqh and are never extreme on it. If an individual is incapable of finding the most authentic opinions he can follow his madhab.

Omar del Sur

Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahab was also killing muslims who did not accept his view. He made mass takfir on numerous muslim towns. Do you deny this fact?

even if Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab ate babies and worshipped Hindu deities it would make zero difference as to whether Salafiyyah is true or not because Salafiyyah existed way before Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab

that being said, I don't believe these sufi folk tales of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab being this cartoon villain character... they can't actually refute his books so they resort to these mythological stories of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab takfkring the entire world
The salafi ideology is only pushing people away from the real Islam. They are being exterminated in the muslim world. We need to keep an eye out for when they try to reconvene and form another terrorist group
I've never seen copium so hard denying Al Shabab & ISIS are Wahhabists. Didn't your founder Mohamed Al Wahab mass kill Shias? ISIS did that. Didn't your founder mass takfir Sufis? Al Shabab did that but now ISIS & AS are khawarji cause y'all don't want the negative clout of literal terrorists groups being associated with your cute ideology :russ: man up niggas & admit the truth! You wouldn't mind praying in the same musjid as a ISIS militant who has 500 bodies on his name with 496 of them not being consensual. :drakekidding:
The salafi ideology is only pushing people away from the real Islam. They are being exterminated in the muslim world. We need to keep an eye out for when they try to reconvene and form another terrorist group
"Real Islam" kulaha when Salafis follow the most accurate form :drakelaugh:
"Real Islam" kulaha when Salafis follow the most accurate form :drakelaugh:
You are a terrorist and there's only one cure


Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahab was also killing muslims who did not accept his view. He made mass takfir on numerous muslim towns. Do you deny this fact?
He believed that it was jihad against non-Muslims, for example he declared his own brother Sulayman to be non-Muslim, who was an Athari Hanbali scholar. Sulayman was the chief Judge/Qadi of the town Huraimilah in Saudi Arabia, but because they opposed MiAW khawarij takfir ideology, he said that the entire town became non-Muslim.

That’s why today when you see Al Shabab killing and attacking Hawadle, they believe that the entire clan became apostates for opposing them. This ideology came from MIAW and Salafism.
Wallahi o Billahi if this doesn't show you the legitimate concerning problem with Salafis I don't know what will, this guy is making a serious claim that I hate Islam from a mere image, when I've been showing again and again that these Salafis sick interpretation of hadith and aggression towards other Muslims is the rot infesting our Ummah, no wonder Somalia is overrun by these Al-Shabab filth, SubXan'Allah.
You think there is nothing wrong with showing an indecent image of 2 men commiting homosexuality, not only that, you actually find it funny, this is the exact opposite of the way a Muslim acts, in fact even if a average Muslim sins he will be too embarrassed to expose it, but you have no shame so you are not even embarrassed to show a filthy image.
The reason I said you hatte Islam, is because you hate the fact I think there is something wrong with you posting that, you hate the Islamic ruling of modesty, and you made fun of me for calling you out on it.

Qurrah ibn Iyas reported: We were with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, when modesty was mentioned to him. They said, “O Messenger of Allah, is modesty part of the religion?” The Prophet said, “Rather, it is the entire religion.” Then, the Prophet said, “Verily, modesty, abstinence, reticence of the tongue but not the heart, and deeds are all part of faith. They bring gain in the Hereafter and loss in the world: what is gained in the Hereafter is much greater than what is missed in the world.

Source: al-Sunan al-Kubrá 20808

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
The Ottamans were said to have committed grave worship and also there is no extreme itteration of the Quran. Salafis follow the Athari creed which is the most accurate and is backed up by Sahih Hadith, these sects which Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab was fighting were committing grave sins such as innovations and clear shirk, the Prophet SAW said he who does an innovation is not one of us, Salafia teaches people to follow the most authentic opinion when it comes to matters of Fiqh and are never extreme on it. If an individual is incapable of finding the most authentic opinions he can follow his madhab.
Millions of muslims lived under the Ottomans, it is wrong to make mass takfir on muslims for an act that very few did. You justify mass takfir on muslims and expect people to believe you when you say salafism has nothing to do with modern terrorists.
Millions of muslims lived under the Ottomans, it is wrong to make mass takfir on muslims for an act that very few did. You justify mass takfir on muslims and expect people to believe you when you say salafism has nothing to do with modern terrorists.
Never said they committed it and when I said "Ottamans" I meant the few leaders which were said to have committed it. That's why I said "I heard"


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