Saving the Somali people

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Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

Sxb, I think you need to take a break from the internet. Also stop spending time at /pol/ and stop copypasta white supremacists myths. Somalis aren't going to disappear, bantus aren't going to take over and you need to take your meds my friend.

Sxb, I think you need to take a break from the internet. Also stop spending time at /pol/ and stop copypasta white supremacists myths. Somalis aren't going to disappear, bantus aren't going to take over and you need to take your meds my friend.
Wallahi I wish I was ignorant of this, but once you know something you can't unlearn it sxb.


Pepe Trump
Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.

The level of racism in that post would make Hitler proud!

Also, sorry to smack you with the hammer of truth my friend but we're all equally apes.

I don't understand how in the light of science, you lot could hold such backward and genocidal views. , there is no such thing as a 'Somali race'. Somali is an ethnicity NOT a race!
The level of racism in that post would make Hitler proud!

Also, sorry to smack you with the hammer of truth my friend but we're all equally apes.

I don't understand how in the light of science, you lot could such backward and genocidal views. , there is no such thing as a 'Somali race'. Somali is an ethnicity NOT a race!
Think of as less evolved subhumans, then it should make sense
I wrote race coz I can't be fkd writing ethnicity all the time tbh


Pepe Trump
Think of as less evolved subhumans, then it should make sense
I wrote race coz I can't be fkd writing ethnicity all the time tbh

Unless you can provide evidence to back up claims that '' (which you've made clear meant Bantus) are less evolved, you're talking straight out of your bumhole.

Humans evolved from southeast Africa and the oldest people in the world are Khoisan people. They're not Bantus but from your racist lenses, the differences are very minimal.

You're so shortsighted.


Pepe Trump
Somalia is a nation where a specific minority gets bullied for being in a nation that they never chose to be in. They were raped and murdered during the civil war by the larger and more powerful clans.

If white people wanted to do the same with you because they thought you were racially inferior, is that fine?
Somalia is a nation where a specific minority gets bullied for being in a nation that they never chose to be in. They were raped and murdered during the civil war by the larger and more powerful clans.

If white people wanted to do the same with you because they thought you were racially inferior, is that fine?
The past is the past, they're raping our women and slaying us, when will we smell the coffee?


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.

:whoa::whoa::whoa::whoa::whoa: you need to relax sxb
Fosters and the Australian sun has fried your brain sxb. Right now the biggest threat to the Somali people are other Somali people

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.
You're an infant on this forum.
So, hold on your horns.


Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, .

I can absolutely assure you with certainty that it is not.:russ:
No sane somali intact with their culture would ever give their daughter's hand in marriage to a gaal.
Duriyada sheikh bantu would get VIP treatment compared to you.:birdman:
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