Saving the Somali people

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Some of Their wombs have become baby factory's for men of different races, Good riddance I say, when the going gets tough the tough get going, turncoats.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
why are we acting like Somali dudes don't chase foreign booty in equal spades doe?

i mean the thought process is prolly different, but the numbers ain't :drakekidding:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Delusional people itt.

I've said it over and over again, the Bantu problem in Somalia will end in only one of two ways. We either become a minority in our own country by the end of the century, or we find an amicable solution that works for both sides e.g. repatriation back to Southeast Africa.

The stark reality is that the Bantus simply have too many goddamn children. A population increase of 1150% in a quarter century or so is simply unsustainable. History has proven time and time again that the Bantus are the greatest conquerors in Africa, displacing and exterminating entire races since they began their bloody march from Cameroon two thousand years ago.

We cannot allow ourselves to become their latest victims. We must do everything in our power to halt the Bantu expansion, whatever the cost.


Delusional people itt.

I've said it over and over again, the Bantu problem in Somalia will end in only one of two ways. We either become a minority in our own country by the end of the century, or we find an amicable solution that works for both sides e.g. repatriation back to Southeast Africa.

The stark reality is that the Bantus simply have too many goddamn children. A population increase of 1150% in a quarter century or so is simply unsustainable. History has proven time and time again that the Bantus are the greatest conquerors in Africa, displacing and exterminating entire races since they began their bloody march from Cameroon two thousand years ago.

We cannot allow ourselves to become their latest victims. We must do everything in our power to halt the Bantu expansion, whatever the cost.

i think trump might have a position for you :chrisfreshhah:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
i think trump might have a position for you :chrisfreshhah:

If White Americans want to ensure their country does not end up looking like Brazil, the only logical choice is Trump.

To use @Amun's term, I'm strategically liberal only because it suits me. I have no intention of letting the homeland go the way of Sweden.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Americans will absolutely be like brazil and they have their ancestors to thank. "ethnic" America was only white for a tiny amount of time before they literally brought black people into the gene pool voluntarily.

Will always lol at white American nationalists. f*ck were you and your inbred ancestors thinking was gonna happen? :pacspit:


Delusional people itt.

I've said it over and over again, the Bantu problem in Somalia will end in only one of two ways. We either become a minority in our own country by the end of the century, or we find an amicable solution that works for both sides e.g. repatriation back to Southeast Africa.

The stark reality is that the Bantus simply have too many goddamn children. A population increase of 1150% in a quarter century or so is simply unsustainable. History has proven time and time again that the Bantus are the greatest conquerors in Africa, displacing and exterminating entire races since they began their bloody march from Cameroon two thousand years ago.

We cannot allow ourselves to become their latest victims. We must do everything in our power to halt the Bantu expansion, whatever the cost.

Maybe if we were a unified people. But what is the amicable solution?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Maybe if we were a unified people. But what is the amicable solution?

White Americans have literally no right to complain :dead1: They're the type of immigrants racists cry them self to sleep over.

Genocide, Land grabbing, subjugating minorities :mjlol:
It's only fair that America turn into Brazil :pachah1: brown like it was originally!


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
White Americans have literally no right to complain :dead1: They're the type of immigrants racists cry them self to sleep over.

Genocide, Land grabbing, subjugating minorities :mjlol:
It's only fair that America turn into Brazil :pachah1: brown like it was originally!

The greatest irony is North America, or at least the U.S., will go back to being primarily Amerindian country soon enough.


Somewhere, Sitting Bull and Montezuma are laughing their asses off



Delusional people itt.

I've said it over and over again, the Bantu problem in Somalia will end in only one of two ways. We either become a minority in our own country by the end of the century, or we find an amicable solution that works for both sides e.g. repatriation back to Southeast Africa.

The stark reality is that the Bantus simply have too many goddamn children. A population increase of 1150% in a quarter century or so is simply unsustainable. History has proven time and time again that the Bantus are the greatest conquerors in Africa, displacing and exterminating entire races since they began their bloody march from Cameroon two thousand years ago.

We cannot allow ourselves to become their latest victims. We must do everything in our power to halt the Bantu expansion, whatever the cost.
Dee saa dhehh sxb :mjlaugh:
Im not for all this "im superior" / genocide them all bs but certainly the least we can do is acknowledge the threat and work our way on from there.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Either way love for all humanity and we need to stop being racistu

Sept warriors fans of course

They can get nose cancer for all the I care
Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.
Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.

Don't wake them up and leave them to their beautiful blue pill world !!!!
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