Saudi Arabia has invested in 12.7 billion refinery in Djibouti


Good investment between muslim Brothers. I encourage more partnership in the future. Djibouti could play a vital role in protecting big brother Saudi arabia interest in the horn of Africa in particular and the whole of africa in general. Time for arabs to stop being white men pawn and wasting their precious time and energy in seducing the west which will never see them as equal. Saudi should fellow Turkey leadership in Somalia after the EU humiliated the muslim turks in never accepting them into EU.

SAUDI ARABIA should be smart and fellow turkey china model in forging relationship while ataining win win situation for both partners. The west is in decline and impossible to reverse even with force. Because people are tired of them stealing and cheating resources while contributing nothing in return. Saudis been using dollars for ages in their petroleum sales and what did they gain in return? Absolut nothing what a joke of a deal. The day Saudi respects itself it will gain leadership in billions of muslims worlwide.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran and all other muslim superpowers like Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan need to ditch their white color obsession and start focusing on investing in their fellow muslim countries.

Brown and black collaboration is the future. Turkey already leading with biggest military base outside turkey being in Somalia where they train muslim somali soldiers in their thousands every phase.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Good investment between muslim Brothers. I encourage more partnership in the future. Djibouti could play a vital role in protecting big brother Saudi arabia interest in the horn of Africa in particular and the whole of africa in general. Time for arabs to stop being white men pawn and wasting their precious time and energy in seducing the west which will never see them as equal. Saudi should fellow Turkey leadership in Somalia after the EU humiliated the muslim turks in never acepting them into EU.

SAUDI ARABIA should be smart and fellow turkey china model in forging relationship while ataining win win situation for both partners. The west is in decline and impossible to reverse even with force. Because people are tired of them stealing and cheating resources while contributing nothing in return. Saudis been using dollars for ages in their petroleum sales and what did they gain in return? Absolut nothing what a joke of a deal. The day Saudi respects itself it will gain leadership in billions of muslims worlwidwe.
The saudi government was made by the west after the world war 1 it was established September 23 1932 after the British empire help Saudi family to conquer other arab rival in the Arabian peninsula😂 the Saudi royal family was always protected by thier big brother the west🙏🏽🇺🇸
Saudi Aramco's origins trace to the oil shortages of World War I and the exclusion of American companies from Mesopotamia by the United Kingdom and France under the San Remo Petroleum Agreement of 1920.[16] The US administration had popular support for an "Open Door policy", which Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce, initiated in 1921. Standard Oil of California (SoCal) was among those US companies seeking new sources of oil from abroad.[17]
The Saudi Arabian government granted a concession to SoCal in preference to a rival bid from the Iraq Petroleum Company.[18] The concession allowed SoCal to explore for oil in Saudi Arabia. SoCal assigned this concession to a wholly owned subsidiary, California-Arabian Standard Oil (CASOC). In 1936, with the company having had no success at locating oil, the Texas Company (Texaco) purchased a 50% stake of the concession.[19] After four years of fruitless exploration, the first success came with the seventh drill site in Dhahran in 1938, a well referred to as Dammam No. 7.[20] This well immediately produced over 1,500 barrels per day (240 m3/d), giving the company confidence to continue. On 31 January 1944, the company name was changed from California-Arabian Standard Oil Co. to Arabian American Oil Co. (or Aramco).[21] In 1948, Standard Oil of New Jersey (later known as Exxon) purchased 30% and Socony Vacuum (later Mobil) purchased 10% of the company, with SoCal and Texaco retaining 30% each.[22] The newcomers were also shareholders in the Iraq Petroleum Co. and had to get the restrictions of the Red Line Agreement lifted in order to be free to enter into this arrangement.[23]


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Good investment between muslim Brothers. I encourage more partnership in the future. Djibouti could play a vital role in protecting big brother Saudi arabia interest in the horn of Africa in particular and the whole of africa in general. Time for arabs to stop being white men pawn and wasting their precious time and energy in seducing the west which will never see them as equal. Saudi should fellow Turkey leadership in Somalia after the EU humiliated the muslim turks in never accepting them into EU.

SAUDI ARABIA should be smart and fellow turkey china model in forging relationship while ataining win win situation for both partners. The west is in decline and impossible to reverse even with force. Because people are tired of them stealing and cheating resources while contributing nothing in return. Saudis been using dollars for ages in their petroleum sales and what did they gain in return? Absolut nothing what a joke of a deal. The day Saudi respects itself it will gain leadership in billions of muslims worlwide.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran and all other muslim superpowers like Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan need to ditch their white color obsession and start focusing on investing in their fellow muslim countries.

Brown and black collaboration is the future. Turkey already leading with biggest military base outside turkey being in Somalia where they train muslim somali soldiers in their thousands every phase.
You see them us your muslim brothers but they see you us aswad ibnu aswad bidhe bidhe dhaley 😂 how is the west declined when they have half the world most fertile land.. North America,Australia and Western Europe is under their rule 🙏🏽🇺🇸 the west will rule the world indefinitely


You see them us your muslim brothers but they see you us aswad ibnu aswad bidhe bidhe dhaley 😂 how is the west declined when they have half the world most fertile land.. North America,Australia and Western Europe is under their rule 🙏🏽🇺🇸 the west will rule the world indefinitely
The west is in decline. Writings on the wall. They lost GODs favor because of their unfair actions on earth. Including abusing the weak, the poor, the needy even abusing widows and stealing orphans wealth. Look at their actions in GAZA, throw them out in the ocean Pharoah style WTF. Ukraine war hypocrisy exposed their true face and their masks are now off.

From 2021 and onwards there is rapid decline in all kinds of category. You do not cross the red lines and anger the almighty. The west is unraveling at rapid pace forcing China to take the crown sooner than expected.

The west although much hated was led by Christians and jews collaboration called zionism. They believe in GOD and have led mankind in the last centuries. We might witness the first time power shifting from monotheism and back to pagan China unless Islam saves the day and tame the arrogant jews and Christians.
The west is decline. Writings on the wall. They lost GODs favor because of their unfair actions on earth. Including abusing the weak, the poor, the needy even abusing widows and stealing orphans wealth. From 2021 and onwards there is rapid decline in all kinds of category. You do not cross the red lines and anger the almighty. The west is unraveling at rapid pace forcing China to take the crown sooner than expected.
@Libaax-Joore loves his 🇺🇸 :lolbron:


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
The west is decline. Writings on the wall. They lost GODs favor because of their unfair actions on earth. Including abusing the weak, the poor, the needy even abusing widows and stealing orphans wealth. From 2021 and onwards there is rapid decline in all kinds of category. You do not cross the red lines and anger the almighty. The west is unraveling at rapid pace forcing China to take the crown sooner than expected.
The west is here to stay boowe😂 China 🇨🇳 is nothing without the west 😂
Look at the word gdp 2024 if u add the western countries market value it will be over 100 trillion, usa 🇺🇸 only is 29 trillion Alhamdulilah am grateful to be usa 🇺🇸 citizen @Hilmaam


The west is in decline. Writings on the wall. They lost GODs favor because of their unfair actions on earth. Including abusing the weak, the poor, the needy even abusing widows and stealing orphans wealth. From 2021 and onwards there is rapid decline in all kinds of category. You do not cross the red lines and anger the almighty. The west is unraveling at rapid pace forcing China to take the crown sooner than expected.

The west although much hated was led by Christians and jews collaboration called zionism. They believe in GOD and have led mankind in the last centuries. We might witness the first time power shifting from monotheism and back to pagan China unless Islam saves the day and tame the arrogant jews and Christians.
Chinese atheist and rest worship ancestors they way worse than cadaan even eat bats and balaayo to cause pandemics . American one nation under god it’s still very Christian especially on right



The west is here to stay boowe😂 China 🇨🇳 is nothing without the west 😂
Look at the word gdp 2024 if u add the western countries market value it will be over 100 trillion, usa 🇺🇸 only is 29 trillion Alhamdulilah am grateful to be usa 🇺🇸 citizen @Hilmaam
View attachment 332712
America leading way all the biggest invention in health energy science tech all come from America. All the most inventive companies here. The best land water and farm land everywhere. Free to do whatever we want. Even Chinese rich flock to America to have their kids here and for their schooling


The west is here to stay boowe😂 China 🇨🇳 is nothing without the west 😂
Look at the word gdp 2024 if u add the western countries market value it will be over 100 trillion, usa 🇺🇸 only is 29 trillion Alhamdulilah am grateful to be usa 🇺🇸 citizen @Hilmaam
View attachment 332712
Give 10 more years and we will be looking at a whole different data. They Chinese are billions and half population inhabitans. What they produce in years took USA decades to reach that level. Things are moving at a faster speed unseen in human history. This coming 10 years from 2024 to 2034 is the make or break of China. If China survives the coming decade. Trust me it has won. No stopping it. By then they have surpassed uncle Sam in both economy GDP and military spendings. Uncle sam is slow to catch up and is bogged down with wars by men in sandals lol.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Chinese atheist and rest worship ancestors they way worse than cadaan even eat bats and balaayo to cause pandemics . American one nation under god it’s still very Christian especially on right
Ninkan @angelplan is day dreaming 😂 he forgot this world is whiteman world 😂 arab,negros and Asian they are civil servants of European white 😂 @angelplan if u hate the white Anglo-Saxon why do u speak thier language English 😂


Even China’s reer baadiyo is better than New York :deadmanny:

It’s about quality of life. America it’s free good paying jobs good schools. China you have no freedoms they work you like dog to make iPhones. Bad pollution. Nobody dreams of moving to China but the west like America Europe and Australia
It’s about quality of life. America it’s free good paying jobs good schools. China you have no freedoms they work you like dog to make iPhones. Bad pollution. Nobody dreams of moving to China but the west like America Europe and Australia
Chinese quality of life is far better. Compare New York subway where a junky is more likely to rub you compared to this :drakelaugh:



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
It’s about quality of life. America it’s free good paying jobs good schools. China you have no freedoms they work you like dog to make iPhones. Bad pollution. Nobody dreams of moving to China but the west like America Europe and Australia
Even Chinese migrants are jumping over the border wall at the Mexican border 😂 @Step a side how came nobody is migrating to China 🇨🇳 but people will risk thier life to live in western countries…..
They should of put this into somaliland we have proven reserves. We would take it out refine it and ship it out of berbera or sell it to Ethiopia.

