Saving the Somali people

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
If the world finally goes apeshit, who's gonna be your ally if white people and Asians carve up Africa and colonise it? Think about that. You hate Bantus, you hate Oromos, you don't like anyone and not even Somalis. Who's gonna help you in your hour of non African genocide?
This. Also, you mentioned they out-number us by huge numbers on the continent. Well what do you think will happen when we start displacing them and killing the ones who don't leave? These other African countries are gonna come and f*ck our shit up in a big way. You think Amisom is bad? It's child's play compared to what will happen.

Look at Rwanda. The Hutu tried to do the same thing to the Tutsi. Massacre them and drive them out. Now Rwanda is ruled by the Tutsi. Same thing will happen to us. Not only is what these people are proposing completely wrong and against human dignity, it could completely backfire. It better to leave them alone and let them live their lives. You wanna stop them from out-numbering us in Somalia, how about we stop killing each other due to qabylad, and start building our country. Form families and have lots of children.

Some of you people need to get over whatever it is you have against wide noses and kinky hair. It's a sickness.


If the world finally goes apeshit, who's gonna be your ally if white people and Asians carve up Africa and colonise it? Think about that. You hate Bantus, you hate Oromos, you don't like anyone and not even Somalis. Who's gonna help you in your hour of non African genocide?
If whites decided to take Somalia these bantu states would happily help them in that regard. Dont forget NFD and Somali galbeed once were in our hands while these so called african brothers were taking our land with the help of europeans. This so called african unity is nothing but delusion. Its nonexistent.
But I have positive view on somali bantu though. They are very nationalistic people.
If the world finally goes apeshit, who's gonna be your ally if white people and Asians carve up Africa and colonise it? Think about that. You hate Bantus, you hate Oromos, you don't like anyone and not even Somalis. Who's gonna help you in your hour of non African genocide?

Allah with us and that is more than enough, during Adal And Ajuran sultanates we had the Turkish as ally. During dervish wars turkey and Germany opened embassies in Taleex and supplied us with weapons. Oromo and Bantu had never stood beside us. Even in 1994 during American invasion no body had helped us. Somalia always had Allah beside her. Have a faith in Allah.
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This. Also, you mentioned they out-number us by huge numbers on the continent. Well what do you think will happen when we start displacing them and killing the ones who don't leave? These other African countries are gonna come and f*ck our shit up in a big way. You think Amisom is bad? It's child's play compared to what will happen.

Look at Rwanda. The Hutu tried to do the same thing to the Tutsi. Massacre them and drive them out. Now Rwanda is ruled by the Tutsi. Same thing will happen to us. Not only is what these people are proposing completely wrong and against human dignity, it could completely backfire. It better to leave them alone and let them live their lives. You wanna stop them from out-numbering us in Somalia, how about we stop killing each other due to qabylad, and start building our country. Form families and have lots of children.

Some of you people need to get over whatever it is you have against wide noses and kinky hair. It's a sickness.

It only about wide noses and kinky hair and most Somali Bantu look Masai/Somali so I don't know where they get that idea from, it's down to a tiny hair type variation. They speak Somali, cook Somali, dress Somali, act Somali I mean why are they losing their shit over hair?

Yes we'd have to leave the African Union and that's the only ally base Africans have so why screw ourselves over like that even to deport them?

I totally agree, we need to focus on our community differently, constructively.
If whites decided to take Somalia these bantu states would happily help them in that regard. Dont forget NFD and Somali galbeed once were in our hands while these so called african brothers were taking our land with the help of europeans. This so called african unity is nothing but delusion. Its nonexistent.
But I have positive view on somali bantu though. They are very nationalistic people.

Yeah but not all are stupid, they know they're next if they do that. That's how we all got colonised in the very place. The unity os that we have shared interests and colonial history, not love.
Allah with us and that is more than enough, during Adal And Ajuran sultanates we had the Turkish as ally. During dervish wars turkey and Germany opened embassies in Tale and supplied us with weapons. Oromo and Bantu had never stood beside us. Even in 1994 during American invasion no body had helped us. Somalia always had Allah beside her. Have a faith in Allah.

Amiin and that's true. Allah is over all things capable.
If whites decided to take Somalia these bantu states would happily help them in that regard. Dont forget NFD and Somali galbeed once were in our hands while these so called african brothers were taking our land with the help of europeans. This so called african unity is nothing but delusion. Its nonexistent.
But I have positive view on somali bantu though. They are very nationalistic people.
Nope they are not nationalistic at all, majority of foot soldiers to al shabab are Bantu plus they hide the Tanzania and Kenya Bantu that joined al shabab. Also they confessed several times that they enjoyed killing Somalis(reasons for enjoying al shabab) they are just opportunists who are waiting for right time and moment.


Yeah but not all are stupid, they know they're next if they do that. That's how we all got colonised in the very place. The unity os that we have shared interests and colonial history, not love.
There is no shared interest. What are you talking about? Every nation has its own interest and having colonial history means nothing.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There is no shared interest. What are you talking about? Every nation has its own interest and having colonial history means nothing.

I doubt it means nothing. It just doesn't mean something tangible in terms of solidarity if we all get simultaneously fucked by white people.

When interests are mutual and conditions are similar, a lot of funny things can happen.


Nope they are not nationalistic at all, majority of foot soldiers to al shabab are Bantu plus they hide the Tanzania and Kenya Bantu that joined al shabab. Also they confessed several times that they enjoyed killing Somalis(reasons for enjoying al shabab) they are just opportunists who are waiting for right time and moment.
I think there might be somali bantu that hold grudges against somalis but overall majority of them are patriotic people. They wouldnt be able to live in peace in Somalia if they were that troublesome or hateful of somalis. Many joins alshabab and of different reason.
Shared interest !!!!! This is picture of Somalis protesting for handling NFD to Kenya and you can see how the Kenyans soldiers are beating them with sticks. These Bantu tribes sold their own people to the white people during the slave trade. Right now country like Zimbabwe is struggling and suffering because of land redistribution policy and there is not single African country beside them.


I doubt it means nothing. It just doesn't mean something tangible in terms of solidarity if we all get simultaneously fucked by white people.

When interests are mutual and conditions are similar, a lot of funny things can happen.
What I meant was in that context and I gave a example of how the brittsh colonized Kenya and went further to Somalia. You would think reading these pages that all the kenyans tribes would fight to stop brittish expansion towards Somalia out of solidarity but thats not reality. People are entitled to their own delusions,.
Islamically we do not have to accapt those who are a threat to us. Remember Islam says to fight those who fight you first for your religion and land and that includes Muslims who fight us. In this case who want to fight us for what is rightfully ours. There is no sin in defending yourself in Islam.

Threatening??? They aren't a threat you're just making up stuff to justify your bigotry.

By that logic they have every right to fight back. They are the ones actively facing discrimination and deportation, they should attack :camby:
Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.

Majority of us Xaalimos love our somali men, is a small minority who go outside of the race. But really a lot more somali men spread their seed than the woman.

Agreed the Bantu need to be expelled out of Somalia ASAP!


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Right, let's build a Large Hadron Collider to teleport the Bantus out.

Somalia unuka leh :kendrickcry:
Why can't you just be a Somali Nationalist who loves his country, instead of resorting to being racist against Bantus? People on this site accuse me of being a racist, yet nothing I've ever said has come close to what's being said on this thread. Somalis have been going through a civil war for 25 years, with clan militias killing pregnant Somali women who hail from a different clan. I don't think we're in a position to look down on anyone.
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